const os = require('os') const cp = require('child_process') const settings = require('../../settings.json') const timeformat = require('../../util/timeformat.js') const fs=require("fs") const gr = function (text, value, color) { if (!color) color = 'white' return JSON.stringify({ translate: '%s: %s', with: [ { text, color }, { text: value, color } ], hoverEvent: { action: 'show_text', contents: { text: 'Click to copy!' } }, clickEvent: { action: 'copy_to_clipboard', value } }) } const os2 = function (o2) { switch (o2) { case 'win32': return os.version() break case 'android': return 'Android' break case 'linux': return 'Linux' + ' ' + os.release() break default: return o2 } } // b.tellraw(sender,gr("Example",example)) module.exports = { execute: function (c) { c.reply(gr('Operating system', os2(process.platform))) c.reply(gr('CPU', os.cpus()[0].model)) c.reply(gr('Architecture', os.machine())) c.reply(gr('Username', os.userInfo().username)) c.reply(gr('Bot uptime', timeformat(process.uptime() * 1000))) c.reply(gr('System uptime', timeformat(os.uptime() * 1000))) c.reply(gr('Node.js version', process.version)) if (process.platform == 'linux' || process.platform == 'freebsd') { try{ const osrelease = fs.readFileSync("/etc/os-release").toString("UTF-8").split("\n"); let osrelease2={}; for(const i in osrelease){ if(!osrelease[i].includes("=")) continue; let osr_value=osrelease[i].split("=")[1]; if(osr_value.startsWith("\"") && osr_value.endsWith("\"")){osr_value=osr_value.slice(1,osr_value.length-1)}; osrelease2[osrelease[i].split("=")[0]]=osr_value; } if(osrelease2.PRETTY_NAME){ c.reply(gr('Linux release', osrelease2.PRETTY_NAME, 'dark_green')) } } catch(e){ c.reply('{"text":"/etc/os-release does not exist. Information may be limited."}') } } else if (process.platform == 'android') { const android_version = cp.execSync('getprop').toString('UTF-8').split('\n')[0] c.reply(gr('Android version', android_version, 'green')) const dModel=cp.execSync('getprop ro.product.model').toString('UTF-8').split('\n')[0]; const dBrand=cp.execSync('getprop ro.product.brand').toString('UTF-8').split('\n')[0]; c.reply(gr('Device model', dBrand+dModel, 'green')) } c.reply(gr('Bot name',, 'yellow')) c.reply(gr('Bot version', settings.version, 'yellow')) }, desc: 'Get system/bot info (ported from V9). Not complete.', usage: '' }