const fs = require('fs') const cmds = Object.create(null) const { getMessage } = require('../util/lang.js') const sortHelp = function sortHelp (c1, c2) { const level1 = cmds[c1.with[0]].level ? cmds[c1.with[0]].level : 0 const level2 = cmds[c2.with[0]].level ? cmds[c2.with[0]].level : 0 return level1 - level2 } const bpl = fs.readdirSync('./commands') for (const plugin of bpl) { if (!plugin.endsWith('.js')) { continue } try { const commandName = plugin.split('.js')[0] if (commandName !== 'help') { cmds[commandName] = require(`./${plugin}`) if (cmds[commandName].level === undefined) { cmds[commandName].level = 0 } } } catch (e) { console.log(e) } } const printHelp = (c) => { const commandList = [] for (const i in cmds) { if (cmds[i].hidden) continue let cmdColor switch (cmds[i].level) { case 0: cmdColor = 'green' break case 1: cmdColor = 'red' break case 2: cmdColor = 'dark_red' break case 3: cmdColor = 'dark_red' break default: cmdColor = 'green' } commandList.push( { translate: '%s ', color: cmdColor, with: [ i ] } ) } c.reply({ translate: '%s %s', with: [ getMessage(c.lang, ''), commandList.sort(sortHelp) ] }) } const printCmdHelp = (c) => { const cmd = c.args[0] if (!cmds[cmd]) { c.reply({ text: getMessage(c.lang, '') }) return } let usage = getMessage(c.lang, `command.${cmd}.usage`).split('||') let desc = getMessage(c.lang, `command.${cmd}.desc`) if (cmds[cmd].usage) { usage = cmds[cmd].usage.split('||') } if (cmds[cmd].desc) { desc = cmds[cmd].desc } if (cmds[cmd].alias) { console.log(cmds[cmds[cmd].alias]) usage = getMessage(c.lang, `command.${cmds[cmd].alias}.usage`).split('||') desc = getMessage(c.lang, '', [cmds[cmd].alias]) if (cmds[cmds[cmd].alias].usage) { usage = cmds[cmds[cmd].alias].usage.split('||') } if (cmds[cmds[cmd].alias].desc) { desc = cmds[cmds[cmd].alias].desc } } for (const item of usage) { c.reply({ translate: getMessage(c.lang, ''), color: c.colors.secondary, with: [ { text: cmd, color: c.colors.primary }, { text: item, color: c.colors.primary } ] }) } c.reply({ translate: getMessage(c.lang, ''), color: c.colors.secondary, with: [ { text: desc, color: c.colors.primary } ] }) const permsN = getMessage(c.lang, '') const permsT = getMessage(c.lang, '') const permsO = getMessage(c.lang, '') const permsC = getMessage(c.lang, '') const rPerms = cmds[cmd].level ? cmds[cmd].level : 0 c.reply({ translate: getMessage(c.lang, ''), color: c.colors.secondary, with: [ { text: [permsN, permsT, permsO, permsC][rPerms], color: c.colors.primary } ] }) } module.exports = { execute: (c) => { if (c.args.length > 0) { printCmdHelp(c) } else { printHelp(c) } }, aliases: [ 'heko' // Parker2991 request ] } = module.exports // Placed after to ensure that the correct values are added to cmds if ( === undefined) { = 0 } for (const i in cmds) { if (cmds[i].aliases) { for (const alias of cmds[i].aliases) { cmds[alias] = { alias: i, usage: cmds[i].usage, level: cmds[i].level, hidden: true, consoleIndex: cmds[i].consoleIndex } } } }