const os = require('os') const cp = require('child_process') const { getMessage, formatTime } = require('../util/lang.js') const fs = require('fs') const botVersion = require('../util/version.js') const version = require('../version.json') const index = require('../index.js') const aboutBot = function (c) { c.reply({ translate: getMessage(c.lang, ''), color: c.colors.secondary, with: [ { text: version.botName, color: c.colors.primary }, { text: version.botAuthor, color: c.colors.primary } ] }) if (version.isPreRelease) { c.reply({ text: getMessage(c.lang, 'command.about.preRelease'), color: c.colors.secondary }) } c.reply({ text: '' }) c.reply({ translate: getMessage(c.lang, 'command.about.sourceCode'), color: c.colors.secondary, with: [ { text: version.sourceURL, color: c.colors.primary, clickEvent: { action: 'open_url', value: version.sourceURL }, hoverEvent: { action: 'show_text', contents: { text: getMessage(c.lang, 'command.about.sourceCode.openInBrowser') }, value: { // Added twice for backwards compatibility text: getMessage(c.lang, 'command.about.sourceCode.openInBrowser') } } } ] }) } const os2 = function (o2, l) { switch (o2) { case 'win32': return `${os.version()}` case 'android':{ try { const version = cp.execSync('getprop').toString('UTF-8').split('\n')[0] return getMessage(l, '', [version]) } catch (e) { return getMessage(l, '') } } case 'linux': case 'freebsd':{ if (fs.readdirSync('/etc').includes('os-release')) { const osrelease = fs.readFileSync('/etc/os-release').toString('UTF-8').split('\n') const osrelease2 = {} for (const item of osrelease) { if (!item.includes('=')) continue let osrvalue = item.split('=')[1] if (osrvalue.startsWith('"') && osrvalue.endsWith('"')) { osrvalue = osrvalue.slice(1, osrvalue.length - 1) }; osrelease2[item.split('=')[0]] = osrvalue } if (osrelease2.PRETTY_NAME) { return getMessage(l, '%s', [osrelease2.PRETTY_NAME]) } else { return getMessage(l, `command.about.serverInfo.os.${o2}`) } } else { return getMessage(l, `command.about.serverInfo.os.${o2}`) } } default: return o2 } } const aboutServer = function (c) { const displayInfo = function (name, infoFunc) { let thisItem try { thisItem = infoFunc() } catch (e) { console.error(e) thisItem = 'Error! (check console)' } c.reply({ translate: '%s: %s', color: c.colors.primary, with: [ { text: getMessage(c.lang, name), color: c.colors.secondary }, { text: thisItem, color: c.colors.primary } ] }) } // Operating system displayInfo('command.about.serverInfo.os', () => { return os2(process.platform, c.lang) }) // Kernel version: os.release() displayInfo('command.about.serverInfo.kernelVer', () => { return os.release() }) // Processor if (os.cpus()[0]) { displayInfo('command.about.serverInfo.processor', () => { return os.cpus()[0].model }) } if (os.cpus()[0]) { // Processor architecture displayInfo('command.about.serverInfo.arch', () => { return os.machine() }) } // Username and UID displayInfo('command.about.serverInfo.osUsername', () => { return `${os.userInfo().username} (${os.userInfo().uid})` }) // Hostname displayInfo('command.about.serverInfo.hostName', () => { return os.hostname() }) // Current working directory displayInfo('command.about.serverInfo.workingDir', () => { return process.cwd() }) // Node.jsĀ® version displayInfo('command.about.serverInfo.nodeVersion', () => { return process.version }) // Bot uptime displayInfo('command.about.serverInfo.runTime', () => { return formatTime(process.uptime() * 1000, c.lang) }) // System uptime displayInfo('command.about.serverInfo.upTime', () => { return formatTime(os.uptime() * 1000, c.lang) }) if (process.platform === 'android') { // Device model displayInfo('', () => { const brand = cp.execSync('getprop ro.product.brand').toString('UTF-8').split('\n')[0] const model = cp.execSync('getprop ro.product.model').toString('UTF-8').split('\n')[0] return `${brand} ${model}` }) } // Bot version displayInfo('command.about.serverInfo.botVer', () => { return botVersion }) } const displayServerList = function (c) {, i)=>{ if ( && && c.verify !== 3 && !== i) return let message = 'command.about.serverListItem'; if( == i) message = 'command.about.serverListItem.thisServer' c.reply({ translate: getMessage(c.lang, message), color: c.colors.secondary, with: [ { text: i.toString(), color: c.colors.primary }, { text: `${}:${}`, color: c.colors.primary } ] }) }) } module.exports = { execute: function (c) { let subcmd = c.args[0] if(subcmd === "servers") subcmd = "serverlist" if(c.cmdName === "serverinfo") subcmd = "server" if(c.cmdName === "serverlist" || c.cmdName === "servers") subcmd = "serverlist" if (subcmd === 'server') { aboutServer(c) } else if (subcmd === 'serverlist') { displayServerList(c) } else { aboutBot(c) } }, aliases: ['info', 'serverlist', 'servers', 'serverinfo'] }