76 lines
3.8 KiB
76 lines
3.8 KiB
"command.about.usage": "",
"command.about.desc": "About the bot",
"command.cb.usage": " <command>",
"command.cb.desc": "Wun a command in a command bwock",
"command.cloop.usage": " add <wate> <command>|| remove <index>|| list|| clear",
"command.cloop.desc": "Manage command woops",
"command.eval.usage": " <code>",
"command.eval.desc": "Wun JavaScwipt code",
"command.help.usage": " [cmd]",
"command.help.desc": "Shows command hewp",
"command.logoff.usage": "",
"command.logoff.desc": "Disconnyect and weconnyect the bot fwom a sewvew",
"command.netmsg.usage": " <message>",
"command.netmsg.desc": "Send a message to aww sewvews the bot is connyected to",
"command.refill.usage": "",
"command.refill.desc": "Wefiww cowe",
"command.say.usage": " <message>",
"command.say.desc": "Sends a message to chat",
"command.serverinfo.usage": "",
"command.serverinfo.desc": "Get system/bot info",
"command.stop.usage": "",
"command.stop.desc": "Westawt bot",
"command.template.usage": " <wequiwed> [optionyaw]",
"command.template.desc": "Does nyothing",
"command.tpr.desc": "Tewepowt to a wandom wocation",
"command.tpr.usage": " [-s]",
"command.verify.usage": " [awgs...]",
"command.verify.desc": "Check the hashing system",
"command.about.author": "%s - a Minyecwaft bot made by 77c8f4699b732c11 / a5a06d596f15c7db",
"command.about.version": "Vewsion %s",
"command.about.sourceCode": "Souwce code: %s",
"command.about.serverinfo": "To view system infowmation, wun the command %s.",
"command.cloop.error.tooShort": "Command woops must have a wate above 20ms.",
"command.cloop.error.subcommand": "Unknyown subcommand, pwease do %s",
"command.cloop.success.add": "Added command woop with command %s and wate %s",
"command.cloop.success.remove": "Wemoved command woop %s",
"command.cloop.success.clear": "Cweawed aww command woops",
"command.cloop.list": "%s: Command: %s Rate: %s",
"command.help.cmdList": "Commands:",
"command.help.commandInfo": "%s%s - %s",
"command.help.commandUsage": "Usage - %s%s",
"command.help.commandDesc": "Descwiption - %s",
"command.help.commandPerms": "Wequiwed pewmissions - %s",
"command.help.permsNormal": "Nyowmaw",
"command.help.permsTrusted": "Twusted",
"command.help.permsOwner": "Ownyew",
"command.help.permsConsole": "Consowe",
"command.help.noCommand": "Command does nyot exist",
"command.serverinfo.os.android": "Andwoid",
"command.serverinfo.os.freebsd": "FweeBSD",
"command.serverinfo.os.linux": "Winyux %s",
"command.serverinfo.os.macos": "macOS",
"command.serverinfo.os.macos_old": "OS X",
"command.serverinfo.os": "Opewating system",
"command.serverinfo.processor": "CPU",
"command.serverinfo.arch": "Awchitectuwe",
"command.serverinfo.osUsername": "Usewnyame",
"command.serverinfo.hostName": "Hostnyame",
"command.serverinfo.workingDir": "Wowking diwectowy",
"command.serverinfo.runTime": "Bot uptime",
"command.serverinfo.upTime": "System uptime",
"command.serverinfo.nodeVersion": "Nyode.js vewsion",
"command.serverinfo.osRelease": "Winyux wewease",
"command.serverinfo.osRelease.missing": "/etc/os-release does nyot exist. Infowmation may be wimited.",
"command.serverinfo.os.android.version": "Andwoid vewsion",
"command.serverinfo.os.android.model": "Device modew",
"command.serverinfo.botName": "Bot nyame",
"command.serverinfo.botVer": "Bot vewsion",
"command.tpr.success": "Tewepowting %s to %s, %s, %s",
"command.error": "An ewwow occuwed (check consowe fow mowe info)",
"command.disallowed.perms": "You do nyot have pewmission to wun this command. If you do have pewmission, pwease make suwe you put the command hash at the end, ow wan the command thwough youw cwient's hashing system.",
"command.disallowed.perms.yourLevel": "Youw pewmission wevew: %s",
"command.disallowed.perms.cmdLevel": "Command wequiwes: %s",
"copyText": "Cwick to copy!"