
88 lines
4.3 KiB

"time.week": " week ",
"time.weekPlural": " weeks ",
"time.day": " day ",
"time.dayPlural": " days ",
"time.hour": " hour ",
"time.hourPlural": " hours ",
"time.minute": " minute ",
"time.minutePlural": " minutes ",
"time.second": " second ",
"time.secondPlural": " seconds ",
"command.about.usage": "",
"command.about.desc": "About the bot",
"command.cb.usage": " <command>",
"command.cb.desc": "Run a command in a command block",
"command.cloop.usage": " add <rate> <command>|| remove <index>|| list|| clear",
"command.cloop.desc": "Manage command loops",
"command.eval.usage": " <code>",
"command.eval.desc": "Run JavaScript code",
"command.help.usage": " [cmd]",
"command.help.desc": "Shows command help",
"command.logoff.usage": "",
"command.logoff.desc": "Disconnect and reconnect the bot from a server",
"command.netmsg.usage": " <message>",
"command.netmsg.desc": "Send a message to all servers the bot is connected to",
"command.refill.usage": "",
"command.refill.desc": "Refill core",
"command.say.usage": " <message>",
"command.say.desc": "Sends a message to chat",
"command.serverinfo.usage": "",
"command.serverinfo.desc": "Get system/bot info",
"command.stop.usage": "",
"command.stop.desc": "Restart bot",
"command.template.usage": " <required> [optional]",
"command.template.desc": "Does nothing",
"command.tpr.desc": "Teleport to a random location",
"command.tpr.usage": "",
"command.verify.usage": " [args...]",
"command.verify.desc": "Check the hashing system",
"command.about.author": "%s - a Minecraft bot made by %s for Kaboom and clones",
"command.about.version": "Version %s",
"command.about.preRelease": "This is prerelease software - there may be errors, and features may be changed or removed at any time.",
"command.about.sourceCode": "Source code: %s",
"command.about.sourceCode.openInBrowser": "Click to open the source code link in your default browser",
"command.about.serverinfo": "To view system information, run the command %s.",
"command.cloop.error.tooShort": "Command loops must have a rate above 20ms.",
"command.cloop.error.subcommand": "Unknown subcommand, please do %s",
"command.cloop.success.add": "Added command loop with command %s and rate %s",
"command.cloop.success.remove": "Removed command loop %s",
"command.cloop.success.clear": "Cleared all command loops",
"command.cloop.list": "%s: Command: %s Rate: %s",
"command.help.cmdList": "Commands:",
"command.help.commandInfo": "%s%s - %s",
"command.help.commandUsage": "Usage - %s%s",
"command.help.commandDesc": "Description - %s",
"command.help.commandPerms": "Required permissions - %s",
"command.help.permsNormal": "Normal",
"command.help.permsTrusted": "Trusted",
"command.help.permsOwner": "Owner",
"command.help.permsConsole": "Console",
"command.help.noCommand": "Command does not exist",
"command.serverinfo.os.android": "Android",
"command.serverinfo.os.freebsd": "FreeBSD",
"command.serverinfo.os.linux": "Linux %s",
"command.serverinfo.os.macos": "macOS",
"command.serverinfo.os.macos_old": "OS X",
"command.serverinfo.os": "Operating system",
"command.serverinfo.processor": "CPU",
"command.serverinfo.arch": "Architecture",
"command.serverinfo.osUsername": "Username",
"command.serverinfo.hostName": "Hostname",
"command.serverinfo.workingDir": "Working directory",
"command.serverinfo.runTime": "Bot uptime",
"command.serverinfo.upTime": "System uptime",
"command.serverinfo.nodeVersion": "Node.js version",
"command.serverinfo.osRelease": "Linux release",
"command.serverinfo.osRelease.missing": "/etc/os-release does not exist. Information may be limited.",
"command.serverinfo.os.android.version": "Android version",
"command.serverinfo.os.android.model": "Device model",
"command.serverinfo.botName": "Bot name",
"command.serverinfo.botVer": "Bot version",
"command.tpr.success": "Teleporting %s to %s, %s, %s",
"command.error": "An error occured (check console for more info)",
"command.disallowed.perms": "You do not have permission to run this command. If you do have permission, please make sure you put the command hash at the end, or ran the command through your client's hashing system.",
"command.disallowed.perms.yourLevel": "Your permission level: %s",
"command.disallowed.perms.cmdLevel": "Command requires: %s",
"copyText": "Click to copy!"