module.exports={ execute: (c)=>{ //Blank template /* c.send(text, user?): Send text to all ("/tellraw @a") c.reply(text): Send text to command sender c.uuid: Unique identifier (UUID for Minecraft, Discord ID for Discord) c.username: Username of sender c.nickname: Nickname of sender when applicable c.command: Command string c.args: Arguments of command (above without the first section, and split at every space) c.prefix: Prefix being used to send the command (when applicable) Bot that received the command. Will be different type based on where it was received c.type: Type of bot receiving the command ("minecraft", "console", "discord") */ }, desc: "Does nothing", // Command description usage: ' [optional]', // Command usage hidden: true, // To show the command on the help command list, remove this line consoleIndex: true, // When run from console, the second argument will be a bot ID aliases: ["example", "testing"] // Other command names that will work the same }