71 unstaged files
This commit is contained in:
61 changed files with 1495 additions and 919 deletions
@ -1,3 +1,43 @@
# botvX
# Go to [chipmunk](https://code.chipmunk.land/7cc5c4f330d47060/botvX)
## What is it?
botvX is a Minecraft bot for [Kaboom](https://kaboom.pw/) and its clones. It has many of the features that you would expect in a modern Kaboom bot:
- commands (obviously)
- a self care system
- a command core, to run commands quickly
- a hashing system, to enable trusted users to securely run certain commands in chat
## What does "botvX" mean?
"botvX" means "bot version 10". The v is used to signify that whatever after it is a version, as was done with previous versions (botv4, botv6, botv8, botv9), and the X is the Roman numeral for 10, since this is the 10th major version.
## How to install?
1. Install [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/) for your operating system.
2. Download the latest release, or alternatively, download the latest development version using <code>git clone https://code.chipmunk.land/7cc5c4f330d47060/botvX/</code>.
3. Extract the files if necessary.
4. Run <code>npm install</code> in the bot's directory. If it doesn't work, try using the Node.js command prompt, or adding Node.js to your PATH.
5. Copy <code>settings_example.json</code> to <code>settings.json</code> , and adjust the settings to fit your needs. Do not forget to also create a secrets file. An example secrets file is provided as <code>secret_example.json</code>. Do not forget, if you use the secrets template, to change the keys (the ones in there are public after all!).
6. Run ./launch.sh (macOS, Linux, FreeBSD) or ./launch.cmd (Windows) to start a bot launcher, which will reload the bot when the process closes. Alternatively, you can run <code>node index.js</code> to start the bot only once (it will still rejoin when kicked). If it displays an error saying Node is not a command, please make sure Node.js is on your PATH.
## Command list
| Name | Usage | Description |
| about | | About the bot |
| cb | \<command\> | Run a command in a command block |
| cloop | add <rate> <command>, remove <index>, list, clear | Manage command loops |
| eval | \<code\> | Run JavaScript code (must run through console)|
| help | [cmd] | Shows command help |
| logoff | | Disconnect and reconnect the bot from a server |
| netmsg | \<message\> | Send a message to all servers the bot is connected to |
| refill | | Refill core |
| say | \<message\> | Sends a message to chat |
| serverinfo | | Get system/bot info, similar to Kaboom's <code>serverinfo</code> command |
| stop | | Restart bot |
| template | | Used in development, does nothing |
| tpr | | Teleport to a random location |
| verify | | Check the hashing system |
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
const os = require('os')
const cp = require('child_process')
const { getMessage, formatTime } = require('../util/lang.js')
const fs = require('fs')
const botVersion = require('../util/version.js')
const version = require('../version.json')
const aboutBot = function (c) {
translate: getMessage(c.lang, 'command.about.author'),
color: c.colors.secondary,
with: [
text: version.botName,
color: c.colors.primary
text: version.botAuthor,
color: c.colors.primary
if (version.isPreRelease) {
text: getMessage(c.lang, 'command.about.preRelease'),
color: c.colors.secondary
c.reply({ text: '' })
translate: getMessage(c.lang, 'command.about.sourceCode'),
color: c.colors.secondary,
with: [
text: version.sourceURL,
color: c.colors.primary,
clickEvent: {
action: 'open_url',
value: version.sourceURL
hoverEvent: {
action: 'show_text',
contents: {
text: getMessage(c.lang, 'command.about.sourceCode.openInBrowser')
value: { // Added twice for backwards compatibility
text: getMessage(c.lang, 'command.about.sourceCode.openInBrowser')
const os2 = function (o2, l) {
switch (o2) {
case 'win32':
return `${os.version()} (${os.release})`
case 'android':{
try {
const version = cp.execSync('getprop ro.build.version.release').toString('UTF-8').split('\n')[0]
return getMessage(l, 'command.about.serverInfo.os.android', [version])
} catch (e) {
getMessage(l, 'command.about.serverInfo.os.android.noVersion')
case 'linux':
case 'freebsd':{
if (fs.readdirSync('/etc').includes('os-release')) {
const osrelease = fs.readFileSync('/etc/os-release').toString('UTF-8').split('\n')
const osrelease2 = {}
for (const i in osrelease) {
if (!osrelease[i].includes('=')) continue
let osrvalue = osrelease[i].split('=')[1]
if (osrvalue.startsWith('"') && osrvalue.endsWith('"')) { osrvalue = osrvalue.slice(1, osrvalue.length - 1) };
osrelease2[osrelease[i].split('=')[0]] = osrvalue
if (osrelease2.PRETTY_NAME) {
return getMessage(l, '%s %s', [osrelease2.PRETTY_NAME, os.release()])
} else {
return getMessage(l, `command.about.serverInfo.os.${o2}`, [os.release()])
} else {
return getMessage(l, `command.about.serverInfo.os.${o2}`, [os.release()])
return o2
const aboutServer = function (c) {
const displayInfo = function (name, infoFunc) {
let thisItem
try {
thisItem = infoFunc()
} catch (e) {
thisItem = 'Error! (check console)'
translate: '%s: %s',
color: c.colors.primary,
with: [
text: getMessage(c.lang, name),
color: c.colors.secondary
text: thisItem,
color: c.colors.primary
// Operating system
displayInfo('command.about.serverInfo.os', () => {
return os2(process.platform, c.lang)
// Processor
if (os.cpus()[0]) {
displayInfo('command.about.serverInfo.processor', () => {
return os.cpus()[0].model
if (os.cpus()[0]) {
// Processor architecture
displayInfo('command.about.serverInfo.arch', () => {
return os.machine()
// Username and UID
displayInfo('command.about.serverInfo.osUsername', () => {
return `${os.userInfo().username} (${os.userInfo().uid})`
// Hostname
displayInfo('command.about.serverInfo.hostName', () => {
return os.hostname()
// Current working directory
displayInfo('command.about.serverInfo.workingDir', () => {
return process.cwd()
// Node.js® version
displayInfo('command.about.serverInfo.nodeVersion', () => {
return process.version
// Bot uptime
displayInfo('command.about.serverInfo.runTime', () => {
return formatTime(process.uptime() * 1000, c.lang)
// System uptime
displayInfo('command.about.serverInfo.upTime', () => {
return formatTime(os.uptime() * 1000, c.lang)
if (process.platform === 'android') {
// Device model
displayInfo('command.about.serverInfo.os.android.model', () => {
const brand = cp.execSync('getprop ro.product.brand').toString('UTF-8').split('\n')[0]
const model = cp.execSync('getprop ro.product.model').toString('UTF-8').split('\n')[0]
return `${brand} ${model}`
// Bot version
displayInfo('command.about.serverInfo.botVer', () => {
return botVersion
module.exports = {
execute: function (c) {
if (c.args[0] === 'server') {
} else {
aliases: ['info']
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
const getMessage = require('../../util/lang.js')
const { getMessage } = require('../util/lang.js')
module.exports = {
execute: (c) => {
const subcmd = c.args.splice(0, 1)[0]
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
const index = require('../../index.js') // Not used in the code, but may be used by users of the command
const index = require('../index.js') // Not used in the code, but may be used by users of the command
module.exports = {
execute: (c) => {
try {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
const fs = require('fs')
const cmds = Object.create(null)
const { getMessage } = require('../util/lang.js')
const sortHelp = function sortHelp (c1, c2) {
const level1 = cmds[c1.with[0]].level ? cmds[c1.with[0]].level : 0
const level2 = cmds[c2.with[0]].level ? cmds[c2.with[0]].level : 0
return level1 - level2
const bpl = fs.readdirSync('./commands')
for (const i in bpl) { // Built-in loadCMD to the help command, to prevent circular require
if (!bpl[i].endsWith('.js')) {
try {
const commandName = bpl[i].split('.js')[0]
if (commandName !== 'help') {
cmds[commandName] = require(`./${bpl[i]}`)
if (cmds[commandName].level === undefined) {
cmds[commandName].level = 0
} catch (e) { console.log(e) }
const printHelp = (c) => {
const commandList = []
for (const i in cmds) {
if (cmds[i].hidden) continue
let cmdColor
switch (cmds[i].level) {
case 0:
cmdColor = 'green'
case 1:
cmdColor = 'red'
case 2:
cmdColor = 'dark_red'
case 3:
cmdColor = 'dark_red'
cmdColor = 'green'
translate: '%s ',
color: cmdColor,
with: [
translate: '%s %s',
with: [
getMessage(c.lang, 'command.help.cmdList'),
const printCmdHelp = (c) => {
const cmd = c.args[0]
if (!cmds[cmd]) {
c.reply({ text: getMessage(c.lang, 'command.help.noCommand') })
let usage = getMessage(c.lang, `command.${cmd}.usage`).split('||')
let desc = getMessage(c.lang, `command.${cmd}.desc`)
if (cmds[cmd].usage) {
usage = cmds[cmd].usage.split('||')
if (cmds[cmd].desc) {
desc = cmds[cmd].desc
if (cmds[cmd].alias) {
usage = getMessage(c.lang, `command.${cmds[cmd].alias}.usage`).split('||')
desc = getMessage(c.lang, 'command.help.alias', [cmds[cmd].alias])
if (cmds[cmds[cmd].alias].usage) {
usage = cmds[cmds[cmd].alias].usage.split('||')
if (cmds[cmds[cmd].alias].desc) {
desc = cmds[cmds[cmd].alias].desc
for (const i in usage) {
translate: getMessage(c.lang, 'command.help.commandUsage'),
color: c.colors.secondary,
with: [
text: cmd,
color: c.colors.primary
text: usage[i],
color: c.colors.primary
translate: getMessage(c.lang, 'command.help.commandDesc'),
color: c.colors.secondary,
with: [
text: desc,
color: c.colors.primary
const permsN = getMessage(c.lang, 'command.help.permsNormal')
const permsT = getMessage(c.lang, 'command.help.permsTrusted')
const permsO = getMessage(c.lang, 'command.help.permsOwner')
const permsC = getMessage(c.lang, 'command.help.permsConsole')
const rPerms = cmds[cmd].level ? cmds[cmd].level : 0
translate: getMessage(c.lang, 'command.help.commandPerms'),
color: c.colors.secondary,
with: [
text: [permsN, permsT, permsO, permsC][rPerms],
color: c.colors.primary
module.exports = {
execute: (c) => {
if (c.args.length > 0) {
} else {
aliases: [
'heko' // Parker2991 request
cmds.help = module.exports // Placed after to ensure that the correct values are added to cmds
if (cmds.help.level === undefined) {
cmds.help.level = 0
for (const i in cmds) {
if (cmds[i].aliases) {
for (const j in cmds[i].aliases) {
cmds[cmds[i].aliases[j]] = {
alias: i,
usage: cmds[i].usage,
level: cmds[i].level,
hidden: true,
consoleIndex: cmds[i].consoleIndex
@ -1,6 +1,14 @@
const { bot } = require('../../index.js')
const { bot } = require('../index.js')
const { getMessage } = require('../util/lang.js')
module.exports = {
execute: (c) => {
if(c.bot.host && c.bot.host.options.netmsgDisabled){
text: getMessage(c.lang, "command.netmsg.disabled"),
color: c.colors.secondary
const json = {
translate: '[%s] %s: %s',
with: [
@ -29,6 +37,7 @@ module.exports = {
color: 'white'
for (const i in bot) {
if(bot[i].host.options.netmsgDisabled) continue
bot[i].tellraw('@a', json)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
module.exports = {
execute: (c) => {
consoleIndex: true,
aliases: ['refillcore', 'rc']
@ -2,6 +2,6 @@ module.exports = {
execute: (c) => {
aliases: ['restart', 'exit'],
aliases: ['reboot'],
level: 2
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
const { languages, getMessage } = require('../util/lang.js')
const fs = require('fs')
module.exports = {
execute: (c) => {
const subcmd = c.args.splice(0, 1)[0]
switch (subcmd) {
case 'set':
const allowedKeys = ["colorPrimary", "colorSecondary", "lang"]
const key = c.args.splice(0, 1)[0]
text: getMessage(c.lang, 'command.settings.error.invalidKey'),
color: c.colors.secondary
const value = c.args.join(" ")
if(value === "" && key==="lang"){
// Show all valid languages to user
for(const i in languages){
translate: "%s (%s)",
color: c.colors.secondary,
text: getMessage(languages[i], 'language.name'),
color: c.colors.primary
text: getMessage(languages[i], 'language.region'),
color: c.colors.primary
action: "show_text",
value: {
translate: getMessage(languages[i], 'command.settings.setLanguage'),
text: `${c.prefix}settings set lang ${languages[i]}`,
color: c.colors.secondary
if(value === ""){
text: getMessage(c.lang, 'command.settings.error.mustProvideValue'),
color: c.colors.secondary
if(key==="lang" && !languages.includes(value)){
text: getMessage(c.lang, 'command.settings.error.invalidLanguage'),
color: c.colors.secondary
c.prefs[key] = value
// Save to file
fs.writeFileSync(`userPref/${c.uuid}.json`, JSON.stringify(c.prefs))
// Delete require cache
for(const i in require.cache){
if(i.endsWith(`${c.uuid}.json`)) delete require.cache[i]
text: getMessage(c.lang, 'command.settings.saved'),
color: c.colors.secondary
case 'get':{
translate: "%s: %s",
color: c.colors.secondary,
text: getMessage(c.lang, 'command.settings.get.colorPrimary'),
color: c.colors.secondary
text: c.colors.primary,
color: c.colors.primary
translate: "%s: %s",
color: c.colors.secondary,
text: getMessage(c.lang, 'command.settings.get.colorSecondary'),
color: c.colors.secondary
text: c.colors.secondary,
color: c.colors.secondary
translate: "%s: %s (%s)",
color: c.colors.secondary,
text: getMessage(c.lang, 'command.settings.get.language'),
color: c.colors.primary
text: getMessage(c.lang, 'language.name'),
color: c.colors.primary
text: getMessage(c.lang, 'language.region'),
color: c.colors.primary
translate: getMessage(c.lang, 'command.cloop.error.subcommand'),
color: c.colors.secondary,
with: [
text: `${c.prefix}help settings`,
color: c.colors.primary
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
module.exports = {
execute: (c) => {
aliases: ['exit'],
level: 2
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ module.exports = {
replacing (name) with the name of the new command.
Some more complex commands may have messages of their own, which should be placed there too.
First, insert the following line near the top of the command's file (not in the execute function):
const getMessage = require('../../util/lang.js')
const { getMessage } = require('../../util/lang.js')
Then, to get a specific message:
getMessage(c.lang,"(message key)",[(arguments, in an array (optional))])
For example, this will show the "about" command's redirection to "serverinfo":
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
const { getMessage } = require('../util/lang.js')
module.exports = {
execute: function (c) {
let uuid
if (c.type === 'console') {
uuid = c.bot._client.uuid
} else {
uuid = c.uuid
const originalPos = {
x: Math.floor(Math.random() * 2000000) - 1000000,
y: 100,
z: Math.floor(Math.random() * 2000000) - 1000000
translate: getMessage(c.lang, 'command.tpr.success'),
color: c.colors.secondary,
with: [
text: c.username,
color: c.colors.primary
text: originalPos.x.toString(),
color: c.colors.primary
text: originalPos.y.toString(),
color: c.colors.primary
text: originalPos.z.toString(),
color: c.colors.primary
c.bot.ccq.push(`/essentials:tp ${uuid} ${originalPos.x}.0 ${originalPos.y} ${originalPos.z}.0`)
consoleIndex: true,
aliases: ['rtp']
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
const { getMessage } = require('../util/lang.js')
module.exports = {
execute: (c) => {
const permsN = getMessage(c.lang, 'command.help.permsNormal')
const permsT = getMessage(c.lang, 'command.help.permsTrusted')
const permsO = getMessage(c.lang, 'command.help.permsOwner')
const permsC = getMessage(c.lang, 'command.help.permsConsole')
translate: getMessage(c.lang, 'command.verify.success'),
color: c.colors.secondary,
with: [
text: [permsN, permsT, permsO, permsC][c.verify],
color: c.colors.primary
aliases: ['validate'],
level: 1
@ -19,21 +19,15 @@ const loadplug = (botno) => {
botplug.forEach((plug) => {
try {
if (botno !== undefined) {
if (plug.loadBot) {
} else {
if (plug.load) {
} catch (e) { console.log(e) }
const createBot = function createBot (host, oldId) {
if (host.options.disabled) {
console.log(`Skipping server ${host.host}:${host.port}`)
const bot = new EventEmitter()
@ -41,9 +35,7 @@ const createBot = function createBot (host, oldId) {
host: host.host,
port: host.port ? host.port : 25565,
username: generateUser(host.options.legalName),
version: settings.version_mc
bot._client.on('success', () => {
version: host.version ? host.version : settings.version_mc
if (typeof oldId !== 'undefined') {
for (const i in module.exports.bot[oldId].interval) {
@ -52,11 +44,9 @@ const createBot = function createBot (host, oldId) {
delete module.exports.bot[oldId]
bot.id = oldId
module.exports.bot[oldId] = bot
console.log('Re-creating bot ' + bot.id)
} else {
bot.id = module.exports.bot.length
console.log('Creating bot ' + bot.id)
bot.host = host
@ -65,6 +55,11 @@ const createBot = function createBot (host, oldId) {
bot.info = (msg) => {
console.log(`[${bot.id}] [info] ${msg}`)
bot.displayChat = (type, msg) => {
console.log(`[${bot.id}] [${type}] ${msg}`)
bot._client.on('error', (err) => {
@ -74,4 +69,5 @@ const createBot = function createBot (host, oldId) {
for (const i in settings.servers) {
module.exports.createBot = createBot
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
@echo off
node index.js
if %errorlevel%==1 (
timeout /nobreak /t 5 > nul
goto botlaunch
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
while [ true ];
do node index.js;
if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then exit; fi
sleep 6;
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
"name": "botv10",
"version": "10.0.0",
"version": "10.0.0-beta-2",
"lockfileVersion": 3,
"requires": true,
"packages": {
"": {
"name": "botv10",
"version": "10.0.0",
"license": "UNLICENSED",
"version": "10.0.0-beta-2",
"license": "MIT",
"dependencies": {
"minecraft-protocol": "^1.45.0",
"prismarine-chat": "^1.10.0"
@ -37,12 +37,12 @@
"node_modules/@types/node": {
"version": "20.14.12",
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/@types/node/-/node-20.14.12.tgz",
"integrity": "sha512-r7wNXakLeSsGT0H1AU863vS2wa5wBOK4bWMjZz2wj+8nBx+m5PeIn0k8AloSLpRuiwdRQZwarZqHE4FNArPuJQ==",
"version": "22.2.0",
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/@types/node/-/node-22.2.0.tgz",
"integrity": "sha512-bm6EG6/pCpkxDf/0gDNDdtDILMOHgaQBVOJGdwsqClnxA3xL6jtMv76rLBc006RVMWbmaf0xbmom4Z/5o2nRkQ==",
"license": "MIT",
"dependencies": {
"undici-types": "~5.26.4"
"undici-types": "~6.13.0"
"node_modules/@types/readable-stream": {
@ -189,9 +189,9 @@
"license": "MIT"
"node_modules/debug": {
"version": "4.3.5",
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/debug/-/debug-4.3.5.tgz",
"integrity": "sha512-pt0bNEmneDIvdL1Xsd9oDQ/wrQRkXDT4AUWlNZNPKvW5x/jyO9VFXkJUP07vQ2upmw5PlaITaPKc31jK13V+jg==",
"version": "4.3.6",
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/debug/-/debug-4.3.6.tgz",
"integrity": "sha512-O/09Bd4Z1fBrU4VzkhFqVgpPzaGbw6Sm9FEkBT1A/YBXQFGuuSxa1dN2nxgxS34JmKXqYx8CZAwEVoJFImUXIg==",
"license": "MIT",
"dependencies": {
"ms": "2.1.2"
@ -762,9 +762,9 @@
"license": "MIT"
"node_modules/undici-types": {
"version": "5.26.5",
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/undici-types/-/undici-types-5.26.5.tgz",
"integrity": "sha512-JlCMO+ehdEIKqlFxk6IfVoAUVmgz7cU7zD/h9XZ0qzeosSHmUJVOzSQvvYSYWXkFXC+IfLKSIffhv0sVZup6pA==",
"version": "6.13.0",
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/undici-types/-/undici-types-6.13.0.tgz",
"integrity": "sha512-xtFJHudx8S2DSoujjMd1WeWvn7KKWFRESZTMeL1RptAYERu29D6jphMjjY+vn96jvN3kVPDNxU/E13VTaXj6jg==",
"license": "MIT"
"node_modules/uri-js": {
@ -4,12 +4,12 @@
"prismarine-chat": "^1.10.0"
"name": "botv10",
"version": "10.0.0",
"version": "10.0.0-beta-2",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"author": "",
"license": "UNLICENSED",
"license": "MIT",
"description": ""
@ -1,35 +1,49 @@
const console2 = require('./console.js')
const parse = require('../util/chatparse.js')
const parse1204 = require('../util/chatparse_1204.js')
const settings = require('../settings.json')
const parsePlain = require('../util/chatparse_plain.js')
const parseConsole = require('../util/chatparse_console.js')
const parse1204 = require('../util/parseNBT.js')
const messageTypes = [
module.exports = {
load: () => {
loadBot: (b) => {
load: (b) => {
b._client.on('profileless_chat', (data) => {
if (data.type === 4) {
const json = parse1204(data.message)
const parsed = parse(json)[1]
const parsed = parsePlain(json)
const split = parsed.split(': ')
const chatName = split.splice(0, 1)[0]
const username = b.findRealName(chatName)
const uuid = b.findUUID(username)
b.emit('chat', { json, type: 'profileless', uuid, message: split.join(': '), username })
} else if (data.type === 6 || data.type === 7) {
b.emit('chat', {
json: {
translate: messageTypes[data.type],
color: (data.type === 2 || data.type === 3) ? 'gray' : 'reset',
with: [
type: 'profileless',
uuid: data.senderUuid,
message: parsePlain(data.message),
username: parsePlain(parse1204(data.name))
} else {
b.emit('chat', {
json: {
translate: messageTypes[data.type],
color: data.type === 2 ? 'gray' : 'reset',
color: (data.type === 2 || data.type === 3) ? 'gray' : 'reset',
with: [
@ -37,20 +51,36 @@ module.exports = {
type: 'profileless',
uuid: '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
message: parse(parse1204(data.message))[1],
username: parse(parse1204(data.name))[1]
message: parsePlain(parse1204(data.message)),
username: parsePlain(parse1204(data.name))
b._client.on('player_chat', (data) => {
if (data.type === 4) {
b.emit('chat', { json: parse1204(data.unsignedChatContent), type: 'player', uuid: data.senderUuid, message: data.plainMessage, username: parse(parse1204(data.networkName))[1] })
} else {
b.emit('chat', { json: parse1204(data.unsignedChatContent), type: 'player', uuid: data.senderUuid, message: data.plainMessage, username: parsePlain(parse1204(data.networkName)) })
} else if (data.type === 6 || data.type === 7) {
b.emit('chat', {
json: {
translate: messageTypes[data.type],
color: data.type === 2 ? 'gray' : 'reset',
with: [
type: 'player',
uuid: data.senderUuid,
message: parsePlain(data.plainMessage),
username: parsePlain(parse1204(data.networkName))
} else {
b.emit('chat', {
json: {
translate: messageTypes[data.type],
color: (data.type === 2 || data.type === 3) ? 'gray' : 'reset',
with: [
@ -58,37 +88,55 @@ module.exports = {
type: 'player',
uuid: data.senderUuid,
message: parse(data.plainMessage)[1],
username: parse(parse1204(data.networkName))[1]
message: parsePlain(data.plainMessage),
username: parsePlain(parse1204(data.networkName))
b._client.on('system_chat', (data) => {
const json = parse1204(data.content)
const parsed = parse(json)[1]
const parsed = parsePlain(json)
const split = parsed.split(': ')
const chatName = split.splice(0, 1)[0]
const username = b.findRealName(chatName)
const uuid = b.findUUID(username)
b.emit('chat', { json, type: 'system', uuid, message: split.join(': '), username })
b._client.on('chat', (data) => { // Legacy chat
const json = parse1204(data.message)
const parsed = parse(json)[1]
const split = parsed.split(': ')
const chatName = split.splice(0, 1)[0]
const username = b.findRealName(chatName)
const uuid = b.findUUID(username)
b.emit('chat', { json, type: 'legacy', uuid: data.uuid ? data.uuid : uuid, message: split.join(': '), username })
const parsed = parsePlain(json)
let chatName
let username
let message
let uuid
if (b.host.options.isVanilla && json.translate === 'chat.type.text') { // Servers without Extras chat
if (json.with && json.with.length >= 2) {
message = parsePlain(json.with[1])
username = parsePlain(json.with[0])
uuid = b.findUUID(username)
} else { // Servers with Extras chat, such as Kaboom
const split = parsed.split(': ')
message = split.join(': ')
uuid = b.findUUID(username)
chatName = split.splice(0, 1)[0]
username = b.findRealName(chatName)
b.emit('chat', { json, type: 'legacy', uuid: data.uuid ? data.uuid : uuid, message, username })
b.on('chat', (data) => {
const msg = parse(data.json)
if (msg[1].endsWith('\n\n\n\n\nThe chat has been cleared')) return
if (msg[1].startsWith('Command set: ')) return
b.emit('plainchat', msg[1])
console2.write(`[${b.id}] [${data.type}] ` + msg[0])
const fullCommand = data.message
b.on('chat', (data) => {
const msgConsole = parseConsole(data.json)
const msgPlain = parsePlain(data.json)
if (settings.logJSONmessages) console.log(data.json)
if (msgPlain.endsWith('\n\n\n\n\nThe chat has been cleared')) return
if (msgPlain.startsWith('Command set: ')) return
b.emit('plainchat', msgPlain)
b.displayChat(data.type, `${msgConsole}\x1b[0m`)
const fullCommand = data.message
for (const i in b.prefix) {
if (fullCommand.startsWith(b.prefix[i])) {
const command = fullCommand.slice(b.prefix[i].length)
@ -96,6 +144,5 @@ module.exports = {
@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
module.exports = {
load: () => {
loadBot: (b) => {
load: (b) => {
b.cloops = []
b.addCloop = function (command, rate) {
@ -1,24 +1,27 @@
const fs = require('fs')
const Command = require('../util/Command.js')
const hashcheck = require('../util/hashcheck.js')
const settings = require('../settings.json')
const getMessage = require('../util/lang.js')
const cmds = Object.create(null)
const sortHelp = function sortHelp (c1, c2) {
const level1 = cmds[c1.with[1]].level ? cmds[c1.with[1]].level : 0
const level2 = cmds[c2.with[1]].level ? cmds[c2.with[1]].level : 0
return level1 - level2
const { getMessage } = require('../util/lang.js')
const cmds = require('../util/commands.js')
const fs = require("fs")
if(!fs.readdirSync('.').includes('userPref')) fs.mkdirSync("userPref");
const loadSettings = function(uuid){
try {
return require(`../userPref/${uuid}.json`)
} catch (e) {
return {}
module.exports = {
load: () => {
loadBot: (b) => {
load: (b) => {
b.prefix = settings.prefix
b.lastCmd = 0
b.runCommand = (name, uuid, text, prefix) => {
if (uuid === '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000') return
if (Date.now() - b.lastCmd <= 1000) return
const userSettings = loadSettings(uuid);
b.lastCmd = Date.now()
const cmd = text.split(' ')
const lang = settings.defaultLang
@ -41,7 +44,7 @@ module.exports = {
try {
cmds[cmd[0].toLowerCase()].execute(new Command(uuid, name, 'nick N/A', text, prefix, b, verify))
cmds[cmd[0].toLowerCase()].execute(new Command(uuid, name, 'nick N/A', text, prefix, b, verify, userSettings))
} catch (e) {
b.tellraw(uuid, {
@ -57,130 +60,5 @@ module.exports = {
b.printHelp = (uuid, prefix, lang) => {
const commandList = []
for (const i in cmds) {
if (cmds[i].hidden) continue
let cmdColor
switch (cmds[i].level) {
case 0:
cmdColor = 'green'
case 1:
cmdColor = 'red'
case 2:
cmdColor = 'dark_red'
case 3:
cmdColor = 'dark_gray'
cmdColor = 'gray'
translate: '%s%s ',
color: cmdColor,
with: [
b.tellraw(uuid, {
translate: '%s: %s',
with: [
getMessage(lang, 'command.help.cmdList'),
b.printCmdHelp = (uuid, cmd, lang, color) => {
if (!cmds[cmd]) {
b.tellraw(uuid, { text: getMessage(lang, 'command.help.noCommand') })
let usage = getMessage(lang, `command.${cmd}.usage`).split('||')
let desc = getMessage(lang, `command.${cmd}.desc`)
if (cmds[cmd].usage) {
usage = cmds[cmd].usage.split('||')
if (cmds[cmd].desc) {
desc = cmds[cmd].desc
// b.tellraw(uuid,{"text":getMessage(lang,"command.help.commandInfo",[cmd,usage,desc])});
for (const i in usage) {
b.tellraw(uuid, {
translate: getMessage(lang, 'command.help.commandUsage'),
color: color.secondary,
with: [
text: cmd,
color: color.primary
text: usage[i],
color: color.primary
b.tellraw(uuid, {
translate: getMessage(lang, 'command.help.commandDesc'),
color: color.secondary,
with: [
text: desc,
color: color.primary
const permsN = getMessage(lang, 'command.help.permsNormal')
const permsT = getMessage(lang, 'command.help.permsTrusted')
const permsO = getMessage(lang, 'command.help.permsOwner')
const permsC = getMessage(lang, 'command.help.permsConsole')
const rPerms = cmds[cmd].level ? cmds[cmd].level : 0
b.tellraw(uuid, {
translate: getMessage(lang, 'command.help.commandPerms'),
color: color.secondary,
with: [
text: [permsN, permsT, permsO, permsC][rPerms],
color: color.primary
loadCMD: () => {
const bpl = fs.readdirSync('./plugins/commands')
for (const i in bpl) {
if (!bpl[i].endsWith('.js')) {
try {
const commandName = bpl[i].split('.js')[0]
cmds[commandName] = require(`./commands/${bpl[i]}`)
if (cmds[commandName].level === undefined) {
cmds[commandName].level = 0
console.log('Loaded command ' + commandName)
if (cmds[commandName].aliases) {
for (const j in cmds[commandName].aliases) {
cmds[cmds[commandName].aliases[j]] = {
execute: cmds[commandName].execute,
desc: 'Alias to ' + commandName,
usage: cmds[commandName].usage,
level: cmds[commandName].level,
hidden: true,
consoleIndex: cmds[commandName].consoleIndex
} catch (e) { console.log(e) }
@ -1,27 +1,29 @@
const uuidToInt = require('../util/uuidtoint.js')
const cs = {
x: 4,
y: 6,
z: 4
module.exports = {
cs: 4,
cs_v: 6,
load: function () {
loadBot: function (b) {
b.interval.commandFill = setInterval(() => { if (b.sc_tasks.cc) b.sc_tasks.cc.failed = 1 }, 60000)
load: function (b) {
b.interval.commandFill = setInterval(() => { if (b.sc_tasks.cc) b.sc_tasks.cc.failed = 1 }, 150000)
b.ccq = []
b.blocknoX = 0
b.blocknoZ = 0
b.ccStarted = 0
b.ccStarted = false
b.blocknoY = 0
b.pos = { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, correct: 0 }
b.pos = { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }
b.refillCoreCmd = `/fill ~ 55 ~ ~${cs.x - 1} ${54 + cs.y} ~${cs.z - 1} command_block{CustomName:'{"translate":"%s %s","with":[{"translate":"entity.minecraft.ender_dragon"},{"translate":"language.region"}],"color":"#FFAAEE"}'}`
b.advanceccq = function () {
if (b.ccq[0] && b.ccq[0].length !== 0) {
b._client.write('update_command_block', {
command: b.ccq[0],
location: {
x: b.commandPos.x1 + b.blocknoX,
y: b.commandPos.y1 + b.blocknoY,
z: b.commandPos.z1 + b.blocknoZ
x: b.commandPos.x + b.blocknoX,
y: b.commandPos.y + b.blocknoY,
z: b.commandPos.z + b.blocknoZ
mode: 2,
flags: 1
@ -29,21 +31,21 @@ module.exports = {
b._client.write('update_command_block', {
command: b.ccq[0],
location: {
x: b.commandPos.x1 + b.blocknoX,
y: b.commandPos.y1 + b.blocknoY,
z: b.commandPos.z1 + b.blocknoZ
x: b.commandPos.x + b.blocknoX,
y: b.commandPos.y + b.blocknoY,
z: b.commandPos.z + b.blocknoZ
mode: 2,
flags: 5
if (b.blocknoX === module.exports.cs) {
if (b.blocknoX === cs.x) {
b.blocknoX = 0
if (b.blocknoY === module.exports.cs_v) {
if (b.blocknoY === cs.y) {
b.blocknoY = 0
if (b.blocknoZ === module.exports.cs) {
if (b.blocknoZ === cs.z) {
b.blocknoZ = 0
@ -51,9 +53,14 @@ module.exports = {
b.ccq.splice(0, 1)
b._client.on('login', () => {
b.add_sc_task('cc', '/fill ~ 55 ~ ~3 60 ~3 command_block{CustomName:\'{"translate":"%s %s","with":[{"translate":"entity.minecraft.ender_dragon"},{"translate":"language.region"}],"color":"#FFAAEE"}\'}', true, true)
b.add_sc_task('cc_size', '/gamerule commandModificationBlockLimit 32767', true, false, true)
b.add_sc_task('cc', () => {
}, true)
b.add_sc_task('cc_size', () => {
b.chat('/gamerule commandModificationBlockLimit 32768')
b.on('ccstart', () => {
setTimeout(() => { b.interval.ccqi = setInterval(b.advanceccq, 3) }, 1000) // 1 Second and 3 Milliseconds
@ -74,23 +81,22 @@ module.exports = {
b._client.on('position', function (a) {
if (!b.ccStarted) {
b.original_pos = { x: a.x, y: a.y, z: a.z }
b.pos = { x: a.x, y: a.y, z: a.z, correct: 1 }
b.pos = { x: a.x, y: a.y, z: a.z }
} else {
b.pos = { x: a.x, y: a.y, z: a.z, correct: 1 }
b.pos = { x: a.x, y: a.y, z: a.z }
if (a.x !== b.original_pos.x || a.z !== b.original_pos.z) {
b.original_pos = { x: a.x, y: a.y, z: a.z }
b.pos.correct = 0
b.sc_tasks.cc.failed = 1
b.commandPos = {
x1: Math.floor(a.x),
z1: Math.floor(a.z),
y1: 55
x: Math.floor(a.x),
z: Math.floor(a.z),
y: 55
b._client.write('teleport_confirm', { teleportId: a.teleportId })
b.tellraw = (uuid, message) => {
let finalname = ''
if (uuid === '@a') {
@ -100,7 +106,13 @@ module.exports = {
} else {
finalname = uuid
b.ccq.push(`/minecraft:tellraw ${finalname} ${JSON.stringify(message)}`)
let tellrawCommand
if (b.host.options.isVanilla) {
tellrawCommand = 'tellraw'
} else {
tellrawCommand = 'minecraft:tellraw'
b.ccq.push(`/${tellrawCommand} ${finalname} ${JSON.stringify(message)}`)
@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
const version = require('../../version.json')
const settings = require('../../settings.json')
const getMessage = require('../../util/lang.js')
const cp = require('child_process')
module.exports = {
execute: function (c) {
translate: getMessage(c.lang, 'command.about.author'),
color: c.colors.secondary,
with: [
text: settings.name,
color: c.colors.primary
c.reply({ text: '' })
const botVersion = version.bot
let gitCommit
try {
gitCommit = cp.execSync('git rev-parse --short HEAD').toString('UTF-8').split('\n')[0]
} catch (e) {
gitCommit = false
if (gitCommit) {
translate: getMessage(c.lang, 'command.about.version'),
color: c.colors.secondary,
with: [
text: botVersion,
color: c.colors.primary
translate: ' (%s)',
color: 'white',
with: [
text: gitCommit,
color: c.colors.primary
} else {
translate: getMessage(c.lang, 'command.about.version'),
color: c.colors.secondary,
with: [
text: botVersion,
color: c.colors.primary
c.reply({ text: '' })
translate: getMessage(c.lang, 'command.about.serverinfo'),
color: c.colors.secondary,
with: [
translate: '"%s"',
color: 'white',
with: [
text: 'serverinfo',
color: c.colors.primary
aliases: ['info']
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
module.exports = {
execute: (c) => {
if (c.args.length > 0) {
c.bot.printCmdHelp(c.uuid, c.args[0], c.lang, c.colors)
} else {
c.bot.printHelp(c.uuid, c.prefix, c.lang, c.colors)
aliases: [
'heko' // Parker2991 request
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
module.exports = {
execute: (c) => {
c.bot.chat('/fill ~ 55 ~ ~3 60 ~3 command_block{CustomName:\'{"translate":"%s %s","with":[{"translate":"entity.minecraft.ender_dragon"},{"translate":"language.region"}],"color":"#FFAAEE"}\'}')
consoleIndex: true,
aliases: ['refillcore', 'rc']
@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
const os = require('os')
const cp = require('child_process')
const settings = require('../../settings.json')
const timeformat = require('../../util/timeformat.js')
const version = require('../../version.json')
const getMessage = require('../../util/lang.js')
const fs = require('fs')
const gr = function (l, text, value, color) {
if (!color) color = 'white'
return {
translate: '%s: %s',
color: color.primary,
with: [
color: color.secondary
text: value,
color: color.primary
hoverEvent: {
action: 'show_text',
contents: {
text: getMessage(l, 'copyText')
clickEvent: {
action: 'copy_to_clipboard',
const os2 = function (o2, l) {
switch (o2) {
case 'win32':
return os.version()
case 'android':
return getMessage(l, 'command.serverinfo.os.android')
case 'linux':
return getMessage(l, 'command.serverinfo.os.linux', [os.release()])
return o2
module.exports = {
execute: function (c) {
c.reply(gr(c.lang, getMessage(c.lang, 'command.serverinfo.os'), os2(process.platform, c.lang), c.colors))
if (os.cpus()[0]) c.reply(gr(c.lang, getMessage(c.lang, 'command.serverinfo.processor'), os.cpus()[0].model, c.colors))
c.reply(gr(c.lang, getMessage(c.lang, 'command.serverinfo.arch'), os.machine(), c.colors))
c.reply(gr(c.lang, getMessage(c.lang, 'command.serverinfo.osUsername'), `${os.userInfo().username} (${os.userInfo().uid})`, c.colors))
c.reply(gr(c.lang, getMessage(c.lang, 'command.serverinfo.hostName'), os.hostname(), c.colors))
c.reply(gr(c.lang, getMessage(c.lang, 'command.serverinfo.workingDir'), process.cwd(), c.colors))
c.reply(gr(c.lang, getMessage(c.lang, 'command.serverinfo.runTime'), timeformat(process.uptime() * 1000), c.colors))
c.reply(gr(c.lang, getMessage(c.lang, 'command.serverinfo.upTime'), timeformat(os.uptime() * 1000), c.colors))
c.reply(gr(c.lang, getMessage(c.lang, 'command.serverinfo.nodeVersion'), process.version, c.colors))
if (process.platform === 'linux' || process.platform === 'freebsd') {
try {
const osrelease = fs.readFileSync('/etc/os-release').toString('UTF-8').split('\n')
const osrelease2 = {}
for (const i in osrelease) {
if (!osrelease[i].includes('=')) continue
let osrvalue = osrelease[i].split('=')[1]
if (osrvalue.startsWith('"') && osrvalue.endsWith('"')) { osrvalue = osrvalue.slice(1, osrvalue.length - 1) };
osrelease2[osrelease[i].split('=')[0]] = osrvalue
if (osrelease2.PRETTY_NAME) {
c.reply(gr(c.lang, getMessage(c.lang, 'command.serverinfo.osRelease'), osrelease2.PRETTY_NAME, c.colors))
} catch (e) {
c.reply({ text: getMessage(c.lang, 'command.serverinfo.osRelease.missing') })
} else if (process.platform === 'android') {
const androidVersion = cp.execSync('getprop ro.build.version.release').toString('UTF-8').split('\n')[0]
c.reply(gr(c.lang, getMessage(c.lang, 'command.serverinfo.os.android.version'), androidVersion, c.colors))
const dModel = cp.execSync('getprop ro.product.model').toString('UTF-8').split('\n')[0]
const dBrand = cp.execSync('getprop ro.product.brand').toString('UTF-8').split('\n')[0]
c.reply(gr(c.lang, getMessage(c.lang, 'command.serverinfo.os.android.model'), dBrand + ' ' + dModel, c.colors))
c.reply(gr(c.lang, getMessage(c.lang, 'command.serverinfo.botName'), settings.name, c.colors))
let botVersion = version.bot
let gitCommit
try {
gitCommit = cp.execSync('git rev-parse --short HEAD').toString('UTF-8').split('\n')[0]
} catch (e) {
gitCommit = false
if (gitCommit) {
botVersion += ` (${gitCommit})`
c.reply(gr(c.lang, getMessage(c.lang, 'command.serverinfo.botVer'), botVersion, c.colors))
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
module.exports = {
execute: (c) => {
text: c.verify + ''
text: c.command
level: 1
@ -1,8 +1,39 @@
const readln = require('readline')
const index = require('../index.js')
const ConsoleCommand = require('../util/ConsoleCommand.js')
const newercommands = require('./command.js').cmds
let rl
const cmds = require('../util/commands.js')
const rl = readln.createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout,
prompt: '\x1b[0m> '
rl.on('line', (l) => {
try {
if (cmds[l.split(' ')[0].toLowerCase()]) {
if (cmds[l.split(' ')[0].toLowerCase()].consoleIndex) {
const tmpcmd = l.split(' ')
const index2 = tmpcmd.splice(1, 1)[0]
if (index2 === '*') {
for (let i = 0; i < index.bot.length; i++) {
const cmd = new ConsoleCommand(tmpcmd.join(' '), i)
cmds[l.split(' ')[0].toLowerCase()].execute(cmd)
} else {
const cmd = new ConsoleCommand(tmpcmd.join(' '), +index2)
cmds[l.split(' ')[0].toLowerCase()].execute(cmd)
} else {
const cmd = new ConsoleCommand(l, -2)
cmds[l.split(' ')[0].toLowerCase()].execute(cmd)
} catch (e) {
function consoleWrite (text) {
readln.cursorTo(process.stdout, 0)
readln.clearLine(process.stdout, 0)
@ -10,44 +41,12 @@ function consoleWrite (text) {
module.exports = {
load: () => {
rl = readln.createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout,
prompt: '\x1b[0m\x1b[38;5;15m> '
rl.on('line', (l) => {
try {
if (newercommands[l.split(' ')[0].toLowerCase()]) {
if (newercommands[l.split(' ')[0].toLowerCase()].consoleIndex) {
const tmpcmd = l.split(' ')
const index2 = tmpcmd.splice(1, 1)[0]
if (index2 === '*') {
for (let i = 0; i < index.bot.length; i++) {
const cmd = new ConsoleCommand(tmpcmd.join(' '), i)
newercommands[l.split(' ')[0].toLowerCase()].execute(cmd)
} else {
const cmd = new ConsoleCommand(tmpcmd.join(' '), +index2)
newercommands[l.split(' ')[0].toLowerCase()].execute(cmd)
} else {
const cmd = new ConsoleCommand(l, -2)
newercommands[l.split(' ')[0].toLowerCase()].execute(cmd)
} catch (e) {
loadBot: (b) => {
load: (b) => {
b.info = (msg) => {
consoleWrite(`[${b.id}] [info] ${msg}`)
write: consoleWrite
b.displayChat = (type, msg) => {
consoleWrite(`[${b.id}] [${type}] ${msg}`)
@ -1,20 +1,17 @@
module.exports = {
load: () => {
loadBot: (b) => {
load: (b) => {
b._client.on('login', () => {
b.interval.chatQueue = setInterval(() => {
if (b.chatqueue.length !== 0) {
b.chatqueue.splice(0, 1)
}, 150)
}, 100)
b.chatqueue = []
b.chat = function chat (msg) {
if (msg.length === 0) return
msg.match(/.{1,250}/g).forEach(element => {
msg.match(/.{1,255}/g).forEach(element => {
@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
const parse = require('../util/chatparse.js')
const parse1204 = require('../util/chatparse_1204.js')
const parse = require('../util/chatparse_plain')
const parseNBT = require('../util/parseNBT')
module.exports = {
load: () => {
loadBot: (b) => {
load: (b) => {
b.players = {}
b._client.on('player_info', (data) => {
const buffer2 = {}
@ -14,12 +12,18 @@ module.exports = {
} else if (data.data[i].UUID) {
uuid = data.data[i].UUID
let displayName
if (data.data[i].displayName !== undefined) {
displayName = data.data[i].displayName
} else {
displayName = '{"text":"[[[[ No display name ]]]]"}'
if (data.data[i].player && data.data[i].player.name !== undefined) {
buffer2[uuid] = { realName: data.data[i].player.name, displayName: parse(parse1204(data.data[i].displayName))[1] }
buffer2[uuid] = { realName: data.data[i].player.name, displayName: parse(parseNBT(displayName)) }
} else if (data.data[i].name !== undefined) {
buffer2[uuid] = { realName: data.data[i].name, displayName: parse(parse1204(data.data[i].displayName))[1] }
buffer2[uuid] = { realName: data.data[i].name, displayName: parse(parseNBT(displayName)) }
} else if (data.data[i].displayName !== undefined) {
buffer2[uuid] = { displayName: parse(parse1204(data.data[i].displayName))[1] }
buffer2[uuid] = { displayName: displayName.plain }
for (const uuid in buffer2) {
@ -42,7 +46,7 @@ module.exports = {
return b.players[i].realName
return 'Geometrical Dominator'
return '[[[[ no name ]]]]'
@ -1,15 +1,13 @@
const index = require('../index.js')
module.exports = {
load: () => {
loadBot: (b) => {
load: (b) => {
b._client.on('end', () => {
b.info('bot ' + b.id + ' disconnected')
b.info(`Bot ${b.id} disconnected`)
for (const i in b.interval) {
setTimeout(() => {
b.info('Re-connecting bot ' + b.id)
b.info(`Re-connecting bot ${b.id}`)
index.createBot(b.host, b.id)
}, 5000)
@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
class SCTask {
constructor (failTask, chatCommand, startFailed = false) {
* failed: Whether to run this task
* failTask: Command to run when failed is true
* chatCommand: Whether to run failTask in chat rather than in command block
this.failed = startFailed
this.failTask = failTask
this.chatCommand = chatCommand
module.exports = {
load: () => {
loadBot: (b) => {
b.sc_tasks = {}
b.interval.sc = setInterval(() => {
for (const i in b.sc_tasks) {
if (b.sc_tasks[i].failed) {
if (b.sc_tasks[i].chatCommand) {
} else {
b.ccq.push(b.sc_tasks[i].failTask) // Does not automatically reset
}, 1000)
b.add_sc_task = (name, failTask, chatCommand, startFailed) => {
b.sc_tasks[name] = new SCTask(failTask, chatCommand, startFailed)
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
module.exports = {
load: () => {
loadBot: (b) => {
b.add_sc_task('cspy', '/cspy on', true, true)
b.on('plainchat', (msg) => {
if (msg === 'Successfully disabled CommandSpy') {
b.sc_tasks.cspy.failed = 1
} else if (msg === 'Successfully enabled CommandSpy') {
b.sc_tasks.cspy.failed = 0
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
module.exports = {
load: () => {
loadBot: (b) => {
b.add_sc_task('gamemode', '/minecraft:gamemode creative', true)
b._client.on('game_state_change', (p) => {
if (p.reason === 3 && p.gameMode !== 1) {
b.sc_tasks.gamemode.failed = 1
} else if (p.reason === 3 && p.gameMode === 1) {
b.sc_tasks.gamemode.failed = 0
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
module.exports = {
load: () => {
loadBot: (b) => {
b.add_sc_task('op', '/op @s[type=player]', true)
b._client.on('login', (p) => {
b.entityId = p.entityId
b._client.on('entity_status', (p) => {
if (p.entityId === b.entityId && p.entityStatus === 24) {
b.sc_tasks.op.failed = 1
} else if (p.entityId === b.entityId && p.entityStatus === 28) {
b.sc_tasks.op.failed = 0
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
class SCTask {
constructor (failTask, startFailed = false) {
* failed: Whether to run this task
* failTask: Command to run when failed is true
this.failed = startFailed
this.failTask = failTask
module.exports = {
load: (b) => {
b.sc_tasks = {}
b.selfcareRun = 0
b.interval.sc = setInterval(() => {
if(Date.now() - b.selfcareRun <= 600){
for (const i in b.sc_tasks) {
if (b.sc_tasks[i].failed) {
b.selfcareRun = Date.now()
}, 40)
b.add_sc_task = (name, failTask, startFailed) => {
b.sc_tasks[name] = new SCTask(failTask, startFailed)
// Self care tasks
// Operator
b.add_sc_task('op', () => {
b.chat('/op @s[type=player]')
b._client.on('login', (p) => {
b.entityId = p.entityId
b._client.on('entity_status', (p) => {
if (p.entityId === b.entityId && p.entityStatus === 24) {
b.sc_tasks.op.failed = 1
} else if (p.entityId === b.entityId && p.entityStatus === 28) {
b.sc_tasks.op.failed = 0
// CommandSpy
if (!b.host.options.isVanilla) {
b.add_sc_task('cspy', () => {
b.chat('/cspy on')
}, true)
b.on('plainchat', (msg) => {
if (msg === 'Successfully disabled CommandSpy') {
b.sc_tasks.cspy.failed = 1
} else if (msg === 'Successfully enabled CommandSpy') {
b.sc_tasks.cspy.failed = 0
// Gamemode
b.add_sc_task('gamemode', () => {
b.chat('/minecraft:gamemode creative')
b._client.on('game_state_change', (p) => {
if (p.reason === 3 && p.gameMode !== 1) {
b.sc_tasks.gamemode.failed = 1
} else if (p.reason === 3 && p.gameMode === 1) {
b.sc_tasks.gamemode.failed = 0
// Respawning after dying
b.add_sc_task('respawn', () => {
b._client.write('client_command', { actionId: 0 }) // Simulates respawning
b.sc_tasks.respawn.failed = 0
b.on('chat', (data) => {
if (data.json.translate === 'chat.disabled.options' || (data.json.extra && data.json.extra[0] && data.json.extra[0].translate === 'chat.disabled.options')) {
b.sc_tasks.respawn.failed = 1
@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
module.exports = {
load: () => {
loadBot: (b) => {
load: (b) => {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"keyTrusted": "Insert trusted level key here... (PLEASE CHANGE THIS, THIS KEY IS PUBLIC)",
"keyOwner": "Insert owner level key here... (PLEASE CHANGE THIS, THIS KEY IS PUBLIC)",
"onlineEmail": "email@example.com",
"onlinePass": "password"
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
"name": "Minecraft Bot",
"version_mc": "1.20.4",
"defaultLang": "en-US",
"terminalMode": "blackTerminal_24bit",
"colors": {
"primary": "#FFCCEE",
"secondary": "#FF99DD"
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
const settings = require('../settings.json')
class Command {
constructor (uuid, user, nick, cmd, prefix, bot, verify, lang = settings.defaultLang) {
constructor (uuid, user, nick, cmd, prefix, bot, verify, prefs) {
this.send = (text, uuid) => { bot.tellraw(uuid || '@a', text) }
this.reply = text => bot.tellraw(uuid, text)
this.uuid = uuid
@ -16,8 +16,26 @@ class Command {
this.verify = verify
this.host = bot.host.host
this.port = bot.host.port
this.lang = lang
this.colors = settings.colors
// this.lang = lang
this.prefs = prefs
this.lang = prefs.lang
} else {
this.lang = settings.defaultLang
let _colors = {}
_colors.primary = prefs.colorPrimary
} else {
_colors.primary = settings.colors.primary
_colors.secondary = prefs.colorSecondary
} else {
_colors.secondary = settings.colors.secondary
this.colors = _colors
@ -1,51 +1,19 @@
const index = require('../index.js')
const { cmds } = require('../plugins/command.js')
const parse = require('../util/chatparse.js')
const parse = require('../util/chatparse_console.js')
const settings = require('../settings.json')
const getMessage = require('../util/lang.js')
const lang = settings.defaultLang
class ConsoleCommand {
constructor (cmd, index2) {
this.send = () => {} // not needed for console
this.reply = text => process.stdout.write(parse(text)[0] + '\n')
this.uuid = 'dde5a2a6-ebdd-4bbb-8eac-f75b10c10446_console' // hard-coded because uuid does not exist at console
this.reply = text => process.stdout.write(parse(text) + '\n')
this.uuid = 'dde5a2a6-ebdd-7bbb-8eac-f75b10c10446' // hard-coded because uuid does not exist at console
this.username = 'Owner'
this.nickname = 'Console'
this.command = cmd
this.prefix = '' // prefix does not exist at console
this.bot = index2 >= 0
? index.bot[index2]
: {
printHelp: () => {
const helpCmds = []
for (const i in cmds) {
// if(cmds[i].hidden) continue;
console.log(getMessage(lang, 'command.help.cmdList', [helpCmds.join(' ')]))
printCmdHelp: (uuid, cmd) => {
let usage = getMessage(lang, `command.${cmd}.usage`).split('||')
let desc = getMessage(lang, `command.${cmd}.desc`)
if (cmds[cmd].usage) {
usage = cmds[cmd].usage.split('||')
if (cmds[cmd].desc) {
desc = cmds[cmd].desc
for (const i in usage) {
console.log(getMessage(lang, 'command.help.commandUsage', [cmd, usage[i]]))
console.log(getMessage(lang, 'command.help.commandDesc', [desc]))
const permsN = getMessage(lang, 'command.help.permsNormal')
const permsT = getMessage(lang, 'command.help.permsTrusted')
const permsO = getMessage(lang, 'command.help.permsOwner')
const permsC = getMessage(lang, 'command.help.permsConsole')
const rPerms = cmds[cmd].level ? cmds[cmd].level : 0
console.log(getMessage(lang, 'command.help.commandPerms', [[permsN, permsT, permsO, permsC][rPerms]]))
} // bot does not exist at console
: {}
this.type = 'console'
this.index = index2
this.args = cmd.split(' ').slice(1)
@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
const _lang = require('minecraft-data')('1.20.2').language
const lang = Object.create(null) // Without constructor function
for (const i in _lang) {
lang[i] = _lang[i]
const consoleColors = {
dark_red: '\x1B[0m\x1B[38;2;170;0;0m',
red: '\x1B[0m\x1B[38;2;255;85;85m',
dark_green: '\x1B[0m\x1B[38;2;0;170;0m',
green: '\x1B[0m\x1B[38;2;85;255;85m',
gold: '\x1B[0m\x1B[38;2;255;170;0m',
yellow: '\x1B[0m\x1B[38;2;255;255;85m',
dark_blue: '\x1B[0m\x1B[38;2;0;0;170m',
blue: '\x1B[0m\x1B[38;2;85;85;255m',
dark_purple: '\x1B[0m\x1B[38;2;170;0;170m',
light_purple: '\x1B[0m\x1B[38;2;255;85;255m',
dark_aqua: '\x1B[0m\x1B[38;2;0;170;170m',
aqua: '\x1B[0m\x1B[38;2;85;255;255m',
black: '\x1B[0m\x1B[48;2;220;220;220m\x1B[38;2;0;0;0m',
gray: '\x1B[0m\x1B[38;2;170;170;170m',
dark_gray: '\x1B[0m\x1B[38;2;85;85;85m',
white: '\x1B[0m\x1B[38;2;255;255;255m',
reset: '\x1B[0m\x1B[38;2;255;255;255m'
const hexColorParser = (color) => {
let out = '\x1B[0m'
const redChannel = Number('0x' + color.slice(1, 3))
const greenChannel = Number('0x' + color.slice(3, 5))
const blueChannel = Number('0x' + color.slice(5, 7))
if (redChannel < 96 && greenChannel < 96 && blueChannel < 96) {
out += '\x1B[48;2;220;220;220m'
return out + `\x1B[38;2;${redChannel};${greenChannel};${blueChannel}m`
const processColor = (col, rcol) => {
const out = ['', '']
if (col === 'reset') {
out[0] = rcol[0]
} else if (col.startsWith('#')) {
out[0] = hexColorParser(col)
} else {
out[0] = consoleColors[col]
return out
const parse = function (_data, l = 0, resetColor = [consoleColors.reset]) {
if (l >= 12) {
return ['', '', '']
let data
if (typeof _data === 'string') {
data = { text: _data, color: 'reset' }
} else if (typeof _data === 'number') {
data = { text: _data + '', color: 'reset' }
} else {
data = _data
let nkt = false
const out = ['', '', ''] // console plain minecraft
if (data['']) {
data.text = data['']
nkt = true
if (data.color) {
if (data.color === 'reset') {
out[0] += resetColor[0]
} else if (data.color.startsWith('#')) {
out[0] += hexColorParser(data.color)
} else {
out[0] += consoleColors[data.color]
} else {
out[0] += resetColor[0]
if (data.text) {
let _text = data.text
if (typeof _text === 'number') {
_text = _text.toString()
if (nkt) {
out[0] += resetColor[0]
out[2] += resetColor[1]
out[0] += _text.replaceAll('\x1b', '').replaceAll('\x0e', '') // Remove escape codes and [SO] from console format
out[1] += _text
out[2] += _text
if (data.translate) {
let trans = data.translate.replace(/%%/g, '\ue123').replaceAll('\x1b', '').replaceAll('\x0e', '') // Remove escape codes from console format
let trans2 = data.translate.replace(/%%/g, '\ue123')
let trans3 = data.translate.replace(/%%/g, '\ue123')
if (lang[trans] !== undefined) {
trans = lang[trans].replace(/%%/g, '\ue123')
trans2 = lang[trans2].replace(/%%/g, '\ue123')
trans3 = lang[trans3].replace(/%%/g, '\ue123')
for (const i in data.with) {
const j2 = parse(data.with[i], l + 1, data.color ? processColor(data.color, resetColor) : resetColor)
trans = trans.replace(/%s/, j2[0].replace(/%s/g, '\ue124').replace(/\$s/g, '\ue125'))
trans2 = trans2.replace(/%s/, j2[1].replace(/%s/g, '\ue124').replace(/\$s/g, '\ue125'))
trans3 = trans3.replace(/%s/, j2[2].replace(/%s/g, '\ue124').replace(/\$s/g, '\ue125'))
trans = trans.replaceAll(`%${+i + 1}$s`, j2[0].replace(/%s/g, '\ue124').replace(/\$s/g, '\ue125'))
trans2 = trans2.replaceAll(`%${+i + 1}$s`, j2[1].replace(/%s/g, '\ue124').replace(/\$s/g, '\ue125'))
trans3 = trans3.replaceAll(`%${+i + 1}$s`, j2[2].replace(/%s/g, '\ue124').replace(/\$s/g, '\ue125'))
out[0] += trans.replace(/\ue123/g, '%').replace(/\ue124/g, '%s').replace(/\ue125/g, '$s')
out[1] += trans2.replace(/\ue123/g, '%').replace(/\ue124/g, '%s').replace(/\ue125/g, '$s')
out[2] += trans3.replace(/\ue123/g, '%').replace(/\ue124/g, '%s').replace(/\ue125/g, '$s')
if (data.extra) {
for (const i in data.extra) {
const parsed = parse(data.extra[i], l, data.color ? processColor(data.color, resetColor) : resetColor)
out[0] += parsed[0]
out[1] += parsed[1]
out[2] += parsed[2]
out[0] += resetColor[0]
return out
const parse2 = function (_data, l, resetColor) {
try {
return parse(_data)
} catch (e) {
return [
'\x1B[0m\x1B[38;2;255;85;85mAn error occured while parsing a message. See console for more information.\nJSON that caused the error: ' + JSON.stringify(_data),
'An error occured while parsing a message. See console for more information. JSON that caused the error: ' + JSON.stringify(_data),
'§cAn error occured while parsing a message. See console for more information. JSON that caused the error: ' + JSON.stringify(_data)
module.exports = parse2
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
const settings = require('../settings.json')
const lang = require('./mc_lang.js')
const _consoleColors = require('./consolecolors.json')
let consoleColors
let consoleColors24
if (_consoleColors[settings.terminalMode]) {
consoleColors = _consoleColors[settings.terminalMode].fourBit
consoleColors24 = _consoleColors[settings.terminalMode].twentyFourBit
} else {
consoleColors = _consoleColors.none.fourBit
consoleColors24 = _consoleColors.none.twentyFourBit
const hexColorParser = (color) => {
if (!consoleColors24.enabled || consoleColors24.bit !== 24) { // Hex color parsing to the 8 bit and 4 bit modes has not been implemented yet
return ''
let out = '\x1B[0;'
const redChannel = Number(`0x${color.slice(1, 3)}`)
const greenChannel = Number(`0x${color.slice(3, 5)}`)
const blueChannel = Number(`0x${color.slice(5, 7)}`)
if (!consoleColors24.lightMode && redChannel < 64 && greenChannel < 64 && blueChannel < 64) {
out += '48;2;220;220;220;'
} else if (consoleColors24.lightMode && ((redChannel > 192 && greenChannel > 192 && blueChannel > 192) || greenChannel > 160)) {
out += '48;2;0;0;0;'
return out + `38;2;${redChannel};${greenChannel};${blueChannel}m`
const processColor = (col, rcol) => {
let out
if (col === 'reset') {
out = rcol
} else if (col.startsWith('#')) {
out = hexColorParser(col)
} else {
out = consoleColors[col]
return out
const parse = function (_data, l = 0, resetColor = consoleColors.reset) {
if (l >= 4) {
return ''
let data
if (typeof _data === 'string') {
data = { text: _data, color: 'reset' }
} else if (typeof _data === 'number') {
data = { text: _data + '', color: 'reset' }
} else if (_data.constructor === Array) {
data = { extra: _data, color: 'reset' }
} else {
data = _data
if (data['']) {
data.text = data['']
if (!data.color) data.color = 'reset'
let out = ''
if (data.color) {
out += processColor(data.color, resetColor)
} else {
out += resetColor
if (data.text) {
let _text = data.text
if (typeof _text === 'number') {
_text = _text.toString()
out += _text.replaceAll('\x1b', '').replaceAll('\x0e', '') // Remove escape codes and [SO] from console format
if (data.translate) {
let trans = data.translate.replace(/%%/g, '\ue123').replaceAll('\x1b', '').replaceAll('\x0e', '') // Remove escape codes from console format
if (lang[trans] !== undefined) {
trans = lang[trans].replace(/%%/g, '\ue123')
for (const i in data.with) {
const j2 = parse(data.with[i], l + 1, data.color ? processColor(data.color, resetColor) : resetColor)
trans = trans.replace(/%s/, j2.replace(/%s/g, '\ue124').replace(/\$s/g, '\ue125'))
trans = trans.replaceAll(`%${+i + 1}$s`, j2.replace(/%s/g, '\ue124').replace(/\$s/g, '\ue125'))
out += trans.replace(/\ue123/g, '%').replace(/\ue124/g, '%s').replace(/\ue125/g, '$s')
if (data.extra) {
for (const i in data.extra) {
const parsed = parse(data.extra[i], l, data.color ? processColor(data.color, resetColor) : resetColor)
out += parsed
out += resetColor
return out
const parse2 = function (_data, l, resetColor) {
try {
return parse(_data)
} catch (e) {
return `\x1B[0m\x1B[38;2;255;85;85mAn error occured while parsing a message. See console for more information.\nJSON that caused the error: ${JSON.stringify(_data)}`
module.exports = parse2
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
const lang = require('./mc_lang.js')
const parse = function (_data, l = 0) {
if (l >= 4) {
return ''
let data
if (typeof _data === 'string') {
data = { text: _data }
} else if (typeof _data === 'number') {
data = { text: _data + '' }
} else if (_data.constructor === Array) {
data = { extra: _data }
} else {
data = _data
let out = ''
if (data['']) {
data.text = data['']
if (data.text) {
let _text = data.text
if (typeof _text === 'number') {
_text = _text.toString()
out += _text
if (data.translate) {
let trans = data.translate.replace(/%%/g, '\ue123')
if (lang[trans] !== undefined) {
trans = lang[trans].replace(/%%/g, '\ue123')
for (const i in data.with) {
const j2 = parse(data.with[i], l + 1)
trans = trans.replace(/%s/, j2.replace(/%s/g, '\ue124').replace(/\$s/g, '\ue125'))
trans = trans.replaceAll(`%${+i + 1}$s`, j2.replace(/%s/g, '\ue124').replace(/\$s/g, '\ue125'))
out += trans.replace(/\ue123/g, '%').replace(/\ue124/g, '%s').replace(/\ue125/g, '$s')
if (data.extra) {
for (const i in data.extra) {
const parsed = parse(data.extra[i], l)
out += parsed
return out
const parse2 = function (_data, l) {
try {
return parse(_data)
} catch (e) {
return `An error occured while parsing a message. See console for more information. JSON that caused the error: ${JSON.stringify(_data)}`
module.exports = parse2
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
const fs = require('fs')
const cmds = Object.create(null)
const bpl = fs.readdirSync('./commands')
for (const i in bpl) {
if (!bpl[i].endsWith('.js')) {
try {
const commandName = bpl[i].split('.js')[0]
cmds[commandName] = require(`../commands/${bpl[i]}`)
if (cmds[commandName].level === undefined) {
cmds[commandName].level = 0
if (cmds[commandName].aliases) {
for (const j in cmds[commandName].aliases) {
cmds[cmds[commandName].aliases[j]] = {
execute: cmds[commandName].execute,
alias: commandName,
usage: cmds[commandName].usage,
level: cmds[commandName].level,
hidden: true,
consoleIndex: cmds[commandName].consoleIndex
} catch (e) { console.log(e) }
module.exports = cmds
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
"dark_red": "\u001B[0;38;2;170;0;0m",
"red": "\u001B[0;38;2;255;85;85m",
"dark_green": "\u001B[0;38;2;0;170;0m",
"green": "\u001B[0;38;2;85;255;85m",
"gold": "\u001B[0;38;2;255;170;0m",
"yellow": "\u001B[0;38;2;255;255;85m",
"dark_blue": "\u001B[0;38;2;0;0;170m",
"blue": "\u001B[0;38;2;85;85;255m",
"dark_purple": "\u001B[0;38;2;170;0;170m",
"light_purple": "\u001B[0;38;2;255;85;255m",
"dark_aqua": "\u001B[0;38;2;0;170;170m",
"aqua": "\u001B[0;38;2;85;255;255m",
"black": "\u001B[0;48;2;220;220;220;38;2;0;0;0m",
"gray": "\u001B[0;38;2;170;170;170m",
"dark_gray": "\u001B[0;38;2;85;85;85m",
"white": "\u001B[0;38;2;255;255;255m",
"reset": "\u001B[0;38;2;255;255;255m"
"enabled": true,
"bit": 24,
"lightMode": false
"dark_red": "\u001B[0;38;2;170;0;0m",
"red": "\u001B[0;38;2;255;85;85m",
"dark_green": "\u001B[0;38;2;0;170;0m",
"green": "\u001B[0;48;2;20;20;20;38;2;85;255;85m",
"gold": "\u001B[0;38;2;255;170;0m",
"yellow": "\u001B[0;48;2;20;20;20;38;2;255;255;85m",
"dark_blue": "\u001B[0;38;2;0;0;170m",
"blue": "\u001B[0;38;2;85;85;255m",
"dark_purple": "\u001B[0;38;2;170;0;170m",
"light_purple": "\u001B[0;38;2;255;85;255m",
"dark_aqua": "\u001B[0;38;2;0;170;170m",
"aqua": "\u001B[0;48;2;20;20;20;38;2;85;255;255m",
"black": "\u001B[0;38;2;0;0;0m",
"gray": "\u001B[0;38;2;170;170;170m",
"dark_gray": "\u001B[0;38;2;85;85;85m",
"white": "\u001B[0;48;2;20;20;20;38;2;255;255;255m",
"reset": "\u001B[0;48;2;20;20;20;38;2;255;255;255m"
"enabled": true,
"bit": 24,
"lightMode": true
"dark_red": "\u001B[0;38;5;1m",
"red": "\u001B[0;38;5;9m",
"dark_green": "\u001B[0;38;5;2m",
"green": "\u001B[0;38;5;10m",
"gold": "\u001B[0;38;5;3m",
"yellow": "\u001B[0;38;5;11m",
"dark_blue": "\u001B[0;38;5;4m",
"blue": "\u001B[0;38;5;12m",
"dark_purple": "\u001B[0;38;5;5m",
"light_purple": "\u001B[0;38;5;13m",
"dark_aqua": "\u001B[0;38;5;6m",
"aqua": "\u001B[0;38;5;14m",
"black": "\u001B[0;48;5;15;38;5;0m",
"gray": "\u001B[0;38;5;7m",
"dark_gray": "\u001B[0;38;5;8m",
"white": "\u001B[0;38;5;15m",
"reset": "\u001B[0;38;5;15m"
"enabled": true,
"bit": 8,
"lightMode": false
"dark_red": "\u001B[0;38;5;1m",
"red": "\u001B[0;38;5;9m",
"dark_green": "\u001B[0;38;5;2m",
"green": "\u001B[0;48;5;0;38;5;10m",
"gold": "\u001B[0;38;5;3m",
"yellow": "\u001B[0;48;5;0;38;5;11m",
"dark_blue": "\u001B[0;38;5;4m",
"blue": "\u001B[0;38;5;12m",
"dark_purple": "\u001B[0;38;5;5m",
"light_purple": "\u001B[0;38;5;13m",
"dark_aqua": "\u001B[0;38;5;6m",
"aqua": "\u001B[0;48;5;0;38;5;14m",
"black": "\u001B[0;38;5;0m",
"gray": "\u001B[0;38;5;7m",
"dark_gray": "\u001B[0;38;5;8m",
"white": "\u001B[0;48;5;0;38;5;15m",
"reset": "\u001B[0;48;5;0;38;5;15m"
"enabled": true,
"bit": 8,
"lightMode": true
"dark_red": "\u001B[0;31m",
"red": "\u001B[0;1;31m",
"dark_green": "\u001B[0;32m",
"green": "\u001B[0;1;32m",
"gold": "\u001B[0;33m",
"yellow": "\u001B[0;1;33m",
"dark_blue": "\u001B[0;34m",
"blue": "\u001B[0;1;34m",
"dark_purple": "\u001B[0;35m",
"light_purple": "\u001B[0;1;35m",
"dark_aqua": "\u001B[0;36m",
"aqua": "\u001B[0;1;36m",
"black": "\u001B[0;1;47;30m",
"gray": "\u001B[0;37m",
"dark_gray": "\u001B[0;1;30m",
"white": "\u001B[0;1;37m",
"reset": "\u001B[0;1;37m"
"enabled": true,
"bit": 4,
"lightMode": false
"dark_red": "\u001B[0;31m",
"red": "\u001B[0;1;31m",
"dark_green": "\u001B[0;32m",
"green": "\u001B[0;40;1;32m",
"gold": "\u001B[0;33m",
"yellow": "\u001B[0;40;1;33m",
"dark_blue": "\u001B[0;34m",
"blue": "\u001B[0;1;34m",
"dark_purple": "\u001B[0;35m",
"light_purple": "\u001B[0;1;35m",
"dark_aqua": "\u001B[0;36m",
"aqua": "\u001B[0;40;1;36m",
"black": "\u001B[0;30m",
"gray": "\u001B[0;37m",
"dark_gray": "\u001B[0;1;30m",
"white": "\u001B[0;40;1;37m",
"reset": "\u001B[0;40;1;37m"
"enabled": true,
"bit": 4,
"lightMode": true
"dark_red": "",
"red": "",
"dark_green": "",
"green": "",
"gold": "",
"yellow": "",
"dark_blue": "",
"blue": "",
"dark_purple": "",
"light_purple": "",
"dark_aqua": "",
"aqua": "",
"black": "",
"gray": "",
"dark_gray": "",
"white": "",
"reset": ""
"enabled": false
@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ module.exports = function (cmd) {
const cmdWithoutHash = cmd.slice(0, cmd.length - 1).join(' ')
const _dateString = Date.now().toString()
const dateString = _dateString.slice(0, _dateString.length - 4)
const hashTrusted = 'babyboom:' + secret.keyTrusted + ':' + cmdWithoutHash + ':' + dateString
const hashOwner = 'babyboom:' + secret.keyOwner + ':' + cmdWithoutHash + ':' + dateString
const hashTrusted = `babyboom:${secret.keyTrusted}:${cmdWithoutHash}:${dateString}`
const hashOwner = `babyboom:${secret.keyOwner}:${cmdWithoutHash}:${dateString}`
const validhashT = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(hashTrusted).digest('hex')
const validhashO = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(hashOwner).digest('hex')
if (cmd[cmd.length - 1] === validhashT) {
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
const fs = require('fs')
const languages = {}
const loadplug = (botno) => {
const bpl = fs.readdirSync('util/lang')
for (const i in bpl) {
@ -12,11 +13,12 @@ const loadplug = (botno) => {
module.exports = function (l, msg, with2) {
const getMessage = function (l, msg, with2) {
let message = msg.replace(/%%/g, '\ue123')
if (languages[l][message] !== undefined) {
if (languages[l] && languages[l][message] !== undefined) {
message = languages[l][message].replace(/%%/g, '\ue123')
} else if (languages['en-US'][message] !== undefined) {
} else if (languages['en-US'] && languages['en-US'][message] !== undefined) {
message = languages['en-US'][message].replace(/%%/g, '\ue123')
for (const i in with2) {
@ -25,3 +27,37 @@ module.exports = function (l, msg, with2) {
return message.replace(/\ue123/g, '%').replace(/\ue124/g, '%s').replace(/\ue125/g, '$s')
module.exports = {
languages: Object.keys(languages),
formatTime: function (time, language) {
let finalString = ''
const seconds = Math.floor(time / 1000) % 60
const minutes = Math.floor(time / 60000) % 60
const hours = Math.floor(time / 3600000) % 24
const days = Math.floor(time / 86400000) % 7
const weeks = Math.floor(time / 604800000)
if (weeks !== 0) {
finalString += weeks
finalString += `${weeks === 1 ? getMessage(language, 'time.week') : getMessage(language, 'time.weekPlural')}`
if (days !== 0) {
finalString += days
finalString += `${days === 1 ? getMessage(language, 'time.day') : getMessage(language, 'time.dayPlural')}`
if (hours !== 0) {
finalString += hours
finalString += `${hours === 1 ? getMessage(language, 'time.hour') : getMessage(language, 'time.hourPlural')}`
if (minutes !== 0) {
finalString += minutes
finalString += `${minutes === 1 ? getMessage(language, 'time.minute') : getMessage(language, 'time.minutePlural')}`
if (seconds !== 0) {
finalString += seconds
finalString += `${seconds === 1 ? getMessage(language, 'time.second') : getMessage(language, 'time.secondPlural')}`
return finalString
@ -1,4 +1,16 @@
"language.name": "English",
"language.region": "United States",
"time.week": " week ",
"time.weekPlural": " weeks ",
"time.day": " day ",
"time.dayPlural": " days ",
"time.hour": " hour ",
"time.hourPlural": " hours ",
"time.minute": " minute ",
"time.minutePlural": " minutes ",
"time.second": " second ",
"time.secondPlural": " seconds ",
"command.about.usage": "",
"command.about.desc": "About the bot",
"command.cb.usage": " <command>",
@ -17,24 +29,26 @@
"command.refill.desc": "Refill core",
"command.say.usage": " <message>",
"command.say.desc": "Sends a message to chat",
"command.serverinfo.usage": "",
"command.serverinfo.desc": "Get system/bot info",
"command.stop.usage": "",
"command.stop.desc": "Restart bot",
"command.template.usage": " <required> [optional]",
"command.template.desc": "Does nothing",
"command.tpr.desc": "Teleport to a random location",
"command.tpr.usage": "",
"command.verify.usage": " [args...]",
"command.verify.desc": "Check the hashing system",
"command.about.author": "%s - a Minecraft bot made by 77c8f4699b732c11 / a5a06d596f15c7db",
"command.about.author": "%s - a Minecraft bot made by %s for Kaboom and clones",
"command.about.version": "Version %s",
"command.about.serverinfo": "To view system information, run the command %s.",
"command.about.preRelease": "This is prerelease software - there may be errors, and features may be changed or removed at any time.",
"command.about.sourceCode": "Source code: %s",
"command.about.sourceCode.openInBrowser": "Click to open the source code link in your default browser",
"command.cloop.error.tooShort": "Command loops must have a rate above 20ms.",
"command.cloop.error.subcommand": "Unknown subcommand, please do %s",
"command.cloop.success.add": "Added command loop with command %s and rate %s",
"command.cloop.success.remove": "Removed command loop %s",
"command.cloop.success.clear": "Cleared all command loops",
"command.cloop.list": "%s: Command: %s Rate: %s",
"command.help.cmdList": "Commands",
"command.help.cmdList": "Commands:",
"command.help.commandInfo": "%s%s - %s",
"command.help.commandUsage": "Usage - %s%s",
"command.help.commandDesc": "Description - %s",
@ -44,29 +58,41 @@
"command.help.permsOwner": "Owner",
"command.help.permsConsole": "Console",
"command.help.noCommand": "Command does not exist",
"command.serverinfo.os.android": "Android",
"command.serverinfo.os.freebsd": "FreeBSD",
"command.serverinfo.os.linux": "Linux",
"command.serverinfo.os.macos": "macOS",
"command.serverinfo.os.macos_old": "OS X",
"command.serverinfo.os": "Operating system",
"command.serverinfo.processor": "CPU",
"command.serverinfo.arch": "Architecture",
"command.serverinfo.osUsername": "Username",
"command.serverinfo.hostName": "Hostname",
"command.serverinfo.workingDir": "Working directory",
"command.serverinfo.runTime": "Bot uptime",
"command.serverinfo.upTime": "System uptime",
"command.serverinfo.nodeVersion": "Node.js version",
"command.serverinfo.osRelease": "Linux release",
"command.serverinfo.osRelease.missing": "/etc/os-release does not exist. Information may be limited.",
"command.serverinfo.os.android.version": "Android version",
"command.serverinfo.os.android.model": "Device model",
"command.serverinfo.botName": "Bot name",
"command.serverinfo.botVer": "Bot version",
"command.help.alias": "Alias to %s",
"command.netmsg.disabled": "This command has been disabled on this server.",
"command.settings.get.colorPrimary": "Primary color",
"command.settings.get.colorSecondary": "Secondary color",
"command.settings.get.language": "Language",
"command.settings.setLanguage": "Run %s to set this as your language",
"command.settings.error.invalidKey": "Invalid key",
"command.settings.error.invalidLanguage": "Invalid language",
"command.settings.error.mustProvideValue": "You must provide a value",
"command.about.serverInfo.os.android": "Android %s",
"command.about.serverInfo.os.android.noVersion": "Android",
"command.about.serverInfo.os.freebsd": "FreeBSD %s",
"command.about.serverInfo.os.linux": "Linux %s",
"command.about.serverInfo.os.macos": "macOS",
"command.about.serverInfo.os.macos_old": "OS X",
"command.about.serverInfo.os": "Operating system",
"command.about.serverInfo.processor": "CPU",
"command.about.serverInfo.arch": "Architecture",
"command.about.serverInfo.osUsername": "Username",
"command.about.serverInfo.hostName": "Hostname",
"command.about.serverInfo.workingDir": "Working directory",
"command.about.serverInfo.runTime": "Bot uptime",
"command.about.serverInfo.upTime": "System uptime",
"command.about.serverInfo.nodeVersion": "Node.js version",
"command.about.serverInfo.osRelease": "Linux release",
"command.about.serverInfo.osRelease.missing": "/etc/os-release does not exist. Information may be limited.",
"command.about.serverInfo.os.android.version": "Android version",
"command.about.serverInfo.os.android.model": "Device model",
"command.about.serverInfo.botName": "Bot name",
"command.about.serverInfo.botVer": "Bot version",
"command.tpr.success": "Teleporting %s to %s, %s, %s",
"command.verify.success": "Successfully verified with permission level %s",
"command.error": "An error occured (check console for more info)",
"command.disallowed.perms": "You do not have permission to run this command. If you do have permission, please make sure you put the command hash at the end, or ran the command through your client's hashing system.",
"command.disallowed.perms.yourLevel": "Your permission level: %s",
"command.disallowed.perms.cmdLevel": "Command requires: %s",
"copyText": "Click to copy!"
@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
"command.about.usage": "",
"command.about.desc": "About the bot",
"command.cb.usage": " <command>",
"command.cb.desc": "Wun a command in a command bwock",
"command.cloop.usage": " add <wate> <command>|| remove <index>|| list|| clear",
"command.cloop.desc": "Manage command woops",
"command.eval.usage": " <code>",
"command.eval.desc": "Wun JavaScwipt code",
"command.help.usage": " [cmd]",
"command.help.desc": "Shows command hewp",
"command.logoff.usage": "",
"command.logoff.desc": "Disconnyect and weconnyect the bot fwom a sewvew",
"command.netmsg.usage": " <message>",
"command.netmsg.desc": "Send a message to aww sewvews the bot is connyected to",
"command.refill.usage": "",
"command.refill.desc": "Wefiww cowe",
"command.say.usage": " <message>",
"command.say.desc": "Sends a message to chat",
"command.serverinfo.usage": "",
"command.serverinfo.desc": "Get system/bot info",
"command.stop.usage": "",
"command.stop.desc": "Westawt bot",
"command.template.usage": " <wequiwed> [optionyaw]",
"command.template.desc": "Does nyothing",
"command.verify.usage": " [awgs...]",
"command.verify.desc": "Check the hashing system",
"command.about.author": "%s - a Minyecwaft bot made by 77c8f4699b732c11 / a5a06d596f15c7db",
"command.about.version": "Vewsion %s",
"command.about.serverinfo": "To view system infowmation, wun the command %s.",
"command.cloop.error.tooShort": "Command woops must have a wate above 20ms.",
"command.cloop.error.subcommand": "Unknyown subcommand, pwease do %s",
"command.cloop.success.add": "Added command woop with command %s and wate %s",
"command.cloop.success.remove": "Wemoved command woop %s",
"command.cloop.success.clear": "Cweawed aww command woops",
"command.cloop.list": "%s: Command: %s Rate: %s",
"command.help.cmdList": "Commands",
"command.help.commandInfo": "%s%s - %s",
"command.help.commandUsage": "Usage - %s%s",
"command.help.commandDesc": "Descwiption - %s",
"command.help.commandPerms": "Wequiwed pewmissions - %s",
"command.help.permsNormal": "Nyowmaw",
"command.help.permsTrusted": "Twusted",
"command.help.permsOwner": "Ownyew",
"command.help.permsConsole": "Consowe",
"command.help.noCommand": "Command does nyot exist",
"command.serverinfo.os.android": "Andwoid",
"command.serverinfo.os.freebsd": "FweeBSD",
"command.serverinfo.os.linux": "Winyux",
"command.serverinfo.os.macos": "macOS",
"command.serverinfo.os.macos_old": "OS X",
"command.serverinfo.os": "Opewating system",
"command.serverinfo.processor": "CPU",
"command.serverinfo.arch": "Awchitectuwe",
"command.serverinfo.osUsername": "Usewnyame",
"command.serverinfo.hostName": "Hostnyame",
"command.serverinfo.workingDir": "Wowking diwectowy",
"command.serverinfo.runTime": "Bot uptime",
"command.serverinfo.upTime": "System uptime",
"command.serverinfo.nodeVersion": "Nyode.js vewsion",
"command.serverinfo.osRelease": "Winyux wewease",
"command.serverinfo.osRelease.missing": "/etc/os-release does nyot exist. Infowmation may be wimited.",
"command.serverinfo.os.android.version": "Andwoid vewsion",
"command.serverinfo.os.android.model": "Device modew",
"command.serverinfo.botName": "Bot nyame",
"command.serverinfo.botVer": "Bot vewsion",
"command.error": "An ewwow occuwed (check consowe fow mowe info)",
"command.disallowed.perms": "You do nyot have pewmission to wun this command. If you do have pewmission, pwease make suwe you put the command hash at the end, ow wan the command thwough youw cwient's hashing system.",
"command.disallowed.perms.yourLevel": "Youw pewmission wevew: %s",
"command.disallowed.perms.cmdLevel": "Command wequiwes: %s",
"copyText": "Cwick to copy!"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
const _lang = require('minecraft-data')('1.20.2').language
const lang = Object.create(null) // Without constructor function
for (const i in _lang) {
lang[i] = _lang[i]
module.exports = lang
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
const settings = require('../settings.json')
module.exports = function (text) {
return JSON.stringify({
translate: '[%s] %s',
color: '#FFAAFF',
with: [
text: settings.name,
color: 'light_purple'
color: 'white'
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
module.exports = function (time) {
let finalString = ''
const seconds = Math.floor(time / 1000) % 60
const minutes = Math.floor(time / 60000) % 60
const hours = Math.floor(time / 3600000) % 24
const days = Math.floor(time / 86400000) % 7
const weeks = Math.floor(time / 604800000)
if (weeks !== 0) {
finalString += `${weeks} week${weeks === 1 ? '' : 's'} `
if (days !== 0) {
finalString += `${days} day${days === 1 ? '' : 's'} `
if (hours !== 0) {
finalString += `${hours} hour${hours === 1 ? '' : 's'} `
if (minutes !== 0) {
finalString += `${minutes} minute${minutes === 1 ? '' : 's'} `
if (seconds !== 0) {
finalString += `${seconds} second${seconds === 1 ? '' : 's'} `
return finalString
@ -1,15 +1,31 @@
const rsg = function (count) {
let output = ''
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
let rng = Math.floor(Math.random() * 16) + 1
if (rng === 7) rng = 17 // No bells
if (rng === 10) rng = 18 // No line feeds
if (rng === 11) rng = 19 // No vertical tabulations
if (rng === 12) rng = 20 // No form feed
if (rng === 13) rng = 21 // No carriage returns
if (rng === 14) rng = 22 // No shift out
if (rng === 15) rng = 23 // No shift in
output += String.fromCharCode(rng)
const type = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6)
switch (type) {
case 0:
output += ' '
case 1:
output += '§§'
case 2:
output += '§ '
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:{ // Make this case more likely
let rng = Math.floor(Math.random() * 16) + 1
if (rng === 7) rng = 17 // No bells
if (rng === 10) rng = 18 // No line feeds
if (rng === 11) rng = 19 // No vertical tabulations
if (rng === 12) rng = 20 // No form feed
if (rng === 13) rng = 21 // No carriage returns
if (rng === 14) rng = 22 // No shift out
if (rng === 15) rng = 23 // No shift in
output += `§${String.fromCharCode(rng)}`
return output
@ -17,6 +33,6 @@ module.exports = function (legal) {
if (legal) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000).toString()
} else {
return ' \xa7' + rsg(6) + ' ' + rsg(4)
return rsg(6 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 3))
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
module.exports = function (uuid) {
const splitUUID = uuid.replace(/[^0-9a-f]/g, '').replace(/.{1,8}/g, a => { return '0x' + a }).match(/.{1,10}/g)
const splitUUID = uuid.replace(/[^0-9a-f]/g, '').replace(/.{1,8}/g, a => { return `0x${a}` }).match(/.{1,10}/g)
const numUUID = [+splitUUID[0] << 0, +splitUUID[1] << 0, +splitUUID[2] << 0, +splitUUID[3] << 0]
return numUUID
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
const version = require('../version.json')
const cp = require('child_process')
let botVersion = version.botVersion
let gitCommit
let gitBranch
try {
gitCommit = cp.execSync('git rev-parse --short HEAD').toString('UTF-8').split('\n')[0]
gitBranch = cp.execSync('git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD').toString('UTF-8').split('\n')[0]
} catch (e) {
gitCommit = false
gitBranch = false
if (gitCommit) {
botVersion += ` (${gitCommit} - ${gitBranch})`
module.exports = botVersion
@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
"bot": "10.0.0-beta.1"
"botName": "botvX Dev",
"botVersion": "10.0.0-beta.2",
"botAuthor": "a5a06d596f15c7db",
"isPreRelease": true,
"sourceURL": "https://code.chipmunk.land/7cc5c4f330d47060/botvX"
Reference in a new issue