// geode additions to make stl containers easier // clang-format off class GDString { void winDtor() = win 0xf6e0; GDString& winAssign(GDString const&, size_t, size_t) = win 0xf720; GDString& winAssign(char const*) = win 0xf680; GDString& winAssign(char const*, size_t) = win 0xf840; static uintptr_t macEmptyContainer() { return geode::base::get() + 0x6030d0; } void macCtor(char const*) = mac 0x489fc0; void macCtor(GDString const&) = mac 0x489fcc; GDString& macAssign(char const*) = mac 0x489f96; GDString& macAssign(GDString const&) = mac 0x489f9c; void macDestroy() = mac 0x489f78; } class AchievementBar : cocos2d::CCNodeRGBA { static AchievementBar* create(const char* title, const char* desc, const char* icon, bool quest) = mac 0x379f80, win 0x3b120, ios 0x1a4784; PAD = win 0x24; } class AchievementCell : cocos2d::CCLayer { void loadFromDict(cocos2d::CCDictionary*) = mac 0x10eaa0, win 0x59010; virtual bool init() = win 0x11070; } class AchievementManager : cocos2d::CCNode { void getAllAchievements() = mac 0x434d60; static AchievementManager* sharedState() = mac 0x424420, win 0x7b10; PAD = win 0x10; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_achievements; PAD = win 0x4; } class AchievementNotifier : cocos2d::CCNode { void notifyAchievement(const char* title, const char* desc, const char* icon, bool quest) { m_queue->addObject(AchievementBar::create(title, desc, icon, quest)); if (!m_currentAchievement) { this->showNextAchievement(); } } static AchievementNotifier* sharedState() = mac 0x464e00, win 0xfc90; void willSwitchToScene(cocos2d::CCScene*) = mac 0x4650b0, win 0xfea0; void showNextAchievement() = mac 0x464f10, win 0xfd60, ios 0x13f508; cocos2d::CCScene* m_currentScene; cocos2d::CCArray* m_queue; AchievementBar* m_currentAchievement; } class AchievementsLayer : GJDropDownLayer { void customSetup() = mac 0x1bdea0, win 0x3c2f0; void loadPage(int) = mac 0x1be190, win 0x3c600; } class AnimatedGameObject : GameObject, AnimatedSpriteDelegate, SpritePartDelegate { void playAnimation(int) = mac 0xc93d0, win 0x2539e0; void updateChildSpriteColor(cocos2d::_ccColor3B) = mac 0xc8450, win 0x2531f0; } class AnimatedShopKeeper : CCAnimatedSprite { void animationFinished(const char*) {} static AnimatedShopKeeper* create(ShopType type) = mac 0x1a57d0, win 0x14c4d0; void startAnimating() = win 0x14c690; float m_unknown1; float m_unknown2; bool m_unknown; } class AnimatedSpriteDelegate { virtual void animationFinished(const char*) {} } class AppDelegate : cocos2d::CCApplication, cocos2d::CCSceneDelegate { void bgScale() = mac 0x3aaab0; virtual bool applicationDidFinishLaunching() = mac 0x3aa900, win 0x3cbb0; virtual void applicationDidEnterBackground() = mac 0x3aabe0, win 0x3cf40; virtual void applicationWillEnterForeground() = mac 0x3aac80, win 0x3d130; virtual void applicationWillBecomeActive() = mac 0x3aab30, win 0x3ce90; virtual void applicationWillResignActive() = mac 0x3aab50, win 0x3cf20; virtual void trySaveGame() = mac 0x3aaf10, win 0x3d5e0, ios 0x1a28f0; virtual void willSwitchToScene(cocos2d::CCScene*) = mac 0x3aaf40, win 0x3d690; static AppDelegate* get() { return static_cast(cocos2d::CCApplication::sharedApplication()); } bool musicTest() = win 0x3d580; void pauseGame() = mac 0x3aab60, win 0x3d3e0; void resumeSound() = win 0x3d4d0; void setupGLView() = win 0x3c950; cocos2d::CCScene* m_runningScene; } class ArtistCell : TableViewCell { virtual void draw() = mac 0x11c980, win 0x59d40; // same as StatsCell virtual bool init() = mac 0x11c7c0, win 0x11250; void loadFromObject(SongInfoObject*) = mac 0x1118b0, win 0x5ede0; void onNewgrounds(cocos2d::CCObject*) = mac 0x11c7e0, win 0x5f0c0; void updateBGColor(int) = mac 0x110460, win 0x5c6b0; // same as GJUserCell void* m_idk; } class AudioEffectsLayer { void audioStep(float) = mac 0x271f40, win 0x3daa0; static AudioEffectsLayer* create(gd::string) = mac 0x271a00, win 0x3d850; void resetAudioVars() = mac 0x271ee0; } class BoomListView : cocos2d::CCLayer, TableViewDelegate, TableViewDataSource { BoomListView() {} ~BoomListView() { CC_SAFE_RELEASE(m_entries); } static BoomListView* create(cocos2d::CCArray*, float, float, int, BoomListType) = mac 0x18ecb0; bool init(cocos2d::CCArray*, float, float, int, BoomListType) = mac 0x18ee00, win 0x10c20, ios 0x12c5a8; virtual void draw() {} virtual void setupList() = mac 0x18ef90, win 0x10dc0; virtual void TableViewWillDisplayCellForRowAtIndexPath(CCIndexPath&, TableViewCell*, TableView*) {} virtual float cellHeightForRowAtIndexPath(CCIndexPath&, TableView*) = mac 0x18f070, win 0x10e50; virtual void didSelectRowAtIndexPath(CCIndexPath&, TableView*) {} virtual int numberOfRowsInSection(unsigned int, TableView*) = mac 0x18f0b0, win 0x10e60; virtual unsigned int numberOfSectionsInTableView(TableView*) = mac 0x18f0e0, win 0x10a70; virtual TableViewCell* cellForRowAtIndexPath(CCIndexPath&, TableView*) = mac 0x18f100, win 0x10e70; virtual void TableViewCommitCellEditingStyleForRowAtIndexPath(TableView*, TableViewCellEditingStyle, CCIndexPath&) {} virtual void TableViewWillReloadCellForRowAtIndexPath(CCIndexPath&, TableViewCell*, TableView*) {} virtual TableViewCell* getListCell(const char*) = mac 0x18f200, win 0x10ed0; virtual void loadCell(TableViewCell*, unsigned int) = mac 0x18f4a0, win 0x10ff0; inline bool init(cocos2d::CCArray* entries, BoomListType type, float width, float height) { return this->init(entries, height, width, 0, type); } TableView* m_tableView; cocos2d::CCArray* m_entries; BoomListType m_type; float m_height; float m_width; float m_itemSeparation; int m_currentPage; } class BoomScrollLayer : cocos2d::CCLayer { BoomScrollLayer() = mac 0x1e42f0, win 0x11510; void instantMoveToPage(int page) = win 0x12330; void moveToPage(int page) = win 0x12400; cocos2d::CCArray* m_dots; PAD = win 0x40; ExtendedLayer* m_layer; PAD = win 0x48; int m_page; } class ButtonSprite : cocos2d::CCSprite { static ButtonSprite* create( const char* caption, int width, int unknown, float scale, bool absoluteWidth, const char* font, const char* texture, float height ) = win 0x137d0, mac 0x4fa90, ios 0x38c7c; static ButtonSprite* create( cocos2d::CCSprite* topSprite, int width, int unknown, float height, float scale, bool absoluteWidth, const char* texture, bool bUnknown ) = win 0x134b0, mac 0x4f1d0; [[docs(" Create a ButtonSprite with a top sprite and a texture. @param topSprite The top sprite to add on top of the sprite @param width Sprite width; ignored if `absolute` is false @param absolute Whether to use absolute width or not @param texture The name of the background sprite file (can't be in a spritesheet) @param height The height of the button, leave 0 for automatic @param scale Scale of top sprite ")]] static ButtonSprite* create( cocos2d::CCSprite* topSprite, int width, bool absolute, float height, const char* texture, float scale ) { return create(topSprite, width, 0, height, scale, absolute, texture, true); } [[docs(" Create a ButtonSprite with text, a font and a texture. @param caption The text of the ButtonSprite @param width Sprite width; ignored if `absolute` is false @param absolute Whether to use absolute width or not @param font The name of the BM font file to use @param texture The name of the background sprite file (can't be in a spritesheet) @param height The height of the button, leave 0 for automatic @param scale Scale of text @returns Pointer to the created ButtonSprite, or nullptr on error ")]] static ButtonSprite* create(const char* caption, int width, bool absolute, const char* font, const char* texture, float height, float scale) { return create(caption, width, 0, scale, absolute, font, texture, height); } static ButtonSprite* create(char const* caption) { return ButtonSprite::create(caption, 0, 0, "goldFont.fnt", "GJ_button_01.png", .0f, 1.f); } static ButtonSprite* create(char const* caption, const char* font, const char* texture) { return ButtonSprite::create(caption, 0, 0, font, texture, .0f, 1.f); } static ButtonSprite* create(char const* caption, const char* font, const char* texture, float scale) { return ButtonSprite::create(caption, 0, 0, font, texture, .0f, scale); } static ButtonSprite* create(char const*, int, int, float, bool) = mac 0x4fa40; void updateBGImage(const char*) = mac 0x502d0, win 0x13af0; static ButtonSprite* create(char const*, float) = mac 0x4fa60; void setString(const char* txt) = mac 0x4fec0, win 0x14030; void updateSpriteBGSize(cocos2d::CCPoint const& offset) = win 0x13c00; void setColor(cocos2d::ccColor3B color) = mac 0x50410, win 0x143e0; PAD = mac 0x18, win 0x18; cocos2d::CCLabelBMFont* m_label; cocos2d::CCSprite* m_subSprite; cocos2d::CCSprite* m_subBGSprite; cocos2d::extension::CCScale9Sprite* m_BGSprite; PAD = win 0x8; cocos2d::CCPoint m_spritePosition; } class CCAnimatedSprite : cocos2d::CCSprite { void runAnimation(gd::string) = mac 0x1a6430, win 0x14f60; void tweenToAnimation(gd::string, float) = mac 0x1a65b0, win 0x15080; static CCAnimatedSprite* create(const char* file) = win 0x14540; gd::string m_unknown1; gd::string m_unknown2; PAD = win 0x14; gd::string m_unknown3; PAD = win 0x4; } class CCAnimateFrameCache : cocos2d::CCObject { static CCAnimateFrameCache* sharedSpriteFrameCache() = mac 0x2e4df0, win 0x158f0; void addSpriteFramesWithFile(const char* file) = win 0x159b0; } class CCBlockLayer : cocos2d::CCLayerColor { inline CCBlockLayer() {} virtual bool init() = mac 0x2a59c0, win 0x168d0; virtual void draw() = mac 0x2a5c20, win 0x16a80; // same as GJDropDownLayer virtual void registerWithTouchDispatcher() = mac 0x2a5ad0, win 0x16990; // shared with many virtual void enterLayer() = mac 0x2a5aa0, win 0x16970; virtual void exitLayer() = mac 0x2a5b40, win 0x169e0; // same as PauseLayer, EditorPauseLayer virtual void showLayer(bool) = mac 0x2a5b90, win 0x16a20; // same as PauseLayer, EditorPauseLayer virtual void hideLayer(bool) = mac 0x2a5ba0, win 0x16a30; // same as PauseLayer, EditorPauseLayer virtual void layerVisible() = mac 0x2a5bc0, win 0x16a40; // same as GJDropDownLayer virtual void layerHidden() = mac 0x2a5be0, win 0x16a50; // same as PauseLayer, EditorPauseLayer virtual void enterAnimFinished() {} virtual void disableUI() {} virtual void enableUI() {} bool m_unknown; bool m_unknown2; } class CCCircleWave : cocos2d::CCNode { static CCCircleWave* create(float, float, float, bool) = mac 0xbd270, win 0x16c00; static CCCircleWave* create(float, float, float, bool, bool) = mac 0xbd290, win 0x16c00; bool init(float, float, float, bool, bool) = mac 0xbd380, win 0x16cd0; void followObject(cocos2d::CCNode*, bool) = mac 0xbd670, win 0x16f20; void updatePosition(float) = mac 0xbd630, win 0x16f00; void setPosition(cocos2d::CCPoint const& pos) = mac 0xbd600, win 0x16ed0; void removeMeAndCleanup() = mac 0xbdac0, win 0x17280; void draw() = mac 0xbd960, win 0x17100; void updateTweenAction(float dt, const char* key) = mac 0xbd960, win 0x16f90; cocos2d::CCArray* m_children; PAD = win 0x4; float m_currentRadius; float m_currentOpacity; cocos2d::ccColor3B m_color; cocos2d::CCPoint m_circleCenter; int m_filled; int m_lineWidth; float m_opacityMultiplier; bool m_blendFuncDirty; } class CCCircleWaveDelegate { virtual void circleWaveWillBeRemoved(CCCircleWave* wave) {} } class CCContentLayer : cocos2d::CCLayerColor { inline CCContentLayer() {} static CCContentLayer* create(cocos2d::ccColor4B const& color, float width, float height) = win 0x172a0; virtual void setPosition(cocos2d::CCPoint const& pos) = mac 0x464c60, win 0x17400; } class CCIndexPath : cocos2d::CCObject { static CCIndexPath* create(unsigned int idk1, int idk2) = win 0x30e40; inline CCIndexPath() = default; int m_unknown1; int m_unknown2; } class CCLightFlash { static CCLightFlash* create() = mac 0x295870, win 0x17920; void playEffect(cocos2d::CCPoint, cocos2d::_ccColor3B, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, int, bool, bool, float) = mac 0x295900, win 0x179f0; } class CCMenuItemSpriteExtra : cocos2d::CCMenuItemSprite { void useAnimationType(MenuAnimationType type) { m_startPosition = this->getNormalImage()->getPosition(); m_animationType = type; } void setDestination(cocos2d::CCPoint const& pos) { m_destPosition = pos; } void setOffset(cocos2d::CCPoint const& pos) { m_offset = pos; } void setScale(float scale) { this->CCMenuItemSprite::setScale(scale); m_baseScale = scale; } static CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* create(cocos2d::CCNode*, cocos2d::CCNode*, cocos2d::CCObject*, cocos2d::SEL_MenuHandler) = mac 0x1253c0, win 0x18ee0, ios 0xe0740; inline static CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* create(cocos2d::CCNode* sprite, cocos2d::CCObject* target, cocos2d::SEL_MenuHandler callback) { return CCMenuItemSpriteExtra::create(sprite, nullptr, target, callback); } void setSizeMult(float) = mac 0x1255e0, win 0x19080; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra() = mac 0x32670, win 0x18db0; ~CCMenuItemSpriteExtra() = win 0x18eb0; bool init( cocos2d::CCNode* normalImage, cocos2d::CCNode* selectedImage, cocos2d::CCObject* target, cocos2d::SEL_MenuHandler callback ) { if (!cocos2d::CCMenuItemSprite::initWithNormalSprite( normalImage, selectedImage, nullptr, target, callback )) return false; this->setAnchorPoint({ .5f, .5f }); this->setContentSize(normalImage->getScaledContentSize()); normalImage->setPosition(m_obContentSize / 2); m_baseScale = 1.f; m_animationEnabled = true; m_scaleMultiplier = 1.26f; return true; } void activate() = mac 0x125730, win 0x191c0; void selected() = mac 0x125840, win 0x19270; void unselected() = mac 0x125a70, win 0x19430; float m_scaleMultiplier; float m_baseScale; bool m_animationEnabled; bool m_colorEnabled; float m_unknown; gd::string m_unknown2; gd::string m_unknown3; float m_colorDip; cocos2d::CCPoint m_destPosition; cocos2d::CCPoint m_offset; MenuAnimationType m_animationType; cocos2d::CCPoint m_startPosition; } class CCMenuItemToggler : cocos2d::CCMenuItem { inline CCMenuItemToggler() : CCMenuItem(), m_onButton(nullptr), m_offButton(nullptr), m_toggled(false), m_notClickable(false) {} static CCMenuItemToggler* createWithSize(const char* spr1, const char* spr2, cocos2d::CCObject* target, cocos2d::SEL_MenuHandler callback, float scale) { auto sprOff = cocos2d::CCSprite::createWithSpriteFrameName(spr1); auto sprOn = cocos2d::CCSprite::createWithSpriteFrameName(spr2); sprOff->setScale(scale); sprOn->setScale(scale); return create(sprOff, sprOn, target, callback); } static CCMenuItemToggler* createWithStandardSprites(cocos2d::CCObject* target, cocos2d::SEL_MenuHandler callback, float scale) { auto sprOff = cocos2d::CCSprite::createWithSpriteFrameName("GJ_checkOff_001.png"); auto sprOn = cocos2d::CCSprite::createWithSpriteFrameName("GJ_checkOn_001.png"); sprOff->setScale(scale); sprOn->setScale(scale); return create(sprOff, sprOn, target, callback); } bool isOn() { return m_toggled; } bool isToggled() { return m_toggled; } void setClickable(bool on) { m_notClickable = !on; } void toggleWithCallback(bool on) { this->activate(); this->toggle(on); } static CCMenuItemToggler* create(cocos2d::CCNode* offSpr, cocos2d::CCNode* onSpr, cocos2d::CCObject* target, cocos2d::SEL_MenuHandler callback) = mac 0x38400, win 0x19600, ios 0xf5594; void setSizeMult(float) = mac 0x38a40, win 0x19850; void toggle(bool) = mac 0x38950, win 0x199b0, ios 0xf5848; bool init(cocos2d::CCNode* off, cocos2d::CCNode* on, cocos2d::CCObject* target, cocos2d::SEL_MenuHandler handler) = mac 0x38500, win 0x196e0; void activate() = mac 0x38bc0, win 0x198d0, ios 0xf59ac; void selected() = mac 0x38b80, win 0x198a0; void unselected() = mac 0x38c00, win 0x19900; void setEnabled(bool enabled) = mac 0x38c40, win 0x19930; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_offButton; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_onButton; bool m_toggled; bool m_notClickable; } class CCMoveCNode : cocos2d::CCNode { static CCMoveCNode* create() = mac 0x1842a0; ~CCMoveCNode() = mac 0x18b2c0; } class CCNodeContainer : cocos2d::CCNode { static CCNodeContainer* create() = mac 0xb1090, win 0x112370; virtual bool init() = mac 0xba950, win 0x33b40; void visit() = mac 0xba960, win 0x112420; } class CCScrollLayerExt : cocos2d::CCLayer { inline CCScrollLayerExt() {} static CCScrollLayerExt* create(cocos2d::CCRect rect, bool vertical) { auto pRet = new CCScrollLayerExt(rect); if (pRet) { pRet->autorelease(); pRet->m_disableVertical = !vertical; pRet->m_disableHorizontal = vertical; pRet->m_cutContent = true; return pRet; } CC_SAFE_DELETE(pRet); return nullptr; } float getMinY() { return this->getContentSize().height - m_contentLayer->getContentSize().height - m_scrollLimitTop; } float getMaxY() { return m_scrollLimitBottom; } // todo: add this back when CCDestructor works and // this no longer causes crashing // virtual ~CCScrollLayerExt() = mac 0x2359b0, win 0x1b520; virtual void visit() = mac 0x236550, win 0x1bed0; virtual bool ccTouchBegan(cocos2d::CCTouch*, cocos2d::CCEvent*) = mac 0x235ef0, win 0x1b9b0; virtual void ccTouchMoved(cocos2d::CCTouch*, cocos2d::CCEvent*) = mac 0x236300, win 0x1bce0; virtual void ccTouchEnded(cocos2d::CCTouch*, cocos2d::CCEvent*) = mac 0x236020, win 0x1baa0; virtual void ccTouchCancelled(cocos2d::CCTouch*, cocos2d::CCEvent*) = mac 0x2362a0, win 0x1bcc0; virtual void registerWithTouchDispatcher() = mac 0x235eb0, win 0x1b980; virtual void preVisitWithClippingRect(cocos2d::CCRect) = mac 0x2366a0, win 0x1c000; virtual void postVisit() = mac 0x236720, win 0x1c090; void moveToTop() = mac 0x235870, win 0x1b4a0; void moveToTopWithOffset(float) = mac 0x2357d0, win 0x1b420; CCScrollLayerExt(cocos2d::CCRect rect) = mac 0x235130, win 0x1b020, ios 0x21f05c; void scrollLayer(float scroll) = mac 0x236490, win 0x1be20; void updateIndicators(float unknown) = win 0x1b710; cocos2d::CCTouch* m_touch; cocos2d::CCPoint m_touchPosition; cocos2d::CCPoint m_touchStartPosition; cocos2d::cc_timeval m_timeValue; bool m_touchDown; bool m_notAtEndOfScroll; cocos2d::CCLayerColor* m_verticalScrollbar; cocos2d::CCLayerColor* m_horizontalScrollbar; CCScrollLayerExtDelegate* m_delegate; CCContentLayer* m_contentLayer; bool m_cutContent; bool m_vScrollbarVisible; bool m_hScrollbarVisible; bool m_disableHorizontal; bool m_disableVertical; bool m_disableMovement; float m_scrollLimitTop; float m_scrollLimitBottom; float m_peekLimitTop; float m_peekLimitBottom; } class CCScrollLayerExtDelegate { virtual void scrllViewWillBeginDecelerating(CCScrollLayerExt*) {} virtual void scrollViewDidEndDecelerating(CCScrollLayerExt*) {} virtual void scrollViewTouchMoving(CCScrollLayerExt*) {} virtual void scrollViewDidEndMoving(CCScrollLayerExt*) {} virtual void scrollViewTouchBegin(CCScrollLayerExt*) {} virtual void scrollViewTouchEnd(CCScrollLayerExt*) {} } class CCSpritePlus : cocos2d::CCSprite { bool initWithSpriteFrameName(const char*) = mac 0x248670, win 0x1c1e0; void setScaleX(float scale) = win 0x1c440; void setScaleY(float scale) = win 0x1c4c0; void setScale(float scale) = win 0x1c540; void setPosition(const cocos2d::CCPoint& pos) = win 0x1c220; void setRotation(float rotation) = win 0x1c280; bool initWithTexture(cocos2d::CCTexture2D* texture) = win 0x1c200; void setFlipX(bool flip) = win 0x1c300; void setFlipY(bool flip) = win 0x1c3a0; static CCSpritePlus* createWithSpriteFrame(cocos2d::CCSpriteFrame* frame) = win 0x1c130; cocos2d::CCArray* m_followers; CCSpritePlus* m_followingSprite; bool m_hasFollower; bool m_propagateScaleChanges; bool m_propagateFlipChanges; } class CCTextInputNode : cocos2d::CCLayer, cocos2d::CCIMEDelegate, cocos2d::CCTextFieldDelegate { inline CCTextInputNode() : cocos2d::CCLayer(), cocos2d::CCIMEDelegate(), cocos2d::CCTextFieldDelegate(), m_caption(), m_allowedChars() { m_numberInput = false; m_unknown1 = 0; m_selected = false; m_unknown2 = false; m_maxLabelWidth = 0.f; m_maxLabelScale = 0.f; m_placeholderScale = 0.f; m_placeholderColor = cocos2d::ccc3(0,0,0); m_textColor = cocos2d::ccc3(0,0,0); m_cursor = nullptr; m_textField = nullptr; m_delegate = nullptr; m_maxLabelLength = 0; m_placeholderLabel = nullptr; m_unknown3 = false; m_usePasswordChar = false; m_forceOffset = false; } inline ~CCTextInputNode() { if (m_selected) m_textField->detachWithIME(); } void setLabelNormalColor(cocos2d::ccColor3B color) { m_textColor = color; this->refreshLabel(); } void setLabelPlaceholderColor(cocos2d::ccColor3B color) { m_placeholderColor = color; this->refreshLabel(); } void setLabelPlaceholderScale(float scale) { m_placeholderScale = scale; this->refreshLabel(); } void setMaxLabelScale(float scale) { m_maxLabelScale = scale; this->refreshLabel(); } void setMaxLabelWidth(int length) { m_maxLabelLength = length; this->refreshLabel(); } void setAllowedChars(gd::string filter) { m_allowedChars = filter; } void forceOffset() { m_forceOffset = true; } void setString(gd::string text) = mac 0x5d3e0, win 0x21070; const char* getString() { return m_textField->getString(); } cocos2d::CCTextFieldTTF* getTextField() { return m_textField; } cocos2d::CCLabelBMFont* getPlaceholderLabel() { return m_placeholderLabel; } void setDelegate(TextInputDelegate* delegate) { m_delegate = delegate; } inline static CCTextInputNode* create(float width, float height, char const* placeholder, char const* fontPath) { return CCTextInputNode::create(width, height, placeholder, 0x18, fontPath); } inline static CCTextInputNode* create(float width, float height, char const* placeholder, int fontSize, char const* fontPath) { auto ret = new CCTextInputNode(); if (ret && ret->init(width, height, placeholder, "Thonburi", fontSize, fontPath)) { ret->autorelease(); return ret; } CC_SAFE_DELETE(ret); return nullptr; } bool init(float width, float height, const char* caption, const char* thonburi, int maxCharCount, const char* font) = mac 0x5d180, win 0x20e50, ios 0xe261c; void refreshLabel() = mac 0x5d730, win 0x21330, ios 0xe2af4; void updateLabel(gd::string) = mac 0x5d4a0, win 0x21190; void updateBlinkLabel() = mac 0x5d920; virtual void registerWithTouchDispatcher() = mac 0x5eec0, win 0x220e0; virtual void visit() = mac 0x5d380, win 0x21000; virtual bool ccTouchBegan(cocos2d::CCTouch*, cocos2d::CCEvent*) = mac 0x5ec80, win 0x21f20; virtual void ccTouchCancelled(cocos2d::CCTouch*, cocos2d::CCEvent*) {} virtual void ccTouchEnded(cocos2d::CCTouch*, cocos2d::CCEvent*) {} virtual void ccTouchMoved(cocos2d::CCTouch*, cocos2d::CCEvent*) {} virtual void textChanged() = mac 0x5dd70, win 0x216e0; virtual void onClickTrackNode(bool) = mac 0x5dd40, win 0x216b0; virtual void keyboardWillShow(cocos2d::CCIMEKeyboardNotificationInfo&) = mac 0x5dad0, win 0x21580; virtual void keyboardWillHide(cocos2d::CCIMEKeyboardNotificationInfo&) = mac 0x5dc20, win 0x21650; virtual bool onTextFieldInsertText(cocos2d::CCTextFieldTTF*, char const*, int) = mac 0x5de50, win 0x21760; virtual bool onTextFieldAttachWithIME(cocos2d::CCTextFieldTTF*) = mac 0x5e2c0, win 0x21b10; virtual bool onTextFieldDetachWithIME(cocos2d::CCTextFieldTTF*) = mac 0x5e610, win 0x21d60; bool m_numberInput; gd::string m_caption; int m_unknown1; bool m_selected; bool m_unknown2; gd::string m_allowedChars; float m_maxLabelWidth; float m_maxLabelScale; float m_placeholderScale; cocos2d::ccColor3B m_placeholderColor; cocos2d::ccColor3B m_textColor; cocos2d::CCLabelBMFont* m_cursor; cocos2d::CCTextFieldTTF* m_textField; TextInputDelegate* m_delegate; int m_maxLabelLength; cocos2d::CCLabelBMFont* m_placeholderLabel; bool m_unknown3; bool m_usePasswordChar; bool m_forceOffset; } class ChallengesPage { static ChallengesPage* create() = mac 0x1db350, win 0x3e050; } class CheckpointObject : cocos2d::CCNode { static CheckpointObject* create() = mac 0x7e7d0, win 0x20DDD0; void getObject() = mac 0x7ef50; GameObject* m_gameObject; PlayerCheckpoint* m_player1; PlayerCheckpoint* m_player2; bool m_isDual; bool m_isFlipped; cocos2d::CCPoint m_cameraPos; int m_unk104; GameObject* m_lastPortal; PAD = win 0x4; double m_unk110; gd::string m_currentStateString; gd::string m_objectsStateString; } class CollisionBlockPopup { static CollisionBlockPopup* create(EffectGameObject*, cocos2d::CCArray*) = mac 0x130010; void onNextItemID(cocos2d::CCObject*) = mac 0x130e60; } class CollisionTriggerAction : cocos2d::CCNode { static CollisionTriggerAction* createFromString(gd::string) = mac 0x176ee0; } class ColorAction : cocos2d::CCNode { static ColorAction* create() = mac 0x17c990, win 0x11ab10; static ColorAction* create(cocos2d::ccColor3B, cocos2d::ccColor3B, float, double, bool, int, float, float) = win 0x11ab60; gd::string getSaveString() = mac 0x17d080, win 0x11ada0; void setupFromDict(cocos2d::CCDictionary*) = mac 0x17f310, win 0x11b7c0; void setupFromString(gd::string) = mac 0x17f270, win 0x11b730; PAD = mac 0xc, win 0xc; cocos2d::ccColor3B m_color; cocos2d::ccColor3B m_color2; float m_unk100; bool m_blending; int m_playerColor; int m_colorID; float m_opacity; float m_unk114; float m_copyHue; float m_copySaturation; float m_copyBrightness; bool m_saturationChecked; bool m_brightnessChecked; int m_copyID; PAD = mac 0x1; bool m_copyOpacity; ColorActionSprite* m_colorSprite; PAD = mac 0x10; } class ColorActionSprite : cocos2d::CCNode { float m_opacity; cocos2d::_ccColor3B m_f0124; cocos2d::_ccColor3B m_activeColor; } class ColorChannelSprite : cocos2d::CCSprite { void updateBlending(bool) = mac 0x16e1d0, win 0x114710; void updateCopyLabel(int, bool) = mac 0x16ded0, win 0x114440; void updateOpacity(float) = mac 0x16e080, win 0x1145c0; void updateValues(ColorAction*) = mac 0x16e2e0, win 0x114800; static ColorChannelSprite* create() = mac 0x16de00, win 0x114340; cocos2d::CCLabelBMFont* m_copyLabel; cocos2d::CCLabelBMFont* m_opacityLabel; cocos2d::CCLabelBMFont* m_blendingDot; } class ColorSelectDelegate { virtual void colorSelectClosed(cocos2d::CCNode*) {} } class ColorSelectLiveOverlay : FLAlertLayer { bool init(ColorAction*, ColorAction*, EffectGameObject*) = mac 0x2e2790, win 0x41db0; void sliderChanged(cocos2d::CCObject*) = mac 0x2e3830; EffectGameObject* m_effectGameObject; cocos2d::CCArray* m_barSprites; cocos2d::CCArray* m_12buttons; ColorAction* m_baseColorAction; ColorAction* m_detailColorAction; } class ColorSelectPopup : FLAlertLayer, cocos2d::extension::ColorPickerDelegate, TextInputDelegate, GJSpecialColorSelectDelegate { virtual void colorValueChanged(cocos2d::ccColor3B color) = mac 0x423520, win 0x46ee0; ColorSelectPopup() {} bool init(EffectGameObject* triggerObj, cocos2d::CCArray* triggerObjs, ColorAction* colorAction) = mac 0x41ee70, win 0x43ae0; void updateColorValue() = win 0x46f30; void updateCopyColorTextInputLabel() = win 0x479c0, mac 0x422ed0; void closeColorSelect(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = mac 0x421af0, win 0x46d80; cocos2d::extension::CCControlColourPicker* m_colorPicker; cocos2d::CCLabelBMFont* m_unk1DC; cocos2d::CCLabelBMFont* m_label; Slider* m_unk1E4; Slider* m_slider; EffectGameObject* m_effectGameObject; cocos2d::CCArray* m_unk1F0; CCMenuItemToggler* m_toggler1; CCMenuItemToggler* m_toggler2; unsigned int m_rgbLastColor; cocos2d::CCSprite* m_unk200; cocos2d::CCSprite* m_unk204; unsigned int m_bgrColor; // TODO: are u sure this isnt just a cccolor3b GJColorSetupLayer* m_colorSetupLayer; float m_fadeTime; int m_playerColor; bool m_isBlending; float m_opacity; ColorAction* m_colorAction; CCTextInputNode* m_textInput1; bool m_unk228; bool m_isTouchTrigger; bool m_unk22A; bool m_isMultipleColorTrigger; bool m_unk22C; bool m_isColorTrigger; int m_colorID; bool m_unk234; int m_copyChannelID; bool m_copyOpacity; ConfigureHSVWidget* m_hsvWidget; PAD = win 0x10; cocos2d::CCArray* m_unk254; cocos2d::CCArray* m_unk258; CCTextInputNode* m_textInput2; PAD = win 0x4; CCMenuItemToggler* m_toggler3; CCMenuItemToggler* m_toggler4; PAD = win 0x8; cocos2d::CCArray* m_unk274; bool m_spawnTrigger; bool m_multiTrigger; bool m_copyColor; } class ColorSetupDelegate {} class CommentCell : TableViewCell { void loadFromComment(GJComment*) = mac 0x111c70, win 0x5f3d0; PAD = win 0x4; cocos2d::CCSprite* m_iconSprite; cocos2d::CCLabelBMFont* m_likeLabel; GJComment* m_comment; PAD = win 0x4; } class CommentUploadDelegate { virtual void commentUploadFinished(int) {} virtual void commentUploadFailed(int, CommentError) {} virtual void commentDeleteFailed(int, int) {} } class ConfigureHSVWidget : cocos2d::CCNode { cocos2d::CCLabelBMFont* m_hueLabel; cocos2d::CCLabelBMFont* m_saturationLabel; cocos2d::CCLabelBMFont* m_brightnessLabel; Slider* m_hueSlider; Slider* m_saturationSlider; Slider* m_brightnessSlider; cocos2d::ccHSVValue m_value; } class CountTriggerAction : cocos2d::CCNode { static CountTriggerAction* createFromString(gd::string) = mac 0x1754f0; int m_previousCount; int m_targetCount; int m_targetID; bool m_activateGroup; bool m_multiActivate; } class CreateGuidelinesLayer : FLAlertLayer, FLAlertLayerProtocol { void onStop(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = win 0x4d2c0; PAD = win 0x24; gd::string m_guidelineString; } class CreateMenuItem : CCMenuItemSpriteExtra { static CreateMenuItem* create(cocos2d::CCNode*, cocos2d::CCNode*, cocos2d::CCObject*, cocos2d::SEL_MenuHandler) = mac 0x1c580, win 0x93db0; PAD = win 0x18; int m_objectID; int m_buildTabPage; int m_buildTab; } //TODO: inherits cocos2d::CCSceneTransitionDelegate class CreatorLayer : cocos2d::CCLayer { void onBack(cocos2d::CCObject*) = win 0x4fae0; void onChallenge(cocos2d::CCObject*) = win 0x4f1b0; void onLeaderboards(cocos2d::CCObject*) = win 0x4ed20; void onMyLevels(cocos2d::CCObject*) = mac 0x142b70, win 0x4eaa0; void onSavedLevels(cocos2d::CCObject*) = mac 0x142860, win 0x4ebe0; void onDailyLevel(cocos2d::CCObject*) = win 0x4f170; void onWeeklyLevel(cocos2d::CCObject*) = win 0x4f190; void onFeaturedLevels(cocos2d::CCObject*) = win 0x4edf0; void onFameLevels(cocos2d::CCObject*) = win 0x4ee70; void onMapPacks(cocos2d::CCObject*) = win 0x4efb0; void onOnlineLevels(cocos2d::CCObject*) = win 0x4ef60; void onGauntlets(cocos2d::CCObject*) = win 0x4f0a0; void onSecretVault(cocos2d::CCObject*) = win 0x4f1d0; void onTreasureRoom(cocos2d::CCObject*) = win 0x4f540; virtual void sceneWillResume() = win 0x4fb50; virtual bool init() = mac 0x141c10, win 0x4de40; static CreatorLayer* create() = win 0x4dda0; } class CurrencyRewardLayer : cocos2d::CCLayer { inline CurrencyRewardLayer() {} ~CurrencyRewardLayer() = mac 0x447950, win 0x4ffb0; virtual void update(float) = mac 0x44a5c0, win 0x52350; } class CurrencyRewardDelegate { virtual void currencyWillExit(CurrencyRewardLayer*) {} } class CustomListView : BoomListView { static CustomListView* create(cocos2d::CCArray*, float, float, int, BoomListType) = mac 0x10d410, win 0x57f90, ios 0x99154; inline static CustomListView* create(cocos2d::CCArray* entries, BoomListType type, float width, float height) { return CustomListView::create(entries, width, height, 0, type); } virtual TableViewCell* getListCell(const char*) = mac 0x10d560, win 0x58050; virtual void loadCell(TableViewCell*, unsigned int) = mac 0x10e610, win 0x585c0; virtual void setupList() = mac 0x116e70, win 0x58870; inline CustomListView() {} } class CustomSongCell : TableViewCell { void loadFromObject(SongInfoObject*) = mac 0x110220, win 0x5e9f0; } class CustomSongLayer : FLAlertLayer, FLAlertLayerProtocol, TextInputDelegate, GJDropDownLayerDelegate { bool init(LevelSettingsObject*) = mac 0xf06f0, win 0x65c10; void onArtists(cocos2d::CCObject*) = mac 0xf1950; void onSongBrowser(cocos2d::CCObject*) = mac 0xf18a0, win 0x67080; LevelSettingsObject* m_levelSettings; CCTextInputNode* m_songIDInput; CustomSongWidget* m_songWidget; LevelSettingsLayer* m_levelSettingsLayer; } class CustomSongWidget : cocos2d::CCNode, MusicDownloadDelegate, FLAlertLayerProtocol { void FLAlert_Clicked(FLAlertLayer*, bool) {} void loadSongInfoFinished(SongInfoObject*) {} void updateSongObject(SongInfoObject* song) = win 0x69280; SongInfoObject* m_songInfo; PAD = win 0x1C; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_downloadBtn; PAD = win 0x30; } class CustomizeObjectLayer : FLAlertLayer, TextInputDelegate, HSVWidgetPopupDelegate, ColorSelectDelegate, ColorSetupDelegate { void onNextColorChannel(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = win 0x56c80; void onSelectColor(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = win 0x577b0; int getActiveMode(bool unknown) = win 0x57210; EffectGameObject* m_targetObject; cocos2d::CCArray* m_targetObjects; cocos2d::CCArray* m_colorButtons; cocos2d::CCArray* m_colorNodes; cocos2d::CCArray* m_textInputNodes; PAD = win 0x4; cocos2d::CCArray* m_detailColorButtons; int m_selectedMode; int m_customColorChannel; bool m_unk0x200; bool m_unk0x201; bool m_glowDisabled; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_baseButton; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_detailButton; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_textButton; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_baseColorHSV; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_detailColorHSV; cocos2d::CCLabelBMFont* m_titleLabel; cocos2d::CCLabelBMFont* m_selectedColorLabel; CCTextInputNode* m_customColorInput; CCTextInputNode* m_textInput; ButtonSprite* m_customColorButtonSprite; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_customColorButton; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_arrowDown; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_arrowUp; cocos2d::extension::CCScale9Sprite* m_customColorInputBG; ColorChannelSprite* m_colorSprite; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_colorSpriteButton; bool m_showTextInput; bool m_customColorSelected; } class DailyLevelPage : FLAlertLayer { static DailyLevelPage* create(bool weekly) = win 0x6a860; bool init(bool weekly) = win 0x6a900; void updateTimers(float) = win 0x6bef0; virtual void show() = mac 0x10a4b0, win 0x3f360; PAD = win 0x21; bool m_weekly; } class DialogLayer : cocos2d::CCLayerColor { static DialogLayer* create(DialogObject* dialog, int color) { return DialogLayer::createDialogLayer(dialog, nullptr, color); } static DialogLayer* createWithObjects(cocos2d::CCArray* dialogs, int color) { return DialogLayer::createDialogLayer(nullptr, dialogs, color); } static DialogLayer* createDialogLayer(DialogObject*, cocos2d::CCArray*, int) = mac 0x2047d0, win 0x6D470, ios 0x459d0; bool init(DialogLayer*, DialogObject*, cocos2d::CCArray*, int) = win 0x6D520; cocos2d::CCAction* animateIn(int location) = win 0x6E130; ~DialogLayer() = mac 0x204720; virtual void onEnter() = mac 0x205900, win 0x23750; // same as every other FLAlertLayer virtual bool ccTouchBegan(cocos2d::CCTouch*, cocos2d::CCEvent*) = mac 0x205790, win 0x6e000; virtual void ccTouchMoved(cocos2d::CCTouch*, cocos2d::CCEvent*) {} virtual void ccTouchEnded(cocos2d::CCTouch*, cocos2d::CCEvent*) = mac 0x2057e0, win 0x6e030; virtual void ccTouchCancelled(cocos2d::CCTouch*, cocos2d::CCEvent*) = mac 0x205840, win 0x6e050; virtual void registerWithTouchDispatcher() = mac 0x205890, win 0x236f0; // same as every other FLAlertLayer virtual void keyBackClicked() = mac 0x2056a0, win 0x6df60; virtual void keyDown(cocos2d::enumKeyCodes) = mac 0x205ce0, win 0x6e370; virtual void fadeInTextFinished(TextArea*) = mac 0x205930, win 0x6e070; } class DialogDelegate { virtual void dialogClosed(DialogLayer*) {} } class DialogObject : cocos2d::CCObject { static DialogObject* create(gd::string title, gd::string text, int portrait, float text_scale, bool is_unskippable, cocos2d::ccColor3B text_color) = win 0x6D160; bool init(DialogObject*, gd::string title, gd::string text, int portrait, float text_scale, bool is_unskippable, cocos2d::ccColor3B text_color) = win 0x6D2E0; gd::string m_text; gd::string m_title; int m_dialogType; cocos2d::ccColor3B m_colour; float m_textWidth; bool m_canSkip; } class DownloadMessageDelegate {} class DrawGridLayer : cocos2d::CCLayer { static DrawGridLayer* get() { auto editorLayer = LevelEditorLayer::get(); if (!editorLayer) return nullptr; return editorLayer->m_drawGridLayer; } bool init(cocos2d::CCNode* grid, LevelEditorLayer* editor) = win 0x16c4d0; void draw() = win 0x16ce90; virtual void update(float) = win 0x16cd80; void clearPlayerPoints() { m_playerNodePoints->removeAllObjects(); m_player2NodePoints->removeAllObjects(); } void loadTimeMarkers(gd::string guidelines) = mac 0x94010; std::array* m_commonLines; std::array* m_yellowGuidelines; std::array* m_greenGuidelines; float m_songOffset1; float m_songOffset2; float m_lastMusicXPosition; bool m_effectSortDirty; LevelEditorLayer* m_editor; gd::string m_guidelineString; cocos2d::CCNode* m_grid; cocos2d::CCArray* m_guidelines; cocos2d::CCArray* m_effects; cocos2d::CCArray* m_guides; cocos2d::CCArray* m_speedObjects1; cocos2d::CCArray* m_speedObjects2; cocos2d::CCArray* m_playerNodePoints; cocos2d::CCArray* m_player2NodePoints; double m_unkDouble; float m_guidelineSpacing; float m_slowGuidelineSpacing; float m_normalGuidelineSpacing; float m_fastGuidelineSpacing; float m_fasterGuidelineSpacing; float m_fastestGuidelineSpacing; bool m_updatingTimeMarkers; bool m_timeNeedsUpdate; float m_activeGridNodeSize; float m_gridSize; } class EditButtonBar : cocos2d::CCNode { void removeAllItems() { m_buttonArray->removeAllObjects(); this->reloadItemsInNormalSize(); } void reloadItems(int rowCount, int columnCount) { if (m_buttonArray) this->loadFromItems(m_buttonArray, rowCount, columnCount, m_unknown); } void reloadItemsInNormalSize() { // TODO: fix this // this->reloadItems( // GameManager::sharedState()->getIntGameVariable("0049"), // GameManager::sharedState()->getIntGameVariable("0050") // ); } void addButton(CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* btn, bool reload) { if (m_buttonArray) m_buttonArray->addObject(btn); if (reload) this->reloadItemsInNormalSize(); } void loadFromItems(cocos2d::CCArray* buttons, int rowCount, int columnCount, bool idk) = mac 0x351010, win 0x6e5e0, ios 0x2dd060; cocos2d::CCPoint m_position; int m_unknown; bool m_unknownBool; cocos2d::CCArray* m_buttonArray; BoomScrollLayer* m_scrollLayer; cocos2d::CCArray* m_pagesArray; } class EditLevelLayer : cocos2d::CCLayer, FLAlertLayerProtocol, TextInputDelegate, UploadActionDelegate, UploadPopupDelegate, SetIDPopupDelegate { static cocos2d::CCScene* scene(GJGameLevel* level) { auto scene = cocos2d::CCScene::create(); scene->addChild(EditLevelLayer::create(level)); AppDelegate::get()->m_runningScene = scene; return scene; } static EditLevelLayer* create(GJGameLevel* level) = mac 0xe1e50, win 0x6f530, ios 0x82420; bool init(GJGameLevel* level) = mac 0xe1fd0, win 0x6f5d0; void onLevelInfo() = win 0x70660; cocos2d::CCMenu* m_buttonMenu; GJGameLevel* m_level; TextArea* m_descriptionInput; cocos2d::CCArray* m_someArray; cocos2d::CCLabelBMFont* m_someFont; } class EditorOptionsLayer { void onButtonsPerRow(cocos2d::CCObject*) = mac 0x147b30; } class EditorPauseLayer : CCBlockLayer, FLAlertLayerProtocol { static EditorPauseLayer* get() { if (!EditorUI::get()) return nullptr; auto editor = LevelEditorLayer::get(); for (auto i = 0u; i < editor->getChildrenCount(); ++i) { if (auto layer = cast::safe_cast(editor->getChildren()->objectAtIndex(i))) { return layer; } } return nullptr; } static EditorPauseLayer* create(LevelEditorLayer* editor) { auto pRet = new EditorPauseLayer(); if (pRet && pRet->init(editor)) { pRet->autorelease(); return pRet; } CC_SAFE_DELETE(pRet); return nullptr; } inline EditorPauseLayer() {} ~EditorPauseLayer() = mac 0x13c3b0, win 0x73020; virtual void keyBackClicked() = mac 0x13f320, win 0x758d0; virtual void keyDown(cocos2d::enumKeyCodes) = mac 0x13f3a0, win 0x758d0; virtual void customSetup() = mac 0x13cc00, win 0x73550; virtual void FLAlert_Clicked(FLAlertLayer*, bool) = mac 0x13f1b0, win 0x75780; void saveLevel() = mac 0x13ebd0, win 0x75010; bool init(LevelEditorLayer*) = mac 0x13c7a0, win 0x730e0, ios 0x280cb8; void onExitEditor(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = win 0x75660; void playStep2() = mac 0x13f040, win 0x75440; void onResume(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = win 0x74fe0; void onSaveAndPlay(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = mac 0x13e1b0, win 0x753d0; void onSaveAndExit(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = mac 0x13e230, win 0x75620; void onSave(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = mac 0x13e290, win 0x755a0; void onExitNoSave(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = win 0x75700; void uncheckAllPortals(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = win 0x74760; void onResetUnusedColors(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = win 0x74810; void doResetUnused() = win 0x165070; void updateSongButton() = win 0x74f10, mac 0x13e530; void onSong(cocos2d::CCObject*) = win 0x74e70, mac 0x13e470; bool m_saved; PAD = mac 0x8, win 0x4; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_guidelinesOffButton; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_guidelinesOnButton; LevelEditorLayer* m_editorLayer; } class EditorUI : cocos2d::CCLayer, FLAlertLayerProtocol, ColorSelectDelegate, GJRotationControlDelegate, GJScaleControlDelegate, MusicDownloadDelegate { static EditorUI* get() { auto lel = LevelEditorLayer::get(); if (!lel) return nullptr; return lel->m_editorUI; } inline EditorUI() {} bool editButton2Usable() = win 0x8b890; inline void constrainGameLayerPosition() { this->constrainGameLayerPosition(-3.f, -6.f); } void create(LevelEditorLayer*) = mac 0x8a80, win 0x76270; cocos2d::CCArray* createCustomItems() = mac 0x1ddf0, win 0x7a370; void deselectAll() = mac 0x1f300, win 0x86af0; void onDeselectAll(cocos2d::CCObject*) = mac 0x19cd0, win 0x86ac0; void disableButton(CreateMenuItem*) = mac 0x1c0f0, win 0x78af0; void editButtonUsable() = mac 0x28f30, win 0x8b040; void editObject(cocos2d::CCObject*) = mac 0x195a0, win 0x8ca50; void enableButton(CreateMenuItem*) = mac 0x1bff0, win 0x78990; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* getCreateBtn(int, int) = mac 0x1f6c0, win 0x85120; cocos2d::CCPoint getGroupCenter(cocos2d::CCArray*, bool) = mac 0x23470, win 0x8fc30; cocos2d::CCArray* getSelectedObjects() = mac 0x23f30, win 0x86900; bool init(LevelEditorLayer*) = mac 0x8ae0, win 0x76310; virtual bool ccTouchBegan(cocos2d::CCTouch*, cocos2d::CCEvent*) = mac 0x2ed60, win 0x907b0; virtual void ccTouchMoved(cocos2d::CCTouch*, cocos2d::CCEvent*) = mac 0x2f3d0, win 0x90cd0; virtual void ccTouchEnded(cocos2d::CCTouch*, cocos2d::CCEvent*) = mac 0x2fb00, win 0x911a0; virtual void keyDown(cocos2d::enumKeyCodes) = mac 0x30790, win 0x91a30; CreateMenuItem* menuItemFromObjectString(gd::string, int) = mac 0x1e130, win 0x84d00; void moveObject(GameObject*, cocos2d::CCPoint) = mac 0x24b10, win 0x8ddb0; void onDuplicate(cocos2d::CCObject*) = mac 0x18ba0, win 0x87d20; bool onCreate() = mac 0x1b960, win 0x85680; void onCreateObject(int) = mac 0x200d0, win 0x85750; cocos2d::CCArray* pasteObjects(gd::string) = mac 0x232d0, win 0x88240; void playerTouchBegan(cocos2d::CCTouch*, cocos2d::CCEvent*) = mac 0x2ebf0, win 0x90680; void playtestStopped() = mac 0x24790, win 0x87720; void redoLastAction(cocos2d::CCObject*) = mac 0xb8e0, win 0x870f0; void replaceGroupID(GameObject*, int, int) = mac 0x27470; void scaleChanged(float) = mac 0x25490, win 0x88df0; void scaleObjects(cocos2d::CCArray*, float, cocos2d::CCPoint) = mac 0x252e0, win 0x8f150; void selectObjects(cocos2d::CCArray*, bool) = mac 0x23940, win 0x864a0; void setupCreateMenu() = mac 0xcb50, win 0x7caf0; void undoLastAction(cocos2d::CCObject*) = mac 0xb830, win 0x87070; void updateButtons() = mac 0x1a300, win 0x78280; void updateObjectInfoLabel() = mac 0x1cb10, win 0x793b0; void updateSlider() = mac 0x18a90, win 0x78f10; void updateZoom(float) = mac 0x248c0, win 0x878a0; void selectObject(GameObject* obj, bool filter) = mac 0x1bd60, win 0x86250; void deselectObject(GameObject* object) = mac 0x1f220, win 0x86a50; void deleteObject(GameObject* object, bool filter) = mac 0x1f130, win 0x7bed0; void selectAll() = win 0x86c40; void selectAllWithDirection(bool left) = win 0x86d80; cocos2d::CCPoint getTouchPoint(cocos2d::CCTouch* touch, cocos2d::CCEvent* event) = win 0x90620; void onSelectBuildTab(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = win 0x887f0; void onCreateButton(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = win 0x854f0; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* getSpriteButton(const char* sprite, cocos2d::SEL_MenuHandler callback, cocos2d::CCMenu* menu, float scale) = mac 0xb500, win 0x78bf0; cocos2d::CCPoint offsetForKey(int objID) = win 0x92310; void updateDeleteMenu() = win 0x7c5d0; void updateCreateMenu(bool updateTab) = mac 0x1e960, win 0x85530; void toggleMode(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = mac 0x187b0, win 0x7ad20; void zoomIn(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = mac 0xc0c0, win 0x877c0; void zoomOut(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = mac 0xc120, win 0x87830; void rotateObjects(cocos2d::CCArray* objects, float angle, cocos2d::CCPoint center) = mac 0x236a0, win 0x8ee80; void updateGridNodeSize() = mac 0x1c8a0, win 0x78f60; void updateSpecialUIElements() = win 0x87030; void constrainGameLayerPosition(float x, float y) = mac 0x18890, win 0x8f920; void moveGameLayer(cocos2d::CCPoint const& pos) = mac 0x1ca90, win 0x79290; void showUI(bool show) = mac 0x245b0, win 0x87180; void resetUI() = mac 0x18520, win 0x7ac10; void editObject2(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = win 0x8d1b0; void editGroup(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = win 0x8d720; void moveObjectCall(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = mac 0x29830, win 0x8db30; void moveObjectCall(EditCommand) = win 0x8db50; void transformObjectCall(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = mac 0x29860, win 0x8def0; void onDelete(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = mac 0x1b3d0, win 0x7b8d0; void onDeleteSelected(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = mac 0xb990, win 0x7bf50; void onDeleteSelectedType(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = mac 0x1e7a0, win 0x7c480; void onDeleteStartPos(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = mac 0x1e770, win 0x7c4c0; void onCopy(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = mac 0x18dc0, win 0x87fb0; void onPaste(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = mac 0x18ee0, win 0x880c0; void tryUpdateTimeMarkers() = mac 0x1ca50, win 0x88940; void toggleEnableRotate(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = mac 0xb700, win 0x860d0; void toggleFreeMove(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = mac 0xb610, win 0x85eb0; void toggleSwipe(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = mac 0xb490, win 0x85dd0; void toggleSnap(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = mac 0xb680, win 0x85fa0; void onPlayback(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = mac 0xbcb0, win 0x87340; void onPlaytest(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = mac 0xbec0, win 0x87600; void onStopPlaytest(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = mac 0xbfd0, win 0x876e0; void onGroupUp(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = mac 0x1a1a0, win 0x8d780; void onGroupDown(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = mac 0x1a200, win 0x8d7e0; void selectBuildTab(int tab) = mac 0x1fb90, win 0x88810; void onPause(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = mac 0x18650, win 0x78020; void onSettings(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = win 0x77fe0; void activateRotationControl(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = win 0x8fe70; void activateScaleControl(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = win 0x889b0; void dynamicGroupUpdate(bool idk) = win 0x8ad10; void createRockOutline() = win 0x89c10; void createRockEdges() = win 0x88ec0; void createRockBase() = win 0x8a2c0; void onCopyState(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = win 0x88490; void onPasteColor(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = mac 0x19f40, win 0x88580; void onPasteState(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = mac 0x19ee0, win 0x884c0; void onGroupSticky(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = mac 0xc180, win 0x87a80; void onUngroupSticky(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = mac 0xc1d0, win 0x87ac0; void onGoToLayer(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = win 0x886b0; void onGoToBaseLayer(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = win 0x88790; void onToggleGuide(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = mac 0x19da0, win 0x79160; void editColor(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = mac 0x19190, win 0x8d3c0; void alignObjects(cocos2d::CCArray* objs, bool alignY) = mac 0x2cea0, win 0x8f320; virtual void scrollWheel(float vertical, float horizontal) = win 0x921d0, mac 0x31370, ios 0x2c4884; void createMoveMenu() = mac 0x275e0, win 0x8c0d0; bool m_isPlayingMusic; EditButtonBar* m_buttonBar; PAD = mac 0x8, win 0x4; cocos2d::CCArray* m_hideableUIElementArray; float m_gridSize; PAD = mac 0x18, win 0x14; bool m_moveModifier; int m_rotationTouchID; int m_scaleTouchID; int m_touchID; cocos2d::CCLabelBMFont* m_objectInfoLabel; GJRotationControl* m_rotationControl; cocos2d::CCPoint m_scalePos; bool m_touchDown; GJScaleControl* m_scaleControl; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_editButtonDict; EditButtonBar* m_createButtonBar; EditButtonBar* m_editButtonBar; Slider* m_positionSlider; float m_unknown0; float m_minYLimit; float m_unknown2; bool m_swipeEnabled; PAD = mac 0x3, win 0x3, android 0x3; bool m_freeMoveEnabled; PAD = mac 0xb, win 0xb, android 0xa; bool m_updateTimeMarkers; cocos2d::CCArray* m_unknownArray2; PAD = mac 0x8, win 0x8, android 0x8; cocos2d::CCArray* m_selectedObjects; cocos2d::CCMenu* m_deleteMenu; cocos2d::CCArray* m_unknownArray4; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_deleteModeBtn; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_buildModeBtn; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_editModeBtn; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_swipeBtn; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_freeMoveBtn; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_deselectBtn; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_snapBtn; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_rotateBtn; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_playbackBtn; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_playtestBtn; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_playtestStopBtn; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_trashBtn; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_linkBtn; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_unlinkBtn; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_undoBtn; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_redoBtn; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_editObjectBtn; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_editGroupBtn; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_editHSVBtn; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_editSpecialBtn; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_copyPasteBtn; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_copyBtn; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_pasteBtn; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_copyValuesBtn; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_pasteStateBtn; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_pasteColorBtn; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_goToLayerBtn; CCMenuItemToggler* m_guideToggle; cocos2d::CCArray* m_createButtonBars; cocos2d::CCMenu* m_tabsMenu; cocos2d::CCArray* m_tabsArray; cocos2d::CCSprite* m_idkSprite0; cocos2d::CCSprite* m_idkSprite1; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_button27; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_button28; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_deleteFilterNone; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_deleteFilterStatic; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_deleteFilterDetails; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_deleteFilterCustom; cocos2d::CCLabelBMFont* m_currentLayerLabel; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_layerNextBtn; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_layerPrevBtn; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_goToBaseBtn; PAD = mac 0x10, win 0x8; int m_selectedCreateObjectID; cocos2d::CCArray* m_createButtonArray; cocos2d::CCArray* m_customObjectButtonArray; cocos2d::CCArray* m_unknownArray9; int m_selectedMode; LevelEditorLayer* m_editorLayer; cocos2d::CCPoint m_swipeStart; cocos2d::CCPoint m_swipeEnd; PAD = mac 0x10, win 0x10; cocos2d::CCPoint m_caremaTest; PAD = mac 0x8, win 0x8; GameObject* m_selectedObject; PAD = mac 0x10, win 0x8; gd::string m_clipboard; PAD = mac 0x10, win 0x8; int m_selectedTab; int m_timesSelected; PAD = win 0x20; bool m_spaceKeyPressed; } class EffectGameObject : GameObject { void updateLabel() { auto label = static_cast(this->getChildByTag(999)); if (label) { switch (m_objectID) { // instant count, collision block, pickup case 0x713: [[fallthrough]]; case 0x718: [[fallthrough]]; case 0x716: label->setString( cocos2d::CCString::createWithFormat("%i", m_itemBlockAID)->getCString() ); break; // color, pulse case 899: [[fallthrough]]; case 1006: { int target = m_objectID == 1006 ? m_targetGroupID : m_targetColorID; if (target > 999) { label->setString(GJSpecialColorSelect::textForColorIdx(target)); } else { label->setString( cocos2d::CCString::createWithFormat("%i", target)->getCString() ); } label->limitLabelWidth(30.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f); } break; default: label->setString( cocos2d::CCString::createWithFormat("%i", m_targetGroupID)->getCString() ); } } } static EffectGameObject* create(const char*) = mac 0xc9790, win 0x253c30; bool init(char const*) = win 0x253CD0; void getTargetColorIndex() = mac 0xca1f0; virtual void triggerObject(GJBaseGameLayer*) = mac 0xc9870, win 0x253d60; gd::string getSaveString() = win 0x257560; void updateSpecialColor() = win 0x254980; void spawnXPosition() = win 0x254A00; void triggerActivated(float) = win 0x254A30; cocos2d::ccColor3B m_colColor; float m_duration; float m_opacity; int m_targetGroupID; int m_centerGroupID; float m_shakeStrength; float m_shakeInterval; bool m_tintGround; bool m_playerColor1; bool m_playerColor2; bool m_blending; cocos2d::CCPoint m_move; EasingType m_easingType; float m_easingRate; bool m_lockToPlayerX; bool m_lockToPlayerY; bool m_useTarget; MoveTargetType m_moveTargetType; int m_rotateDegrees; int m_times360; bool m_lockObjectRotation; cocos2d::CCPoint m_followMod; bool UndocuementedLevelProperty74; float m_followYSpeed; float m_followYDelay; int m_followYOffset; float m_followYMaxSpeed; float m_fadeInTime; float m_holdTime; float m_fadeOutTime; int m_pulseHSVMode; int m_pulseGroupMode; cocos2d::ccHSVValue m_hsvValue; int m_copyColorID; bool m_copyOpacity; bool m_pulseMainOnly; bool m_pulseDetailOnly; bool m_pulseExclusive; bool m_activateGroup; bool m_touchHoldMode; TouchToggleMode m_touchToggleMode; bool m_touchDualMode; int m_animationID; float m_spawnDelay; cocos2d::CCPoint m_spawnPosition; bool m_multiTrigger; bool m_editorDisabled; int m_targetCount; bool m_subtractCount; ComparisonType m_comparisonType; bool m_multiActivate; bool m_triggerOnExit; int m_blockBID; bool m_dynamicBlock; int m_itemBlockAID; int m_pickupMode; PAD = mac 0x28, win 0x24; } class EndLevelLayer { static EndLevelLayer* create() = mac 0x2787d0, win 0x94b50; void onMenu(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = mac 0x27a500, win 0x96c10; void onEdit(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = mac 0x27a640, win 0x96d30; } class EndPortalObject : GameObject { static EndPortalObject* create() = mac 0x1da8f0, win 0x98a50; void updateColors(cocos2d::_ccColor3B) = mac 0x1dacb0, win 0x98eb0; } class ExtendedLayer {} class FLAlertLayer : cocos2d::CCLayerColor { inline virtual ~FLAlertLayer() { cocos2d::CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getTouchDispatcher()->decrementForcePrio(2); } inline FLAlertLayer() { m_buttonMenu = nullptr; m_controlConnected = -1; m_mainLayer = nullptr; m_ZOrder = 0; m_noElasticity = false; m_reverseKeyBack = false; m_scene = nullptr; m_alertProtocol = nullptr; m_scrollingLayer = nullptr; m_button2 = nullptr; m_button1 = nullptr; m_joystickConnected = -1; m_containsBorder = 0; } static FLAlertLayer* create(char const* title, const gd::string& desc, char const* btn) { return FLAlertLayer::create(nullptr, title, desc, btn, nullptr, 300.0); } virtual void onEnter() = mac 0x25f350, win 0x23750; virtual bool ccTouchBegan(cocos2d::CCTouch*, cocos2d::CCEvent*) = mac 0x25ee40, win 0x233c0; virtual void ccTouchMoved(cocos2d::CCTouch*, cocos2d::CCEvent*) = mac 0x25f0a0, win 0x23510; virtual void ccTouchEnded(cocos2d::CCTouch*, cocos2d::CCEvent*) = mac 0x25ef60, win 0x23450; virtual void ccTouchCancelled(cocos2d::CCTouch*, cocos2d::CCEvent*) = mac 0x25f020, win 0x234c0; virtual void registerWithTouchDispatcher() = mac 0x25f2e0, win 0x236f0; virtual void keyBackClicked() = mac 0x25ed90, win 0x232c0; virtual void keyDown(cocos2d::enumKeyCodes) = mac 0x25ece0, win 0x23250; virtual void show() = mac 0x25f120, win 0x23560, ios 0x1feff4; bool init( FLAlertLayerProtocol* protocol, char const* title, gd::string content, char const* btn1, char const* btn2, float width, bool scrollable, float height ) = mac 0x25e1b0, win 0x228e0; static FLAlertLayer* create(FLAlertLayerProtocol* protocol, char const* title, gd::string content, char const* btn1, char const* btn2) = mac 0x25de00, win 0x22680; static FLAlertLayer* create(FLAlertLayerProtocol* protocol, char const* title, gd::string content, char const* btn1, char const* btn2, float width) = mac 0x25e0e0, win 0x22730, ios 0x1fe374; static FLAlertLayer* create(FLAlertLayerProtocol* protocol, char const* title, gd::string content, char const* btn1, char const* btn2, float width, bool scrollable, float height) = mac 0x25dec0, win 0x227e0; void onBtn1(cocos2d::CCObject*) = mac 0x25ec20, win 0x23340; void onBtn2(cocos2d::CCObject*) = mac 0x25ec80, win 0x23380; cocos2d::CCMenu* m_buttonMenu; int m_controlConnected; FLAlertLayerProtocol* m_alertProtocol; cocos2d::CCNode* m_scene; bool m_reverseKeyBack; cocos2d::ccColor3B m_color; cocos2d::CCLayer* m_mainLayer; int m_ZOrder; bool m_noElasticity; cocos2d::ccColor3B m_color2; ButtonSprite* m_button1; ButtonSprite* m_button2; cocos2d::CCLayerColor* m_scrollingLayer; int m_joystickConnected; bool m_containsBorder; bool m_noAction; } class FLAlertLayerProtocol { virtual void FLAlert_Clicked(FLAlertLayer*, bool) {} } class FMODAudioEngine : cocos2d::CCNode { static FMODAudioEngine* sharedEngine() = mac 0x20ef80, win 0x239f0; void preloadEffect(gd::string filename) = win 0x24240; bool isBackgroundMusicPlaying() = win 0x24050; bool isBackgroundMusicPlaying(gd::string path) = win 0x24080; void playBackgroundMusic(gd::string path, bool fade, bool paused) = win 0x23d80; virtual void update(float) = win 0x23b20; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_dictionary; std::string m_filePath; float m_backgroundMusicVolume; float m_effectsVolume; float m_pulse1; float m_pulse2; float m_pulse3; int m_pulseCounter; bool m_metering; bool m_fading; bool m_fadeIn; float m_fadeInDuration; FMOD::System* m_system; FMOD::Sound* m_sound; FMOD::Channel* m_currentSoundChannel; FMOD::Channel* m_globalChannel; FMOD::DSP* m_DSP; FMOD_RESULT m_lastResult; int m_version; void* m_extraDriverData; int m_musicOffset; } class FMODSound : cocos2d::CCNode { static FMODSound* create(FMOD::Sound* sound) = win 0x246b0; FMOD::Sound* m_sound; } class FriendRequestDelegate {} class GJAccountBackupDelegate { virtual bool backupAccountFailed(BackupAccountError) { return false; } virtual bool backupAccountFinished() { return false; } } class GJAccountDelegate { virtual bool accountStatusChanged() { return false; } } class GJAccountLoginDelegate { virtual bool loginAccountFailed(AccountError) { return false; } virtual bool loginAccountFinished(int, int) { return false; } } class GJAccountManager : cocos2d::CCNode { static GJAccountManager* sharedState() = mac 0x85070, win 0x107d50; PAD = mac 0x8, win 0x4; gd::string m_password; gd::string m_username; int m_accountID; } class GJAccountSyncDelegate { virtual bool syncAccountFailed(BackupAccountError) { return false; } virtual bool syncAccountFinished() { return false; } } class GJBaseGameLayer : cocos2d::CCLayer, TriggerEffectDelegate { cocos2d::CCLayer* getObjectLayer() { return m_objectLayer; } cocos2d::CCArray* getAllObjects() { return m_objects; } static GJBaseGameLayer* get() { return PlayLayer::get() ? static_cast(PlayLayer::get()) : static_cast(LevelEditorLayer::get()); } inline GJBaseGameLayer() {} virtual void objectsCollided(int, int) = mac 0xb6d90, win 0x10f240; virtual void createMoveCommand(cocos2d::CCPoint, int, float, int, float, bool, bool, int) = mac 0xb73a0, win 0x10f680; virtual void updateColor(cocos2d::_ccColor3B, float, int, bool, float, cocos2d::_ccHSVValue, int, bool, int, EffectGameObject*) = mac 0xb7420, win 0x10f6d0; virtual void flipGravity(PlayerObject*, bool, bool) {} virtual void calculateColorValues(EffectGameObject*, EffectGameObject*, int, float, ColorActionSprite*, GJEffectManager*) = mac 0xba9a0, win 0x10ad60; virtual void toggleGroupTriggered(int, bool) = mac 0xb75a0, win 0x10f890; virtual void spawnGroup(int) = mac 0xb7050, win 0x10f400; virtual void addToSection(GameObject*) = mac 0xb7b70, win 0x10fd00; virtual void addToGroup(GameObject*, int, bool) = mac 0xb77f0, win 0x10fa50; virtual void removeFromGroup(GameObject*, int) = mac 0xb7a60, win 0x10fbd0; virtual bool init() = mac 0xafc90, win 0x10b020; void addObjectCounter(LabelGameObject*, int) = mac 0xb9eb0; void addToGroups(GameObject*, bool) = mac 0xb7780, win 0x10f9f0; void atlasValue(int) = mac 0xb21e0; void bumpPlayer(PlayerObject*, GameObject*) = mac 0xb6860, win 0x10ed50; void calculateOpacityValues(EffectGameObject*, EffectGameObject*, float, GJEffectManager*) = mac 0xb5be0; void checkSpawnObjects() = mac 0xb6f90, win 0x10f320; void collectItem(int, int) = mac 0xb9e20, win 0x111890; void collectedObject(EffectGameObject*) = mac 0xb9b60, win 0x111830; void createTextLayers() = mac 0xb5260, win 0x10dea0; cocos2d::CCArray* damagingObjectsInRect(cocos2d::CCRect) = mac 0xb6140, win 0x10e740; void enableHighCapacityMode() = mac 0xb11e0, win 0x10bf60; void getCapacityString() = mac 0xb2210, win 0x10c9b0; void getGroundHeightForMode(int) = mac 0xb6630; void getGroup(int) = mac 0xb6f20, win 0x10fcb0; void getMoveDeltaForObjects(int, int) = mac 0xb6db0; void getOptimizedGroup(int) = mac 0xb7940; void getStaticGroup(int) = mac 0xb79a0; void isGroupDisabledForObject(GameObject*) = mac 0xb5cc0; void isGroupDisabledForObjectFull(GameObject*, cocos2d::CCArray*) = mac 0xb5de0; void loadUpToPosition(float) = mac 0xba680, win 0x112070; void objectIntersectsCircle(GameObject*, GameObject*) = mac 0xb66e0, win 0x10e990; void objectTriggered(EffectGameObject*) = mac 0xb71b0; void optimizeMoveGroups() = mac 0xb96c0, win 0x1112f0; cocos2d::CCNode* parentForZLayer(int, bool, int) = mac 0xb55d0, win 0x10e220; void playerTouchedRing(PlayerObject*, GameObject*) = mac 0xb69e0; void processColorObject(EffectGameObject*, int, cocos2d::CCDictionary*, float, GJEffectManager*) = mac 0xb5a90; void processFollowActions() = mac 0xb8fd0, win 0x110e00; void processMoveActions() = mac 0xb86c0, win 0x1107e0; void processMoveActionsStep(float) = mac 0xb7ea0, win 0x10ffa0; void processOpacityObject(EffectGameObject*, cocos2d::CCDictionary*, float, GJEffectManager*) = mac 0xb5ae0; void processPlayerFollowActions(float) = mac 0xb8b50, win 0x110b10; void processRotationActions() = mac 0xb7fd0, win 0x1101a0; void pushButton(int, bool) = mac 0xb9920, win 0x111500; void rectIntersectsCircle(cocos2d::CCRect, cocos2d::CCPoint, float) = mac 0xb6470, win 0x10eb50; void refreshCounterLabels() = mac 0xb9fc0, win 0x111b80; void releaseButton(int, bool) = mac 0xb9a00, win 0x111660; void removeFromGroups(GameObject*) = mac 0xb7a00, win 0x10fb70; void removeObjectFromSection(GameObject*) = mac 0xb7e00, win 0x10ff30; void reorderObjectSection(GameObject*) = mac 0xb7cb0, win 0x10fe10; void resetGroupCounters(bool) = mac 0xba300, win 0x111dd0; void resetMoveOptimizedValue() = mac 0xb9670; // inlined on windows int sectionForPos(float x) { int section = x / 100; if (section < 0) section = 0; return section; } void setupLayers() = mac 0xaffe0, win 0x10b1f0; void shouldExitHackedLevel() = mac 0xb1100, win 0x10bea0; void spawnGroupTriggered(int, float, int) = mac 0xb7020; cocos2d::CCArray* staticObjectsInRect(cocos2d::CCRect) = mac 0xb5f90; void testInstantCountTrigger(int, int, int, bool, int) = mac 0xb9ae0; void toggleGroup(int, bool) = mac 0xb75f0, win 0x10f8c0; void togglePlayerVisibility(bool) = mac 0xba910, win 0x112340; void triggerMoveCommand(EffectGameObject*) = mac 0xb7290; void updateCollisionBlocks() = mac 0xb6a30, win 0x10ef70; void updateCounters(int, int) = mac 0xb9bc0, win 0x111900; void updateDisabledObjectsLastPos(cocos2d::CCArray*) = mac 0xb95b0, win 0x111280; void updateLayerCapacity(gd::string) = mac 0xb1680, win 0x10c2d0; void updateLegacyLayerCapacity(int, int, int, int) = mac 0xb1590, win 0x10c200; void updateOBB2(cocos2d::CCRect) = mac 0xb63f0; void updateQueuedLabels() = mac 0xb9f30, win 0x111b00; virtual ~GJBaseGameLayer() = mac 0xaf990, win 0x10add0; OBB2D* m_boundingBox; GJEffectManager* m_effectManager; cocos2d::CCLayer* m_objectLayer; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_batchNodeAddTop4; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_effectBatchNodeAddTop4; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_batchNodeTop3; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_batchNodeAddTop3; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_batchNodeAddGlowTop3; CCNodeContainer* m_batchNodeTop3Container; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_batchNodeTextTop3; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_batchNodeAddTextTop3; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_effectBatchNodeTop3; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_effectBatchNodeAddTop3; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_batchNodeTop2; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_batchNodeAddTop2; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_batchNodeAddGlowTop2; CCNodeContainer* m_batchNodeTop2Container; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_batchNodeTextTop2; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_batchNodeAddTextTop2; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_effectBatchNodeTop2; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_effectBatchNodeAddTop2; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_batchNode; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_batchNodeAdd; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_batchNodeAddGlow; CCNodeContainer* m_batchNodeTop1Container; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_batchNodeTextTop1; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_batchNodeAddTextTop1; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_effectBatchNodeTop1; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_effectBatchNodeAddTop1; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_batchNodePlayer; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_batchNodeAddPlayer; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_batchNodePlayerGlow; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_batchNodeAddMid; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_batchNodeBottom; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_batchNodeAddBottom; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_batchNodeAddBottomGlow; CCNodeContainer* m_batchNodeBot1Container; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_batchNodeText; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_batchNodeAddText; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_effectBatchNode; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_effectBatchNodeAdd; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_batchNodeBottom2; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_batchNodeAddBottom2; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_batchNodeAddBottom2Glow; CCNodeContainer* m_batchNodeBot2Container; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_batchNodeTextBot2; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_batchNodeAddTextBot2; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_effectBatchNodeBot2; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_effectBatchNodeAddBot2; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_batchNodeBottom3; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_batchNodeAddBottom3; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_batchNodeAddBottom3Glow; CCNodeContainer* m_batchNodeBot3Container; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_batchNodeTextBot3; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_batchNodeAddTextBot3; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_effectBatchNodeBot3; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_effectBatchNodeAddBot3; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_batchNodeBottom4; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_batchNodeAddBottom4; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_batchNodeAddBottom4Glow; CCNodeContainer* m_batchNodeBot4Container; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_batchNodeTextBot4; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_batchNodeAddTextBot4; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_effectBatchNodeBot4; cocos2d::CCSpriteBatchNode* m_effectBatchNodeAddBot4; PlayerObject* m_player1; PlayerObject* m_player2; LevelSettingsObject* m_levelSettings; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_disabledGroupsDict; cocos2d::CCArray* m_objects; cocos2d::CCArray* m_sectionObjects; cocos2d::CCArray* m_sections; cocos2d::CCArray* m_collisionBlocks; cocos2d::CCArray* m_spawnObjects; cocos2d::CCArray* m_spawnObjects2; cocos2d::CCNode* m_groupNodes; gd::vector m_objectsVec; gd::vector m_disabledObjects; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_groupDict; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_staticGroupDict; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_optimizedGroupDict; gd::vector m_groups; gd::vector m_staticGroups; gd::vector m_optimizedGroups; cocos2d::CCArray* m_batchNodes; cocos2d::CCArray* m_processedGroups; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_counterDict; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_spawnedGroups; bool m_didUpdateNormalCapacity; bool m_isDualMode; int m_unk2AC; bool m_activeDualTouch; int m_attemptClickCount; int m_lastVisibleSection; int m_firstVisibleSection; bool m_objectsAreDisabled; bool m_blending; PAD = mac 0x8, win 0x8; } class GJChallengeDelegate {} class GJChallengeItem : cocos2d::CCObject { GJChallengeType m_challengeType; geode::SeedValueSRV m_count; geode::SeedValueSRV m_reward; geode::SeedValueSRV m_goal; int m_timeLeft; bool m_canClaim; int m_position; gd::string m_name; } class GJColorSetupLayer {} class GJComment : cocos2d::CCNode { ~GJComment() = mac 0x2dfd70, win 0xc3640; virtual bool init() = mac 0x2dfec0, win 0xc3ef0; static GJComment* create(cocos2d::CCDictionary* dict) = win 0xc3740; gd::string m_commentString; gd::string m_userName; int m_commentID; int m_userID; int m_likeCount; int m_levelID; bool m_isSpam; int m_accountID; gd::string m_uploadDate; bool m_commentDeleted; int m_percentage; int m_modBadge; cocos2d::ccColor3B m_color; bool m_hasLevelID; GJUserScore* m_userScore; } class GJCommentListLayer : cocos2d::CCLayerColor { ~GJCommentListLayer() = mac 0x1482a0; static GJCommentListLayer* create(BoomListView*, char const*, cocos2d::_ccColor4B, float, float, bool) = mac 0x147d00, win 0x13a880; BoomListView* m_list; } class GJDailyLevelDelegate {} class GJDropDownLayer : cocos2d::CCLayerColor { virtual void customSetup() {} virtual void enterLayer() = mac 0x3525c0, win 0x16970; virtual void exitLayer(cocos2d::CCObject*) = mac 0x352670, win 0x113980; virtual void showLayer(bool) = mac 0x3526c0, win 0x1139c0, ios 0x29801c; virtual void hideLayer(bool) = mac 0x3527b0, win 0x113a90; virtual void layerVisible() = mac 0x3528b0, win 0x16a40; virtual void layerHidden() = mac 0x3528d0, win 0x113b60; virtual void enterAnimFinished() {} virtual void disableUI() = mac 0x352580, win 0x113920; virtual void enableUI() = mac 0x3525a0, win 0x113940; static GJDropDownLayer* create(const char* title, float height) { GJDropDownLayer* pRet = new GJDropDownLayer(); if (pRet && pRet->init(title, height)) { pRet->autorelease(); return pRet; } CC_SAFE_DELETE(pRet); return nullptr; } virtual bool ccTouchBegan(cocos2d::CCTouch* pTouch, cocos2d::CCEvent* pEvent) { return true; } virtual void ccTouchMoved(cocos2d::CCTouch* pTouch, cocos2d::CCEvent* pEvent) {} virtual void ccTouchEnded(cocos2d::CCTouch* pTouch, cocos2d::CCEvent* pEvent) {} virtual void ccTouchCancelled(cocos2d::CCTouch* pTouch, cocos2d::CCEvent* pEvent) {} virtual void draw() = mac 0x352910, win 0x16a80; bool init(const char* title, float height) = mac 0x352100, win 0x113530, ios 0x297afc; virtual void registerWithTouchDispatcher() = mac 0x3525f0, win 0x16990; virtual void keyBackClicked() = mac 0x352630, win 0x113960; inline GJDropDownLayer() { m_endPosition = cocos2d::CCPointMake(0.f, 0.f); m_startPosition = cocos2d::CCPointMake(0.f, 0.f); m_buttonMenu = nullptr; m_listLayer = nullptr; m_controllerEnabled = false; m_mainLayer = nullptr; m_hidden = false; m_delegate = nullptr; } cocos2d::CCPoint m_endPosition; cocos2d::CCPoint m_startPosition; cocos2d::CCMenu* m_buttonMenu; GJListLayer* m_listLayer; bool m_controllerEnabled; cocos2d::CCLayer* m_mainLayer; bool m_hidden; GJDropDownLayerDelegate* m_delegate; } class GJDropDownLayerDelegate { virtual void dropDownLayerWillClose(GJDropDownLayer*) {} } class GJEffectManager : cocos2d::CCNode { static GJEffectManager* get() { return GJEffectManager::fromGameLayer(); } static GJEffectManager* fromGameLayer() { auto gameLayer = GJBaseGameLayer::get(); if (gameLayer) return gameLayer->m_effectManager; return nullptr; } static GJEffectManager* fromLevelSetting() { auto gameLayer = GJBaseGameLayer::get(); if (gameLayer && gameLayer->m_levelSettings) return gameLayer->m_levelSettings->m_effectManager; return nullptr; } virtual bool init() = mac 0x180230, win 0x11c1b0; void activeColorForIndex(int) = mac 0x180cb0, win 0x11c6e0; void activeOpacityForIndex(int) = mac 0x180e10; void addAllInheritedColorActions(cocos2d::CCArray*) = mac 0x1817a0; void addGroupPulseEffect(PulseEffectAction*) = mac 0x184c10; void calculateBaseActiveColors() = mac 0x180f70, win 0x11c7c0; void calculateInheritedColor(int, ColorAction*) = mac 0x1818f0, win 0x11cb80; void calculateLightBGColor(cocos2d::_ccColor3B) = mac 0x185b90, win 0x11f420; void colorActionChanged(ColorAction*) = mac 0x181dc0; void colorExists(int) = mac 0x181da0; void colorForEffect(cocos2d::_ccColor3B, cocos2d::_ccHSVValue) = mac 0x182650; cocos2d::_ccColor3B colorForGroupID(int, cocos2d::_ccColor3B const&, bool) = mac 0x184f90; void colorForIndex(int) = mac 0x180ad0; void colorForPulseEffect(cocos2d::_ccColor3B const&, PulseEffectAction*) = mac 0x181bf0, win 0x11edd0; void countChangedForItem(int) = mac 0x185a40, win 0x11f330; void countForItem(int) = mac 0x185a10; static GJEffectManager* create() = mac 0x1800f0, win 0x11c110; void createFollowCommand(float, float, float, int, int, bool, int) = mac 0x182ed0; void createMoveCommand(cocos2d::CCPoint, int, float, int, float, bool, bool, int) = mac 0x182cc0, win 0x11d340; void createPlayerFollowCommand(float, float, int, float, float, int, int) = mac 0x182fe0; void createRotateCommand(int, float, int, int, int, float, bool, int) = mac 0x182df0; void getAllColorActions() = mac 0x180980, win 0x11c600; void getAllColorSprites() = mac 0x1809e0; ColorAction* getColorAction(int) = mac 0x180b00, win 0x11cde0; const cocos2d::_ccColor3B& getColorSprite(int) = mac 0x180d00, win 0x11ce20; void getCurrentStateString() = mac 0x1867e0, win 0x11fac0; void getLoadedMoveOffset() = mac 0x184390; void getMixedColor(cocos2d::_ccColor3B, cocos2d::_ccColor3B, float) = mac 0x185d30; uint8_t getOpacityActionForGroup(int) = mac 0x1845b0; gd::string getSaveString() = mac 0x185e90; void handleObjectCollision(bool, int, int) = mac 0x1828f0, win 0x11d2a0; void hasActiveDualTouch() = mac 0x185540; void hasBeenTriggered(int) = mac 0x1853b0; void hasPulseEffectForGroupID(int) = mac 0x184f60; bool isGroupEnabled(int) = mac 0x1853d0; void keyForGroupIDColor(int, cocos2d::_ccColor3B const&, bool) = mac 0x184c90; void loadState(gd::string) = mac 0x188db0, win 0x1205b0; void objectsCollided(int, int) = mac 0x182a00, win 0x11d200; void opacityForIndex(int) = mac 0x180c80; float opacityModForGroup(int) = mac 0x184740; void playerButton(bool, bool) = mac 0x1855a0, win 0x11f120; void playerDied() = mac 0x185860; void postCollisionCheck() = mac 0x182720, win 0x11d0b0; void preCollisionCheck() = mac 0x182680, win 0x11d030; void prepareMoveActions(float, bool) = mac 0x183660, win 0x11da30; void processColors() { // mac 0x180e70 this->calculateBaseActiveColors(); this->processPulseActions(); this->processInheritedColors(); this->processCopyColorPulseActions(); } void processCopyColorPulseActions() = mac 0x181530, win 0x11ebc0; void processInheritedColors() = mac 0x181190, win 0x11c8a0; void processPulseActions() = mac 0x181040, win 0x11ea50; void registerCollisionTrigger(int, int, int, bool, bool, int) = mac 0x182b70; void removeAllPulseActions() = mac 0x1825e0; void removeColorAction(int) = mac 0x181d60; void reset() = mac 0x180690, win 0x11c4f0; void resetColorCache() = mac 0x185280; void resetEffects() = mac 0x1807d0, win 0x11cf10; void resetMoveActions() = mac 0x180940; void resetToggledGroups() = mac 0x1853f0; void resetTriggeredIDs() = mac 0x182630; void runCountTrigger(int, int, bool, int, bool, int) = mac 0x1858d0; void runDeathTrigger(int, bool, int) = mac 0x1857a0; OpacityEffectAction* runOpacityActionOnGroup(int, float, float, int) = mac 0x1845d0; void runPulseEffect(int, bool, float, float, float, PulseEffectType, cocos2d::_ccColor3B, cocos2d::_ccHSVValue, int, bool, bool, bool, int) = mac 0x184890, win 0x11e5c0; void runTouchTriggerCommand(int, bool, TouchTriggerType, bool, int) = mac 0x185460; void setColorAction(ColorAction*, int) = mac 0x181d00, win 0x11ce70; void setFollowing(int, int, bool) = mac 0x185e00; void setupFromString(gd::string) = mac 0x186290, win 0x11f8f0; bool shouldBlend(int) = mac 0x180e40; void spawnGroup(int, float, int) = mac 0x1852a0; void stopActionsForTrigger(EffectGameObject*) = mac 0x183150; void stopMoveActionsForGroup(int) = mac 0x1830e0; void storeTriggeredID(int) = mac 0x185380; void toggleGroup(int item, bool value) { // mac 0x182c80; m_groupToggled[item] = value; } void traverseInheritanceChain(InheritanceNode*) = mac 0x181850, win 0x11caf0; void updateActiveOpacityEffects() = mac 0x1847e0; void updateColorAction(ColorAction*) = mac 0x184560; void updateColorEffects(float) = mac 0x181f40, win 0x11e1d0; void updateColors(cocos2d::_ccColor3B, cocos2d::_ccColor3B) = mac 0x180a40, win 0x11c660; void updateEffects(float unk) { this->updateColorEffects(unk); this->updatePulseEffects(unk); this->updateOpacityEffects(unk); this->updateSpawnTriggers(unk); } void updateOpacityAction(OpacityEffectAction*) = mac 0x184780; void updateOpacityEffects(float) = mac 0x1823e0, win 0x11e490; void updatePulseEffects(float) = mac 0x182130, win 0x11e7f0; void updateSpawnTriggers(float) = mac 0x182510, win 0x11f000; void wasFollowing(int, int) = mac 0x185e60; void wouldCreateLoop(InheritanceNode*, int) = mac 0x181820, win 0x11cdb0; ~GJEffectManager() = mac 0x17fe00, win 0x11be80; TriggerEffectDelegate* m_effectDelegate; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_colorActions; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_colorSprites; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_pulseActionsForGroup; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_colorCache; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_opacityActionsForGroup; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_f0150; cocos2d::CCArray* m_opacityActions; cocos2d::CCArray* m_touchActions; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_countActions; cocos2d::CCArray* m_onDeathActions; cocos2d::CCArray* m_collisionActions; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_f0180; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_f0188; gd::vector m_inheritanceNodesForColor; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_f01a8; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_collisionActionsForGroup1; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_collisionActionsForGroup2; gd::vector m_colorActionsForColor; gd::vector m_colorSpritesForColor; std::array m_pulseExistsForGroup; bool m_f063c; std::array m_opactiyExistsForGroup; std::array m_itemValues; int m_unusued; int* m_unused2; cocos2d::CCArray* m_f1bc8; cocos2d::CCArray* m_inheritanceChain; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_f1bd8; gd::vector m_groupToggled; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_triggeredIDs; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_followActions; cocos2d::CCArray* m_spawnActions; cocos2d::CCArray* m_moveActions; cocos2d::CCArray* m_f1c28; cocos2d::CCNode* m_f1c30; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_f1c38; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_f1c40; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_f1c48; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_f1c50; float m_time; float m_velocity; float m_acceleration; bool m_moveOptimizationEnabled; } class GJGameLevel : cocos2d::CCNode { static GJGameLevel* createWithCoder(DS_Dictionary* dict) { auto ret = GJGameLevel::create(); ret->dataLoaded(dict); return ret; } inline GJGameLevel() {} virtual ~GJGameLevel() = mac 0x2db2d0, win 0xbbdb0; virtual void encodeWithCoder(DS_Dictionary*) = mac 0x2dd1c0, win 0xbecb0; virtual bool canEncode() = mac 0x2ddae0, win 0x11070; // shared with lots of stuff virtual bool init() = mac 0x2db310, win 0xbd350; static GJGameLevel* create() = mac 0x2b83e0, win 0xbd2b0, ios 0x51fe8; gd::string getAudioFileName() = mac 0x2dbe70, win 0xbdc70; const char* getCoinKey(int) = mac 0x2ce360, win 0xbda50; void getLengthKey(int) = mac 0x2dbba0; void getNormalPercent() = mac 0x2b8b20; void levelWasAltered() = mac 0x2db530, win 0xbd550; void savePercentage(int, bool, int, int, bool) = mac 0x2db700; void dataLoaded(DS_Dictionary* dict) = mac 0x2922f0, win 0xbded0, ios 0x6fca4; GJDifficulty getAverageDifficulty() = win 0xbd9b0; gd::string getUnpackedLevelDescription() = win 0xbf890; static GJGameLevel* getCurrent() { auto playLayer = PlayLayer::get(); if (playLayer) return playLayer->m_level; auto editorLayer = LevelEditorLayer::get(); if (editorLayer) return editorLayer->m_level; return nullptr; } cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_lastBuildSave; geode::SeedValueRSV m_levelID; gd::string m_levelName; gd::string m_levelDesc; gd::string m_levelString; gd::string m_creatorName; gd::string m_recordString; gd::string m_uploadDate; gd::string m_updateDate; geode::SeedValueRSV m_userID; geode::SeedValueRSV m_accountID; GJDifficulty m_difficulty; int m_audioTrack; int m_songID; int m_levelRev; bool m_unlisted; geode::SeedValueRSV m_objectCount; int m_levelIndex; int m_ratings; int m_ratingsSum; int m_downloads; bool m_isEditable; bool m_gauntletLevel; bool m_gauntletLevel2; int m_workingTime; int m_workingTime2; bool m_lowDetailMode; bool m_lowDetailModeToggled; geode::SeedValueRS m_isVerified; bool m_isVerifiedRaw; // honestly i dont think this is need to be used bool m_isUploaded; bool m_hasBeenModified; int m_levelVersion; int m_gameVersion; geode::SeedValueRSV m_attempts; geode::SeedValueRSV m_jumps; geode::SeedValueRSV m_clicks; geode::SeedValueRSV m_attemptTime; int m_chk; bool m_isChkValid; bool m_isCompletionLegitimate; geode::SeedValueVSR m_normalPercent; geode::SeedValueRSV m_orbCompletion; geode::SeedValueRSV m_newNormalPercent2; int m_practicePercent; int m_likes; int m_dislikes; int m_levelLength; int m_featured; bool m_isEpic; bool m_levelFavorited; int m_levelFolder; geode::SeedValueRSV m_dailyID; geode::SeedValueRSV m_demon; int m_demonDifficulty; geode::SeedValueRSV m_stars; bool m_autoLevel; int m_coins; geode::SeedValueRSV m_coinsVerified; geode::SeedValueRS m_password; geode::SeedValueRSV m_originalLevel; bool m_twoPlayerMode; int m_failedPasswordAttempts; geode::SeedValueRSV m_firstCoinVerified; geode::SeedValueRSV m_secondCoinVerified; geode::SeedValueRSV m_thirdCoinVerified; int m_starsRequested; bool m_showedSongWarning; int m_starRatings; int m_starRatingsSum; int m_maxStarRatings; int m_minStarRatings; int m_demonVotes; int m_rateStars; int m_rateFeature; gd::string m_rateUser; bool m_dontSave; bool m_levelNotDownloaded; int m_requiredCoins; bool m_isUnlocked; cocos2d::CCPoint m_lastCameraPos; float m_fastEditorZoom; int m_lastBuildTab; int m_lastBuildPage; int m_lastBuildGroupID; GJLevelType m_levelType; int m_M_ID; gd::string m_tempName; gd::string m_capacityString; bool m_highObjectsEnabled; gd::string m_personalBests; } class GJGarageLayer : cocos2d::CCLayer, TextInputDelegate, FLAlertLayerProtocol, GameRateDelegate, ListButtonBarDelegate, DialogDelegate { inline GJGarageLayer() { m_nameInput = nullptr; m_playerPreview = nullptr; m_colorSelector1 = nullptr; m_colorSelector2 = nullptr; m_unkButton0x148 = nullptr; m_unkButton0x14c = nullptr; m_pagesArray = nullptr; m_tabToggleCube = nullptr; m_tabToggleShip = nullptr; m_tabToggleBall = nullptr; m_tabToggleUfo = nullptr; m_tabToggleWave = nullptr; m_tabToggleRobot = nullptr; m_tabToggleSpider = nullptr; m_tabToggleSpecial = nullptr; m_tabToggleDeathEffect = nullptr; m_updateSelector = false; } void onPlayerColor1(cocos2d::CCObject*) = mac 0x1ba640, win 0x129470, ios 0x22531c; void onPlayerColor2(cocos2d::CCObject*) = mac 0x1ba8c0, win 0x129590, ios 0x225408; static GJGarageLayer* create() = win 0x125220; virtual bool init() = mac 0x1b4980, win 0x1255d0; void onSelectTab(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = win 0x127c30; void onPlayerIcon(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = win 0x127f30; void onShipIcon(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = win 0x1281e0; void onBallIcon(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = win 0x1282a0; void onBirdIcon(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = win 0x128360; void onDartIcon(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = win 0x128420; void onRobotIcon(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = win 0x1286d0; void onSpiderIcon(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = win 0x128890; void onShards(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = win 0x12ad70; void onBack(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = win 0x12adf0; void onShop(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = win 0x12ad90; void setupColorSelect() = mac 0x1b7500; PAD = mac 0x10, win 0x8; CCTextInputNode* m_nameInput; SimplePlayer* m_playerPreview; PAD = mac 0x10, win 0x8; cocos2d::CCSprite* m_colorSelector1; cocos2d::CCSprite* m_colorSelector2; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_unkButton0x148; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_unkButton0x14c; PAD = win 0x8; cocos2d::CCArray* m_pagesArray; PAD = win 0x8; CCMenuItemToggler* m_tabToggleCube; CCMenuItemToggler* m_tabToggleShip; CCMenuItemToggler* m_tabToggleBall; CCMenuItemToggler* m_tabToggleUfo; CCMenuItemToggler* m_tabToggleWave; CCMenuItemToggler* m_tabToggleRobot; CCMenuItemToggler* m_tabToggleSpider; CCMenuItemToggler* m_tabToggleSpecial; CCMenuItemToggler* m_tabToggleDeathEffect; PAD = win 0x4; bool m_updateSelector; } class GJGroundLayer : cocos2d::CCLayer { void updateGroundWidth() = mac 0x356790, win 0x12dda0; } class GJItemIcon { GJItemIcon* createBrowserIcon(UnlockType _type, int _id) { return GJItemIcon::create(_type, _id, { 0xaf, 0xaf, 0xaf }, { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff }, false, true, true, { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff } ); } static GJItemIcon* create(UnlockType _type, int _id, cocos2d::ccColor3B _col1, cocos2d::ccColor3B _col2, bool _un0, bool _un1, bool _un2, cocos2d::ccColor3B _col3) = mac 0x1bb330, win 0x12cbf0, ios 0x227188; } class GJLevelScoreCell : TableViewCell { void updateBGColor(unsigned int index) = win 0x5c6b0; } class GJListLayer : cocos2d::CCLayerColor { ~GJListLayer() = mac 0x344350; static GJListLayer* create(cocos2d::CCObject* target, const char* title, cocos2d::ccColor4B color, float width, float height) = mac 0x343e10, win 0x12e000; BoomListView* m_listView; } class GJMapPack : cocos2d::CCNode { cocos2d::CCArray* m_levels; int m_packID; GJDifficulty m_difficulty; int m_stars; int m_coins; gd::string m_packName; gd::string m_levelStrings; cocos2d::ccColor3B m_textColour; cocos2d::ccColor3B m_barColour; int m_MId; bool m_isGauntlet; virtual bool init() = win 0xc0080; static GJMapPack *create() = win 0xbffe0; } class GJMessageCell : TableViewCell { void updateBGColor(unsigned int index) = win 0x5c6b0; void loadFromMessage(GJUserMessage *) = win 0x64b60; } class GJOptionsLayer : FLAlertLayer { static GJOptionsLayer* create() = mac 0x145ae0, win 0x0, ios 0x0; void addToggle(char const*, char const*, char const*) = mac 0x1464e0, win 0x0, ios 0x0; } class GJRequestCell : TableViewCell { void updateBGColor(unsigned int index) = win 0x5c6b0; } class GJRewardDelegate {} class GJRewardObject : cocos2d::CCObject { SpecialRewardItem m_specialRewardItem; UnlockType m_unlockType; int m_itemID; int m_total; } class GJRobotSprite : CCAnimatedSprite { // virtual ~GJRobotSprite() = mac 0x34aaf0; inlined on windows, RE and recreate virtual bool init() = mac 0x34ad50, win 0x145840; virtual void setOpacity(unsigned char) = mac 0x34bcc0, win 0x146640; // shared with GJSpriteSprite virtual void hideSecondary() = mac 0x34c3b0, win 0x146c90; static GJRobotSprite* create() = mac 0x34ac00, win 0x1457a0; void updateColor02(cocos2d::_ccColor3B) = mac 0x34bbd0, win 0x1461c0; void updateFrame(int) = mac 0x34bdd0, win 0x146700; void hideGlow() = mac 0x34b860; PAD = win 0x8; cocos2d::ccColor3B m_secondaryColor; } class GJRotationControl : cocos2d::CCLayer { void setAngle(float angle) { m_sliderPosition = cocos2d::CCPointMake(sinf(angle) * 60.0f, cosf(angle) * 60.0f); m_angle = angle; m_sliderThumb->setPosition(m_sliderPosition); } void updateSliderPosition(cocos2d::CCPoint const& pos) = win 0x94020; float m_unknown0; float m_unknown1; cocos2d::CCPoint m_sliderPosition; cocos2d::CCSprite* m_sliderThumb; float m_objAngle; float m_angle; int m_touchID; } class GJRotationControlDelegate { virtual void angleChangeBegin() {} virtual void angleChangeEnded() {} virtual void angleChanged(float) {} } class GJScaleControl : cocos2d::CCLayer { virtual bool init() = mac 0x31b30, win 0x94490; virtual bool ccTouchBegan(cocos2d::CCTouch*, cocos2d::CCEvent*) = mac 0x31d30, win 0x947a0; virtual void ccTouchMoved(cocos2d::CCTouch*, cocos2d::CCEvent*) = mac 0x31e60, win 0x94840; virtual void ccTouchEnded(cocos2d::CCTouch*, cocos2d::CCEvent*) = mac 0x31fb0, win 0x94940; virtual void ccTouchCancelled(cocos2d::CCTouch*, cocos2d::CCEvent*) = mac 0x32060, win 0x2dea0; // shared with many others void updateLabel(float value) = win 0x94990; void loadValues(GameObject* obj, cocos2d::CCArray* objs) = win 0x94590; Slider* m_slider; unsigned int m_touchID; float m_value; PAD = mac 0x8, win 0x4; cocos2d::CCLabelBMFont* m_label; GJScaleControlDelegate* m_delegate; } class GJScaleControlDelegate { virtual void scaleChangeBegin() {} virtual void scaleChangeEnded() {} virtual void scaleChanged(float) {} } class GJScoreCell : TableViewCell { virtual void FLAlert_Clicked(FLAlertLayer*, bool) = win 0x624a0; void loadFromScore(GJUserScore* score) = win 0x61440; void onViewProfile(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = win 0x62380; void updateBGColor(unsigned int index) = win 0x5c6b0; } class GJSearchObject : cocos2d::CCNode { SearchType getType() { return m_searchType; } static GJSearchObject* create(SearchType nID) = win 0xc2b90; static GJSearchObject* create(SearchType nID, gd::string str) = win 0xc2c80; SearchType m_searchType; gd::string m_searchQuery; gd::string m_difficulty; gd::string m_length; int m_page; bool m_starFilter; bool m_noStarFilter; int m_unknownMember; bool m_uncompletedFilter; bool m_completedFilter; bool m_featuredFilter; bool m_originalFilter; bool m_twoPlayerFilter; bool m_coinsFilter; bool m_epicFilter; GJDifficulty m_demonFilter; int m_unk; int m_songID; bool m_customSongFilter; bool m_songFilter; } class GJSpecialColorSelect { static const char* textForColorIdx(int id) = mac 0x383a50, win 0x14e1d0, ios 0x113f6c; } class GJSpecialColorSelectDelegate { virtual void colorSelectClosed(GJSpecialColorSelect*, int) {} } class GJSpiderSprite : GJRobotSprite { // ~GJSpiderSprite() = mac 0x34c4a0; same as ~CCRobotSprite, fully merged on windows virtual bool init() = mac 0x34c700, win 0x146db0; static GJSpiderSprite* create() = mac 0x34c5b0, win 0x146cf0; } class GJSpriteColor : cocos2d::CCNode { int m_colorID; int m_defaultColorID; float m_unk_0F4; cocos2d::ccHSVValue m_hsv; bool m_usesHSV; float unk_10C; bool unk_110; void resetCustomColorMode() = mac 0x342f10; } class GJUserCell : TableViewCell { void updateBGColor(unsigned int index) = win 0x5c6b0; } class GJUserMessage : cocos2d::CCNode { virtual bool init() = win 0x33b40; } class GJUserScore : cocos2d::CCNode { IconType getIconType() const { return m_iconType; } int getPlayerCube() const { return m_playerCube; } int getPlayerShip() const { return m_playerShip; } int getPlayerBall() const { return m_playerBall; } int getPlayerUfo() const { return m_playerUfo; } int getPlayerWave() const { return m_playerWave; } int getPlayerRobot() const { return m_playerRobot; } int getPlayerSpider() const { return m_playerSpider; } int getPlayerStreak() const { return m_playerStreak; } bool getGlowEnabled() const { return m_glowEnabled; } int getPlayerExplosion() const { return m_playerExplosion; } int getPlayerColor1() const { return m_color1; } int getPlayerColor2() const { return m_color2; } gd::string getPlayerName() const { return m_userName; } static GJUserScore* create() = win 0xc1660; static GJUserScore* create(cocos2d::CCDictionary*) = win 0xc0750; gd::string m_userName; gd::string m_userUDID; int m_scoreType; int m_userID; int m_accountID; int m_stars; int m_diamonds; int m_demons; int m_playerRank; int m_creatorPoints; int m_secretCoins; int m_userCoins; int m_iconID; int m_color1; int m_color2; int m_special; IconType m_iconType; int m_messageState; int m_friendStatus; int m_commentHistoryStatus; gd::string m_youtubeURL; gd::string m_twitterURL; gd::string m_twitchURL; int m_playerCube; int m_playerShip; int m_playerBall; int m_playerUfo; int m_playerWave; int m_playerRobot; int m_playerSpider; int m_playerStreak; bool m_glowEnabled; int m_playerExplosion; int m_modBadge; int m_globalRank; int m_friendReqStatus; int m_newMsgCount; int m_friendReqCount; bool m_isBlocked; gd::string m_lastScoreAge; } class GManager : cocos2d::CCNode { virtual void setup() {} void encodeDataTo(DS_Dictionary* data) {} void dataLoaded(DS_Dictionary* data) {} void firstLoad() {} void save() = mac 0x26f300, win 0x29250; void saveData(DS_Dictionary*, gd::string) = mac 0x26f4b0; void saveGMTo(gd::string) = mac 0x26f3b0, win 0x29250; gd::string m_fileName; bool m_setup; bool m_saved; bool m_quickSave; } class GooglePlayDelegate { virtual void googlePlaySignedIn() {} } class GooglePlayManager : cocos2d::CCNode { virtual bool init() = win 0x11070; static GooglePlayManager* sharedState() = win 0x295a0; } class GameLevelManager : cocos2d::CCNode { cocos2d::CCArray* createAndGetScores(gd::string, GJScoreType) = win 0xa2780; GJGameLevel* createNewLevel() = mac 0x2b8180, win 0xa0db0; static GameLevelManager* sharedState() = mac 0x2a8340, win 0x9f860; void getCompletedLevels(bool newFilter) = win 0xa2d20; void getGJUserInfo(int) = win 0xb00b0; void getOnlineLevels(GJSearchObject*) = win 0xa7bc0; void getPageInfo(char const*) = mac 0x2c0050; cocos2d::CCArray* getSavedLevels(bool favorite, int levelFolder) = win 0xa2960; cocos2d::CCArray* getStoredOnlineLevels(char const*) = mac 0x2bfe80, win 0xa3a90; void getTopArtists(int, int) = mac 0x2ce3d0; void getTopArtistsKey(int) = mac 0x2ce7a0; void makeTimeStamp(char const*) = mac 0x2bfd90, win 0xa3f00; GJGameLevel* getMainLevel(int id, bool unk) = win 0xa0940; bool hasLikedItemFullCheck(LikeItemType type, int itemID, int commentSourceID) = mac 0x2d83d0; bool hasRatedLevelStars(int levelID) = mac 0x2ca3a0; void ProcessHttpRequest(gd::string, gd::string, gd::string, int) = mac 0x2a8670, win 0x9f8e0; cocos2d::CCDictionary* responseToDict(gd::string response, bool comment) = win 0xbba50; void storeUserNames(gd::string) = win 0xa1840; gd::string userNameForUserID(int id) = win 0xa1c20; void updateUserScore() = win 0xada60; void downloadLevel(int id, bool downloadData) = win 0xaa730; bool hasDownloadedLevel(int id) = win 0xab830; GJGameLevel* getSavedLevel(int id) = win 0xa2ee0; void saveLevel(GJGameLevel* level) = win 0xa31c0; inline static GameLevelManager* get() { return GameLevelManager::sharedState(); } //cocos2d::CCDictionary* timerDict = mac 0x1e8; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_mainLevels; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_searchFilters; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_onlineLevels; PAD = win 0x4; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_followedCreators; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_downloadedLevels; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_likedLevels; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_ratedLevels; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_ratedDemons; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_reportedLevels; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_onlineFolders; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_localLevelsFolders; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_dailyLevels; int m_dailyTimeLeft; int m_dailyID; int m_dailyIDUnk; PAD = win 0x4; int m_weeklyTimeLeft; int m_weeklyID; int m_weeklyIDUnk; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_gauntletLevels; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_unkDict13; PAD = win 0x4; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_timerDict; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_knownUsers; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_accountIDtoUserIDDict; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_userIDtoAccountIDDict; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_storedLevels; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_pageInfo; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_unkDict20; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_savedPacks; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_savedGauntlets; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_downloadObjects; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_unkDict24; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_storedUserInfo; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_friendRequests; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_userMessages; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_userReplies; gd::string m_unkStr1; gd::string m_unkStr2; LeaderboardState m_leaderboardState; bool m_unkEditLevelLayerOnBack; OnlineListDelegate* m_onlineListDelegate; LevelDownloadDelegate* m_levelDownloadDelegate; LevelCommentDelegate* m_levelCommentDelegate; CommentUploadDelegate* m_commentUploadDelegate; LevelUploadDelegate* m_levelUploadDelegate; LevelUpdateDelegate* m_levelUpdateDelegate; LeaderboardManagerDelegate* m_leaderboardManagerDelegate; LevelDeleteDelegate* m_levelDeleteDelegate; UserInfoDelegate* m_userInfoDelegate; LevelManagerDelegate* m_levelManagerDelegate; void* m_unkDelegate; FriendRequestDelegate* m_friendRequestDelegate; MessageListDelegate* m_messageListDelegate; DownloadMessageDelegate* m_downloadMessageDelegate; UploadMessageDelegate* m_uploadMessageDelegate; GJRewardDelegate* m_GJRewardDelegate; GJChallengeDelegate* m_GJChallengeDelegate; GJDailyLevelDelegate* m_GJDailyLevelDelegate; MusicDownloadDelegate* m_musicDownloadDelegate; int m_unkDownload; PAD = win 0x4; gd::string m_unkStr3; cocos2d::CCString* m_unkStr4; } class GameManager : GManager { int getPlayerFrame() { return m_playerFrame; } int getPlayerShip() { return m_playerShip; } int getPlayerBall() { return m_playerBall; } int getPlayerBird() { return m_playerBird; } int getPlayerDart() { return m_playerDart; } int getPlayerRobot() { return m_playerRobot; } int getPlayerSpider() { return m_playerSpider; } int getPlayerStreak() { return m_playerStreak; } int getPlayerDeathEffect() { return m_playerDeathEffect; } int getPlayerColor() { return m_playerColor; } int getPlayerColor2() { return m_playerColor2; } bool getPlayerGlow() { return m_playerGlow; } IconType getPlayerIconType() { return m_playerIconType; } void setPlayerFrame(int id) { m_playerFrame = id; } void setPlayerShip(int id) { m_playerShip = id; } void setPlayerBall(int id) { m_playerBall = id; } void setPlayerBird(int id) { m_playerBird = id; } void setPlayerDart(int id) { m_playerDart = id; } void setPlayerRobot(int id) { m_playerRobot = id; } void setPlayerSpider(int id) { m_playerSpider = id; } void setPlayerStreak(int id) { m_playerStreak = id; } void setPlayerDeathEffect(int id) { m_playerDeathEffect = id; } void setPlayerColor(int id) { m_playerColor = id; } void setPlayerColor2(int id) { m_playerColor2 = id; } void setPlayerGlow(bool v) { m_playerGlow = v; } void setPlayerIconType(IconType v) { m_playerIconType = v; } void setQuality(cocos2d::TextureQuality quality) { m_quality = quality; } PlayLayer* getPlayLayer() { return m_playLayer; } LevelEditorLayer* getEditorLayer() { return m_levelEditorLayer; } bool getGameVariableDefault(const char* key, bool defaultValue) { auto object = static_cast(m_valueKeeper->objectForKey(std::string("gv_") + key)); if (object == nullptr) return defaultValue; return object->boolValue(); } int getIntGameVariableDefault(const char* key, int defaultValue) { auto object = static_cast(m_valueKeeper->objectForKey(std::string("gv_") + key)); if (object == nullptr) return defaultValue; return object->intValue(); } static GameManager* get() { return GameManager::sharedState(); } void accountStatusChanged() = mac 0x1cdad0; cocos2d::_ccColor3B colorForIdx(int) = mac 0x1cbc80, win 0xc8d10, ios 0x237488; void didExitPlayscene() = mac 0x1d0230; void doQuickSave() = mac 0x1d0200; void fadeInMusic(const char*) = mac 0x1c2ff0, win 0xc4bd0; void getBGTexture(int) = mac 0x1cca00; void getFontFile(int) = mac 0x1cc5f0; void getFontTexture(int) = mac 0x1cc640; bool getGameVariable(const char*) = mac 0x1cccd0, win 0xc9d30; int getIntGameVariable(const char*) = mac 0x1cd1d0, win 0xca330; bool getUGV(const char*) = mac 0x1ccfa0, win 0xca0d0; void loadBackground(int) = mac 0x1cc820, win 0xc9990; void loadDeathEffect(int) = mac 0x1cc690, win 0xc9850; void loadFont(int) = mac 0x1cc550, win 0xc9770; void loadGround(int) = mac 0x1cc8e0, win 0xc9a50; void reloadAll(bool, bool, bool) = mac 0x1d08a0, win 0xce950; void reloadAllStep2() = mac 0x1d0940, win 0xce9e0, ios 0x23b1f4; void reloadAllStep5() = mac 0x1d0b00; void reportPercentageForLevel(int, int, bool) = mac 0x1c5b00; void setGameVariable(const char*, bool) = mac 0x1cca80, win 0xc9b50; void setIntGameVariable(const char*, int) = mac 0x1cd0e0, win 0xca230; void setUGV(char const*, bool) = mac 0x1cce50, win 0xc9f90; static GameManager* sharedState() = mac 0x1c2b30, win 0xc4a50, ios 0x2321b8; ~GameManager() = mac 0x1d0e00, win 0xcf100; void getGTexture(int) = mac 0x1cca40, win 0xc9a50; virtual bool init() = mac 0x1c2ec0, win 0xc4ad0; void reportAchievementWithID(char const*, int, bool) = mac 0x1c6460, win 0xc64c0; cocos2d::CCSize resolutionForKey(int) = mac 0x1d0b40, win 0xceca0; virtual void update(float) = mac 0x1d0270, win 0xce440; bool isColorUnlocked(int _id, bool _type) = mac 0x1c3b90, win 0xc53f0; bool isIconUnlocked(int _id, IconType _type) = mac 0x1c35b0, win 0xc4fc0; void toggleGameVariable(const char* key) = win 0xc9e90; void returnToLastScene(GJGameLevel* level) = mac 0x1d0500, win 0xce6a0; bool m_switchModes; bool m_toFullscreen; bool m_reloading; bool m_unknown0; PAD = mac 0x4, win 0x4; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_valueKeeper; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_unlockValueKeeper; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_customObjectDict; double m_adTimer; double m_adCache; PAD = mac 0x8, win 0x8; double m_unknownDouble; // TODO: according to wylie's decomp this pad was 0x4, gd.h has it as 0x8 (and its correct) // i have a feeling android gm and windows gm are different structs // so the extra member could be here (for windows) PAD = mac 0x4, win 0x8; bool m_loaded; gd::string m_unknownString; PlayLayer* m_playLayer; LevelEditorLayer* m_levelEditorLayer; int m_unknown1; MenuLayer* m_menuLayer; bool m_unknownBool2; int m_unknownInt2; bool m_unknownBool3; bool m_unknownPlayLayerBool; bool m_unknownBool4; bool m_unknownBool5; gd::string m_playerUDID; gd::string m_playerName; bool m_commentsEnabled; geode::SeedValueRSV m_playerUserID; float m_backgroundMusicVolume; float m_effectsVolume; float m_timeOffset; bool m_ratedGame; bool m_likedFacebook; bool m_followedTwitter; bool m_subbedYoutube; // there are 4 bytes too many between m_timeOffset and m_playerFrameRand1 // and i'm guessing it's this one // int m_unknownInt; double m_socialsDuration; bool m_showedAd; bool m_unknownBool; bool m_editorEnabled; int m_sceneEnum; int m_searchObjectType; bool m_unknownBool6; geode::SeedValueRSV m_playerFrame; geode::SeedValueRSV m_playerShip; geode::SeedValueRSV m_playerBall; geode::SeedValueRSV m_playerBird; geode::SeedValueRSV m_playerDart; geode::SeedValueRSV m_playerRobot; geode::SeedValueRSV m_playerSpider; geode::SeedValueRSV m_playerColor; geode::SeedValueRSV m_playerColor2; geode::SeedValueRSV m_playerStreak; geode::SeedValueRSV m_playerDeathEffect; geode::SeedValueSR m_chk; geode::SeedValueSR m_secretNumber; bool m_playerGlow; IconType m_playerIconType; bool m_everyPlaySetup; bool m_showSongMarkers; bool m_showBPMMarkers; bool m_recordGameplay; bool m_showProgressBar; bool m_performanceMode; bool m_clickedGarage; // this should be 0x2a2 on macos and 0x28a on windows bool m_clickedEditor; bool m_clickedName; bool m_clickedPractice; bool m_showedEditorGuide; bool m_showedRateDiffDialog; bool m_showedRateStarDialog; bool m_showedLowDetailDialog; PAD = mac 0x30, win 0x30; int m_bootups; bool m_hasRatedGame; bool m_unk0; bool m_unk1; bool m_unk2; bool m_gameCenterEnabled; bool m_smoothFix; geode::SeedValueSRV m_ratePower; bool m_canGetLevelSaveData; int m_resolution; cocos2d::TextureQuality m_quality; } class GameObject : CCSpritePlus { cocos2d::CCPoint getStartPosition() { return m_startPosition; } void setStartPosition(cocos2d::CCPoint const& p) { m_startPosition = p; } unsigned int getUniqueID() { return m_uniqueID; } short getGroupID(int ix) { return m_groups->at(ix); } short getGroupIDCount() { return m_groupCount; } gd::vector getGroupIDs() { std::vector res; if (m_groups && m_groups->at(0)) for (auto i = 0; i < m_groupCount; i++) res.push_back(m_groups->at(i)); return res; } int getGameZOrder() { return m_gameZOrder; } void setGameZOrder(int z) { m_gameZOrder = z; } void setGameObjType(GameObjectType t) { m_objectType = t; } GJSpriteColor* getBaseColor() { return m_baseColor; } GJSpriteColor* getDetailColor() { return m_detailColor; } GameObject() = mac 0xdc4c0, win 0x983e0; // yeah why is this here wtf, seems life ego ctor created this ~GameObject() = mac 0x2f4ca0, win 0xcf340; virtual void update(float) = mac 0x2fbb90, win 0xce440; virtual void setScaleX(float) = mac 0x335b00, win 0xe5050; virtual void setScaleY(float) = mac 0x335b90, win 0xe50e0; virtual void setScale(float) = mac 0x335c20, win 0xe5170; virtual void setPosition(const cocos2d::CCPoint&) = mac 0x335850, win 0xe4de0; virtual void setVisible(bool) = mac 0x336280, win 0xe57c0; virtual void setRotation(float) = mac 0x335970, win 0xe4ed0; virtual void setOpacity(GLubyte) = mac 0x335f10, win 0xe53c0; virtual bool initWithTexture(cocos2d::CCTexture2D*) = mac 0x2f56a0, win 0xcfa80; virtual void setChildColor(const cocos2d::ccColor3B&) = mac 0x341f20, win 0xee900; virtual void setFlipX(bool) = mac 0x335a60, win 0xe4fd0; virtual void setFlipY(bool) = mac 0x335ab0, win 0xe5010; virtual void customSetup() = mac 0x2fbba0, win 0xd1c10; virtual void setupCustomSprites() = mac 0x307f60, win 0xd7d50; virtual void addMainSpriteToParent(bool) = mac 0x33a5b0, win 0xeb250; virtual void resetObject() = mac 0x2fa620, win 0xd1470, ios 0xd1470; virtual void triggerObject(GJBaseGameLayer*) = mac 0x2fa8f0, win 0xd1790; virtual void activateObject() = mac 0x2faf60, win 0xd1870; void activateObject(PlayerObject*) = win 0xef0e0; virtual void deactivateObject(bool) = mac 0x2fb8f0, win 0xd19b0; virtual cocos2d::CCRect const& getObjectRect() = mac 0x3352b0, win 0xe4a40; virtual cocos2d::CCRect getObjectRect(float, float) = mac 0x3352d0, win 0xe4a70; virtual cocos2d::CCRect getObjectRect2(float, float) = mac 0x3354e0, win 0xe4b90; virtual cocos2d::CCRect const& getObjectTextureRect() = mac 0x3355b0, win 0xe4c40; virtual cocos2d::CCPoint getRealPosition() = mac 0x335750, win 0xe4d90; virtual void setStartPos(cocos2d::CCPoint) = mac 0x2fa520, win 0xd1390; virtual void updateStartValues() = mac 0x2fa800, win 0xd1610; virtual void customObjectSetup(gd::map&) {} virtual gd::string getSaveString() = mac 0x33d3d0, win 0xed0c0; virtual bool isFlipX() = mac 0x335a40, win 0xe4fb0; virtual bool isFlipY() = mac 0x335a50, win 0xe4fc0; virtual void setRScaleX(float) = mac 0x335cb0, win 0xe5200; virtual void setRScaleY(float) = mac 0x335d60, win 0xe5240; virtual void setRScale(float) = mac 0x335e10, win 0xe5280; virtual void getRScaleX() = mac 0x335e50, win 0xe52c0; virtual void getRScaleY() = mac 0x335e80, win 0xe5300; virtual void calculateSpawnXPos() = mac 0x336970, win 0xe5d20; virtual void triggerActivated(float) = mac 0x336990, win 0xe5d30; virtual void powerOnObject() = mac 0x3369a0, win 0xe5d40; virtual void powerOffObject() = mac 0x3369c0, win 0xe5d60; virtual void setObjectColor(const cocos2d::ccColor3B&) = mac 0x341c90, win 0xee620; virtual void setGlowColor(cocos2d::_ccColor3B const&) = mac 0x341ed0, win 0xee8c0; virtual void getOrientedBox() = mac 0x342ad0, win 0xef160; virtual void addToGroup(int) = mac 0x33ad00, win 0xeb8d0; virtual void removeFromGroup(int) = mac 0x33ada0, win 0xeb930; virtual void spawnXPosition() = mac 0xdc1b0, win 0x98990; virtual void getObjectRectDirty() const = mac 0xdc1d0, win 0x989a0; virtual void setObjectRectDirty(bool) = mac 0xdc1e0, win 0x989b0; virtual void getOrientedRectDirty() const = mac 0xdc1f0, win 0x989c0; virtual void setOrientedRectDirty(bool) = mac 0xdc200, win 0x989d0; virtual GameObjectType getType() const = mac 0xdc210, win 0x989e0; virtual void setType(GameObjectType) = mac 0xdc220, win 0x989f0; virtual cocos2d::CCPoint const& getStartPos() const = mac 0xdc230, win 0x98a00; void activatedByPlayer(GameObject*) = mac 0x342a20; void addColorSprite() = mac 0x2f7fe0, win 0xd0670; void addColorSpriteToParent(bool) = mac 0x2fb470, win 0xeb3f0; void addGlow() = mac 0x2f5c10; void addToTempOffset(float, float) = mac 0x335700; void calculateOrientedBox() = mac 0x342b20, win 0xef1a0; void canChangeCustomColor() = mac 0x342db0; void colorForMode(int, bool) = mac 0x343460; void commonSetup() = mac 0x2f5570, win 0xcfac0; void copyGroups(GameObject*) = mac 0x33ae30, win 0xeb9d0; static GameObject* createWithFrame(const char*) = mac 0x2f5490, win 0xcf8f0; static GameObject* createWithKey(int) = mac 0x2f4ce0, win 0xcf4f0; void destroyObject() = mac 0x336a00; void determineSlopeDirection() = mac 0x33a9e0, win 0xeb670; void getActiveColorForMode(int, bool) = mac 0x343860, win 0xefb10; void getBallFrame(int) = mac 0x341bf0; cocos2d::CCPoint getBoxOffset() = mac 0x3353d0, win 0xef350; const cocos2d::_ccColor3B& getColorIndex() = mac 0x343b90; void getDidUpdateLastPosition() = mac 0x343a20; void getLastPosition() = mac 0x3439d0; void getMainColorMode() = mac 0x334c30; void getObjectZOrder() = mac 0x337d70; // inlined on windows float getObjectRadius() { float radius = m_objectRadius; if (m_scale != 1.0f) radius *= m_scale; return radius; } void getSecondaryColorMode() = mac 0x341c20; void getSectionIdx() = mac 0x343a00; void groupWasDisabled() = mac 0x33b110; void groupWasEnabled() = mac 0x33b0f0; void hasBeenActivated() = mac 0x342a80; void hasBeenActivatedByPlayer(GameObject*) = mac 0x342a50; void hasSecondaryColor() = mac 0x342f80; void ignoreEnter() = mac 0x3352a0; void ignoreFade() = mac 0x335290; void isBasicTrigger() = mac 0x343d10; void isColorTrigger() = mac 0x343b40; void isSpawnableTrigger() = mac 0x343a60, win 0xeff20; void isSpecialObject() = mac 0x343c40; void loadGroupsFromString(gd::string str) = mac 0x33b380, win 0xebcb0; static GameObject* objectFromString(gd::string, bool) = mac 0x33b720, win 0xebe50; void playShineEffect() = mac 0x2fa9d0, win 0xeab20; void quickUpdatePosition() = mac 0x335790; void removeGlow() = mac 0x2f7f70; void resetGroupDisabled() = mac 0x2fa7e0; void saveActiveColors() = mac 0x33d250, win 0xee3e0; void selectObject(cocos2d::ccColor3B) = mac 0x341f90, win 0xee960; void setDefaultMainColorMode(int) = mac 0x304fc0; void setDidUpdateLastPosition(bool const&) = mac 0x343a30; void setGlowOpacity(unsigned char) = mac 0x336200; void setLastPosition(cocos2d::CCPoint const&) = mac 0x3439e0; void setMainColorMode(int) = mac 0x342e70; void setSectionIdx(int const&) = mac 0x343a10; void setupCoinArt() = mac 0x337dd0, win 0xe7050; void slopeFloorTop() = mac 0x342800; void slopeWallLeft() = mac 0x3427e0; void updateCustomScale(float) = mac 0x335eb0, win 0xe5340; void updateMainColor() = mac 0x343340; void updateObjectEditorColor() = mac 0x3423c0, win 0xeee50; void updateOrientedBox() = mac 0x342b50, win 0xef1c0; void updateSecondaryColor() = mac 0x343740; void updateStartPos() = mac 0x2fa590, win 0xd13f0; void updateState() = mac 0x3369e0; void updateSyncedAnimation(float) = mac 0x337f00, win 0xe7320; void updateTextObject(gd::string, bool) = mac 0x2f58d0, win 0xcfc60; void deselectObject() = mac 0x3423a0, win 0xeee50; cocos2d::CCRepeatForever* createRotateAction(float f, int n) = win 0xe49b0; void setMyAction(cocos2d::CCAction* pAction) = win 0xd1b90; bool canAllowMultiActivate() = win 0xf06b0; void createGroupContainer(int size) = mac 0x33aca0, win 0xeb870; bool m_unk3; bool m_isBlueMaybe; float m_unk2; float m_unk; float m_unk3f; float m_unk4; bool m_unkidk; float m_animSpeed2; bool m_isEffectObject; bool m_randomisedAnimStart; float m_animSpeed; bool m_blackChild; bool m_unkOutlineMaybe; float m_blackChildOpacity; bool field_21C; bool m_editor; bool m_groupDisabled; bool m_colourOnTop; //GJSpriteColor* m_mainColourMode; //GJSpriteColor* m_secondaryColourMode; //bool m_col1; //bool m_col2; int m_baseColorID; //0x27c on macos int m_detailColorID; bool m_baseColorHSVModified; bool m_detailColorHSVModified; cocos2d::CCPoint m_startPosOffset; float m_rotateOffset; bool m_tintTrigger; bool m_isFlippedX; bool m_isFlippedY; cocos2d::CCPoint m_boxOffset; bool m_isOriented; cocos2d::CCPoint m_boxOffset2; OBB2D* m_objectOBB2D; bool m_oriented; cocos2d::CCSprite* m_glowSprite; bool m_notEditor; cocos2d::CCAction* m_myAction; bool m_unk1; bool m_runActionWithTag; bool m_objectPoweredOn; cocos2d::CCSize m_objectSize; bool m_modifier; // bool unknown2e5; m_active is 0x2e5 on macos bool m_active; bool m_animationFinished; cocos2d::CCParticleSystemQuad* m_particleSystem; gd::string m_effectPlistName; bool m_particleAdded; bool m_hasParticles; bool m_unkCustomRing; cocos2d::CCPoint m_portalPosition; bool m_unkParticleSystem; cocos2d::CCRect m_objectTextureRect; bool m_textureRectDirty; float m_rectXCenterMaybe; cocos2d::CCRect m_objectRect2; bool m_isObjectRectDirty; bool m_isOrientedRectDirty; bool m_hasBeenActivated; bool m_hasBeenActivatedP2; bool m_hasDetailColor; bool m_isPulseStick; int m_linkedGroup; bool m_isSaw; int m_customRotateSpeed; bool m_sawIsDisabled; bool m_unknownVisibility345; bool m_unknown346; bool m_unknownVisibility347; cocos2d::CCSprite* m_baseSprite; cocos2d::CCSprite* m_detailSprite; PAD = mac 0x4, win 0x4; float m_objectRadius; bool m_isRotatedSide; float m_unk2F4; float m_unk2F8; int m_uniqueID; GameObjectType m_objectType; int m_section; bool m_touchTriggered; bool m_spawnTriggered; cocos2d::CCPoint m_startPosition; gd::string m_textureName; bool m_useAudioScale; bool m_sleeping; float m_rotation; cocos2d::CCSize m_obStartScale; bool m_startFlipX; bool m_startFlipY; bool m_shouldHide; float m_spawnXPosition; bool m_invisible; float m_enterAngle; int m_activeEnterEffect; int m_parentMode; bool m_isGlowDisabled; int m_targetColorID; float m_scale; int m_objectID; int m_unknown3c8; bool m_unk368; bool m_unk369; bool m_unk36A; bool m_isDontEnter; bool m_isDontFade; int m_defaultZOrder; bool m_useSecondSheet; bool m_isPortal; bool m_lockColourAsChild; bool m_customAudioScale; int m_minAudioScale; int m_maxAudioScale; bool m_unkParticleSystem2; int m_secretCoinID; int m_unkUnusedSaveStringKey53; bool m_invisibleMode; bool m_glowUserBackgroundColour; bool m_useSpecialLight; bool m_orbOrPad; float m_glowOpacityMod; bool m_upSlope; int m_slopeType; float m_slopeAngle; bool m_hazardousSlope; float m_realOpacity; GJSpriteColor* m_baseColor; GJSpriteColor* m_detailColor; int m_unknown420; ZLayer m_defaultZLayer; ZLayer m_zLayer; int m_gameZOrder; gd::string m_textObjectString; bool m_showGamemodeBorders; bool m_unk3D9; bool m_isSelected; int m_globalClickCounter; PAD = mac 0x8, win 0x8; bool m_shouldUpdateColorSprite; float m_multiScaleMultiplier; bool m_isGroupParent; std::array* m_groups; short m_groupCount; std::array* m_pulseGroups; short m_pulseGroupCount; // mac 0x470 std::array* m_alphaGroups; short m_alphaGroupCount; // mac 0x480 int m_editorLayer; int m_editorLayer2; int m_unk414; PAD = mac 0xc, win 0xc; cocos2d::CCPoint m_firstPosition; PAD = mac 0x15, win 0x15; bool m_isTriggerable; PAD = mac 0x6, win 0x6; bool m_highDetail; ColorActionSprite* m_colorActionSpriteBase; ColorActionSprite* m_colorActionSpriteDetail; GJEffectManager* m_effectManager; PAD = mac 0xc, win 0xc; bool m_orbMultiActivate; } class GameObjectCopy : cocos2d::CCObject { virtual ~GameObjectCopy() = mac 0xa3290; static GameObjectCopy* create(GameObject*) = mac 0x975a0, win 0x16c020; void resetObject() = mac 0x976a0; } class GameRateDelegate {} class GameSoundManager : cocos2d::CCNode { void disableMetering() = mac 0x362d80, win 0x257D0; void enableMetering() = mac 0x362d00, win 0x256F0; void getMeteringValue() = mac 0x362db0, win 0x258f0; void playBackgroundMusic(gd::string, bool, bool) = mac 0x362070, win 0x252B0; void playEffect(gd::string, float, float, float) = mac 0x3623d0, win 0x25450; void stopBackgroundMusic() = mac 0x362130, win 0x253A0; void asynchronousSetup() = win 0x25520; ~GameSoundManager() = mac 0x362c00, win 0x25640; static GameSoundManager* sharedManager() = mac 0x3610f0, win 0x24800; inline static GameSoundManager* get() { return GameSoundManager::sharedManager(); } cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_dictionary1; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_dictionary2; PAD = win 0xc; bool m_preloaded; PAD = win 0x4; gd::string m_filePath; } class GameStatsManager : cocos2d::CCNode { void awardCurrencyForLevel(GJGameLevel*) = mac 0x43600; void awardDiamondsForLevel(GJGameLevel*) = mac 0x43c60; void awardSecretKey() = mac 0x4b1e0; int getAwardedCurrencyForLevel(GJGameLevel*) = win 0xf83e0; int getBaseCurrencyForLevel(GJGameLevel*) = win 0xf8530; const char* getCoinKey(int) = win 0xbda50; GJChallengeItem* getChallenge(int id) = win 0xa2fb0; void getSecretCoinKey(char const*) = mac 0x429f0; int getStat(char const*) = mac 0x3d310, win 0xf3580; void hasPendingUserCoin(char const*) = mac 0x42730, win 0xf7c50; void hasSecretCoin(char const*) = mac 0x40730, win 0xf7dc0; void hasUserCoin(char const*) = mac 0x427e0, win 0xf7ae0; void incrementChallenge(GJChallengeType type, int count) = win 0xf9ae0; void incrementStat(char const*) = mac 0x3d6d0; void incrementStat(char const*, int) = mac 0x3d6e0, win 0xf3460; static GameStatsManager* sharedState() = mac 0x38f20, win 0xf1e50; void storePendingUserCoin(char const*) = mac 0x42940; void storeSecretCoin(char const*) = mac 0x42a10; void storeUserCoin(char const*) = mac 0x42890; PAD = win 0x28; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_dailyChests; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_worldAdvertChests; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_activeChallenges; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_upcomingChallenges; PAD = win 0xc; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_playerStats; PAD = win 0x10; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_completedLevels; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_verifiedUserCoins; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_pendingUserCoins; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_purchasedItems; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_onlineCurrencyScores; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_mainCurrencyScores; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_gauntletCurrencyScores; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_timelyCurrencyScores; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_onlineStars; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_timelyStars; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_gauntletDiamondScores; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_timelyDiamondScores; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_unusedCurrencyAwardDict; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_challengeDiamonds; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_completedMappacks; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_weeklyChest; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_treasureRoomChests; geode::SeedValueSRV m_bonusKey; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_miscChests; } class GameToolbox { static gd::string stringFromHSV(cocos2d::ccHSVValue hsv) = mac 0x28cf90; static cocos2d::ccHSVValue hsvFromString(gd::string str) = mac 0x28cc30; static cocos2d::CCDictionary* stringSetupToDict(gd::string text, char const* delimeter) = mac 0x28d700, win 0x272a0; static CCMenuItemToggler* createToggleButton(gd::string text, cocos2d::SEL_MenuHandler onToggled, bool isToggled, cocos2d::CCMenu* toggleMenu, cocos2d::CCPoint position, cocos2d::CCNode* callbackTarget, cocos2d::CCNode* labelParent, cocos2d::CCArray* toggleArray) = , win 0x25fe0; static CCMenuItemToggler* createToggleButton(gd::string text, cocos2d::SEL_MenuHandler onToggled, bool isToggled, cocos2d::CCMenu* toggleMenu, cocos2d::CCPoint position, cocos2d::CCNode* callbackTarget, cocos2d::CCNode* labelParent, float checkboxScale, float labelSize, float maxWidth, cocos2d::CCPoint labelOffset, const char* unknown, bool anchorHorizontally, int toggleTag, cocos2d::CCArray* toggleArray) = mac 0x28bdd0, win 0x25fe0; static void transformColor(cocos2d::ccColor3B* src, cocos2d::ccColor3B* dest, cocos2d::ccHSVValue hsv) = win 0x26a60; static void alignItemsHorisontally(cocos2d::CCArray* array, bool idk, cocos2d::CCPoint start, float pad) = win 0x25b20; static cocos2d::_ccHSVValue hsvFromString(gd::string, char const*) = mac 0x28cc30, win 0x26da0; static gd::map stringSetupToMap(gd::string, char const*) = mac 0x28d4c0; } class GaragePage : cocos2d::CCLayer, ListButtonBarDelegate { static GaragePage* create(IconType type, GJGarageLayer* pGarage, cocos2d::SEL_MenuHandler pSelectCallback) { auto pRet = new GaragePage(); if (pRet && pRet->init(type, pGarage, pSelectCallback)) { pRet->autorelease(); return pRet; } CC_SAFE_DELETE(pRet); return nullptr; } void listButtonBarSwitchedPage(ListButtonBar* bar, int idk) = win 0x12bb40; inline GaragePage() {} bool init(IconType type, GJGarageLayer* pGarage, cocos2d::SEL_MenuHandler pSelectCallback) = mac 0x1bb710, win 0x12af70, ios 0x225d5c; GJGarageLayer* m_garage; cocos2d::SEL_MenuHandler m_handler; cocos2d::CCSprite* m_selectSprite; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_unkNode0x12c; IconType m_type; int m_unknown; PAD = win 0x4; } class GauntletSelectLayer { static GauntletSelectLayer* create() = win 0x105120; } class GhostTrailEffect {} class HSVWidgetPopup : FLAlertLayer { ConfigureHSVWidget* m_configureWidget; HSVWidgetPopupDelegate* m_delegate; } class HSVWidgetPopupDelegate {} class HardStreak : cocos2d::CCDrawNode { // ~HardStreak() = mac 0x5bf00; inlined on windows virtual bool init() = mac 0x5c090, win 0x14e430; void addPoint(cocos2d::CCPoint) = mac 0x5c950, win 0x14ebc0; void clearBehindXPos(float) = mac 0x5cb40; static HardStreak* create() = mac 0x5bfd0, win 0x14e390; void firstSetup() = mac 0x5c160, win 0x14e490; double normalizeAngle(double) = mac 0x5cbe0; cocos2d::CCPoint quadCornerOffset(cocos2d::CCPoint, cocos2d::CCPoint, float) = mac 0x5c990; void reset() = mac 0x5c930; void resumeStroke() = mac 0x5c210; void stopStroke() = mac 0x5c8f0, win 0x14e460; void updateStroke(float) = mac 0x5c240, win 0x14e530; cocos2d::CCArray* m_pointsArr; cocos2d::CCPoint m_currentPoint; float m_waveSize; float m_pulseSize; bool m_isSolid; } class InfoAlertButton { bool init(gd::string const& title, gd::string const& text, float scale) = win 0x14ef50; void activate() = win 0x14f050; inline InfoAlertButton() {} static InfoAlertButton* create(gd::string const& title, gd::string const& text, float scale) = win 0x14ed20; } class InfoLayer : FLAlertLayer, LevelCommentDelegate, CommentUploadDelegate, FLAlertLayerProtocol { bool init(GJGameLevel* level, GJUserScore* score) = win 0x14f5a0; void setupCommentsBrowser(cocos2d::CCArray* comments) = win 0x152270; void onMore(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = win 0x151500; void onLevelInfo(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = win 0x151850; void loadPage(int page) = win 0x151e70; static InfoLayer* create(GJGameLevel* level, GJUserScore* score) = win 0x14f4f0; GJGameLevel* m_level; GJUserScore* m_score; gd::string m_commentKey; LoadingCircle* m_loadingCircle; cocos2d::CCLabelBMFont* m_pageLabel; cocos2d::CCLabelBMFont* m_commentsGoldLabel; GJCommentListLayer* m_list; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_leftArrow; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_rightArrow; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_likeBtn; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_timeBtn; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_reportBtn; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_commentsBtn; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_refreshCommentsBtn; int m_itemCount; int m_pageStartIdx; int m_pageEndIdx; int m_page; bool m_canUpdateUserScore; bool m_commentHistory; } class InheritanceNode : cocos2d::CCObject {} class KeybindingsLayer : FLAlertLayer { void onClose(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = win 0x49c60; void onPrevPage(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = win 0x153cd0; void onNextPage(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = win 0x153cc0; void goToPage(int page) = win 0x153ce0; int m_currentPage; int m_itemCount; int m_pageCount; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_pages; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_unused; cocos2d::CCNode* m_leftArrow; cocos2d::CCNode* m_rightArrow; } class LabelGameObject : GameObject { virtual bool init() = mac 0x2f5520, win 0x25b7c0; void setObjectColor(cocos2d::_ccColor3B const&) = mac 0xdbca0; } class LeaderboardManagerDelegate {} class LeaderboardsLayer : cocos2d::CCLayer { static LeaderboardsLayer* create(LeaderboardState state) = win 0x158710; bool init(LeaderboardState state) = win 0x1587b0; } class LevelBrowserLayer : cocos2d::CCLayer { static cocos2d::CCScene* scene(GJSearchObject* search) { auto scene = cocos2d::CCScene::create(); scene->addChild(LevelBrowserLayer::create(search)); AppDelegate::get()->m_runningScene = scene; return scene; } bool init(GJSearchObject* search) = mac 0x2513f0, win 0x15a040; void loadPage(GJSearchObject* search) = win 0x15b160; void setupLevelBrowser(cocos2d::CCArray* levels) = win 0x15bb40; void updateLevelsLabel() = win 0x15c350; static LevelBrowserLayer* create(GJSearchObject* search) = mac 0x251210, win 0x159fa0, ios 0x2d0a00; PAD = win 0x18; GJListLayer* m_list; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_leftArrow; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_rightArrow; PAD = win 0x10; GJSearchObject* m_searchObject; PAD = win 0x14; int m_itemCount; int m_pageStartIdx; int m_pageEndIdx; } class LevelCell : TableViewCell { CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_button; GJGameLevel* m_level; bool m_cellDrawn; void onViewProfile(cocos2d::CCObject*) = win 0x5c790; void loadCustomLevelCell() = mac 0x1183b0, win 0x5a020; void updateBGColor(unsigned int index) = win 0x5c6b0; } class LevelCommentDelegate { virtual void loadCommentsFinished(cocos2d::CCArray*, char const*) {} virtual void loadCommentsFailed(char const*) {} virtual void updateUserScoreFinished() {} virtual void setupPageInfo(gd::string, char const*) {} } class LevelDeleteDelegate { virtual void levelDeleteFinished(int) {} virtual void levelDeleteFailed(int) {} } class LevelDownloadDelegate { virtual void levelDownloadFinished(GJGameLevel*) {} virtual void levelDownloadFailed(int) {} } class LevelEditorLayer : GJBaseGameLayer, LevelSettingsDelegate { static LevelEditorLayer* get() { return GameManager::sharedState()->m_levelEditorLayer; } static cocos2d::CCScene* scene(GJGameLevel* level) { auto scene = cocos2d::CCScene::create(); scene->addChild(LevelEditorLayer::create(level)); scene->setObjType(cocos2d::CCObjectType::LevelEditorLayer); AppDelegate::get()->m_runningScene = scene; return scene; } inline LevelEditorLayer() {} ~LevelEditorLayer() = mac 0x90a00, win 0x15e8d0; virtual void update(float) = mac 0xa1b70, win 0x16a660; virtual void draw() = mac 0xa2a70, win 0x16b7c0; virtual void updateColor(cocos2d::_ccColor3B, float, int, bool, float, cocos2d::_ccHSVValue, int, bool, int, EffectGameObject*) = mac 0x9c200, win 0x1664a0; virtual void flipGravity(PlayerObject*, bool, bool) = mac 0xa04e0, win 0x1691d0; virtual void calculateColorValues(EffectGameObject*, EffectGameObject*, int, float, ColorActionSprite*, GJEffectManager*) = mac 0x9c590, win 0x166f90; virtual void addToGroup(GameObject*, int, bool) = mac 0x9dab0, win 0x167310; virtual void removeFromGroup(GameObject*, int) = mac 0x9db60, win 0x1673a0; virtual void timeForXPos(float) = mac 0x9c7d0, win 0x167210; virtual void xPosForTime(float) = mac 0x9c800, win 0x167250; virtual void levelSettingsUpdated() = mac 0x93f30, win 0x1606c0; static LevelEditorLayer* create(GJGameLevel* level) = mac 0x90fb0, win 0x15ed60, ios 0x261628; void activateTriggerEffect(EffectGameObject*, float, float, float) = mac 0x9b520, win 0x165ec0; GameObject* addObjectFromString(gd::string) = mac 0x94640, win 0x160c80; void addSpecial(GameObject*) = mac 0x94f30, win 0x162650; void addToRedoList(UndoObject*) = mac 0x96f80; void addToUndoList(UndoObject*, bool) = mac 0x94e20, win 0x162410; void animateInDualGround(GameObject*, float, bool) = mac 0xa2780, win 0x16b4b0; void assignNewStickyGroups(cocos2d::CCArray*) = mac 0x99fa0, win 0x1649f0; bool checkCollisions(PlayerObject*, float) = mac 0x9e620, win 0x167F10; void createBackground() = mac 0x929f0, win 0x160510; void createGroundLayer() = mac 0x92840, win 0x160260; GameObject* createObject(int, cocos2d::CCPoint, bool) = mac 0x957c0, win 0x160d70; void createObjectsFromSetup(gd::string) = mac 0x92230, win 0x160720; cocos2d::CCArray* createObjectsFromString(gd::string, bool) = mac 0x94730, win 0x160980; void getLastObjectX() = mac 0x9c860, win 0x167290; gd::string getLevelString() = mac 0x97790, win 0x162480; void getNextColorChannel() = mac 0x9a610; void getNextFreeBlockID(cocos2d::CCArray*) = mac 0x9a4e0; int getNextFreeGroupID(cocos2d::CCArray*) = mac 0x9a1b0, win 0x164ae0; void getNextFreeItemID(cocos2d::CCArray*) = mac 0x9a390; void getObjectRect(GameObject*, bool) = mac 0x96240, win 0x1616b0; void getRelativeOffset(GameObject*) = mac 0x96840; bool hasAction(bool) = mac 0x96ff0; void handleAction(bool, cocos2d::CCArray*) = mac 0x97020, win 0x162010; bool init(GJGameLevel*) = mac 0x91010, win 0x15EE00; void objectAtPosition(cocos2d::CCPoint) = mac 0x960c0, win 0x161300; void objectMoved(GameObject*) = mac 0x999f0, win 0x162d40; void objectsInRect(cocos2d::CCRect, bool) = mac 0x95e60, win 0x161ad0; void onPlaytest() = mac 0xa06b0, win 0x1695A0; void onResumePlaytest() = mac 0xa15e0, win 0x169D90; void onPausePlaytest() = mac 0xa1570, win 0x169CC0; void onStopPlaytest() = mac 0xa1780, win 0x169F10; void pasteAttributeState(GameObject* obj, cocos2d::CCArray* objs) = win 0x16b740; void playMusic() = mac 0xa13c0, win 0x169b00; void recreateGroups() = mac 0x9dbf0, win 0x167450; void redoLastAction() = mac 0x97750; void removeAllObjects() = mac 0x93d80, win 0x161d60; void removeAllObjectsOfType(int) = mac 0x96d40; void removeObject(GameObject*, bool) = mac 0x96890, win 0x161cb0; void removeSpecial(GameObject*) = mac 0x969c0, win 0x162ff0; void resetMovingObjects() = mac 0x9ddc0, win 0x167690; void resetObjectVector() = mac 0x9c4b0; void resetToggledGroups() = mac 0x9aa70; void resetToggledGroupsAndObjects() = mac 0x9c3c0, win 0x166b80; void resetUnusedColorChannels() = mac 0x9a870; void rotationForSlopeNearObject(GameObject*) = mac 0x95cd0, win 0x161130; void runColorEffect(EffectGameObject*, int, float, float, bool) = mac 0x9bd30; void setupLevelStart(LevelSettingsObject*) = mac 0xa0ca0, win 0x16a1d0; void sortStickyGroups() = mac 0x92b10; void stopTriggersInGroup(int, float) = mac 0x9c030; void toggleDualMode(GameObject*, bool, PlayerObject*, bool) = mac 0xa0200, win 0x16b170; void toggleGroupPreview(int, bool) = mac 0x9bea0, win 0x166950; void transferDefaultColors(GJEffectManager*, GJEffectManager*) = mac 0x9ab50, win 0x165570; void undoLastAction() = mac 0x97770; void updateBGAndGColors() = mac 0x9b9b0, win 0x166d10; void updateBlendValues() = mac 0x9bc60, win 0x166c10; void updateDualGround(PlayerObject*, int, bool) = mac 0xa1a60, win 0x16b390; void updateEditorMode() = mac 0x93b50, win 0x1652b0; void updateGameObjectsNew() = mac 0x9adc0, win 0x1659a0; void updateGround(float) = mac 0x93a60; void updateGroundWidth() { m_groundLayer->updateGroundWidth(); if (m_previewMode) { this->updateLevelColors(); } } void updateLevelFont(int) = mac 0x9df00, win 0x1677a0; void updateLevelColors() { // literally empty } void updateOptions() = mac 0x91ed0, win 0x15fcc0; void updateToggledGroups() = mac 0x9bb10; void updateVisibility(float) = mac 0x92c70, win 0x1632b0; void groupStickyObjects(cocos2d::CCArray* objects) = mac 0x99dd0, win 0x164860; void ungroupStickyObjects(cocos2d::CCArray* objects) = mac 0x99ee0, win 0x164950; void setStartPosObject(StartPosObject* obj) { CC_SAFE_RETAIN(obj); CC_SAFE_RELEASE(m_currentStartPos); m_currentStartPos = obj; } bool m_ignoreDamage; bool m_followPlayer; bool m_drawTriggerBoxes; bool m_debugDraw; bool m_gridEnabled; bool m_hideGridOnPlay; bool m_effectLines; bool m_showGround; bool m_durationLines; bool m_moreUndo; bool m_hideBackground; bool m_smoothFixInEditor; // not entirely sure. used in onPlaytest bool m_highDetail; cocos2d::CCArray* m_touchTriggeredGroups; cocos2d::CCArray* m_triggeredGroups; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_stickyGroups; int m_stickyGroupID; cocos2d::CCArray* m_unkObjectArr; cocos2d::CCArray* m_pulseTriggers; cocos2d::CCArray* m_colourObjects; cocos2d::CCArray* m_alphaTriggers; cocos2d::CCArray* m_spawnTriggers; cocos2d::CCArray* m_moveTriggers; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_unkDict5; cocos2d::CCArray* m_enabledGroups; GameObject* m_copyStateObject; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_unkDict6; cocos2d::CCArray* m_unkArray12; bool field_14; bool field_31D; geode::SeedValueRSV m_coinCount; bool m_moveTrigger; bool m_colorTrigger; bool m_pulseTrigger; bool m_alphaTrigger; bool m_spawnTrigger; cocos2d::CCArray* m_toggleTriggersMaybe; bool m_unkArr2Obj; cocos2d::CCArray* m_delayedSpawnArray2; bool m_delaySpawnNode; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_unkDict3; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_unkDict4; bool m_editorInitialising; bool field_34D; float m_timeMod; int m_currentLayer; StartPosObject* m_currentStartPos; float m_prevObjLayerScale; OBB2D* m_OBB2D; cocos2d::CCSprite* m_crossSprite; cocos2d::CCPoint m_unkPoint2; float m_unkFloat1; bool m_isDualMode; bool m_unkRectBool; GameObject* m_currentPortal; GameObject* m_portal; EditorUI* m_editorUI; // 0x5d8 on macos!! cocos2d::CCSprite* m_backgroundLayer; cocos2d::CCArray* m_undoObjects; cocos2d::CCArray* m_redoObjects; cocos2d::CCPoint m_unkPoint1; geode::SeedValueRSV m_objectCount; DrawGridLayer* m_drawGridLayer; GJGameLevel* m_level; PlaybackMode m_playbackMode; cocos2d::CCPoint m_groundTopMaybe; float m_time; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_enabledGroupsDict; bool m_3d; bool m_previewMode; GJGroundLayer* m_groundLayer; std::string m_rawLevelString; void* m_triggerHitbox; // why are these std vector bruh std::vector m_objectVector; std::vector m_groupVector; std::vector m_nestedObjects; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_triggerGroupsDict; std::vector m_triggerGroupsVector; bool m_toggleGroupsMaybe; std::vector m_unkVector3; // everything set to false in playback mode std::vector m_disabledGroupVector; std::vector m_blendObjectsVector; std::vector m_blendColorVector; std::vector m_toggledGroupsVector; std::vector m_previewGroupsVector; double m_unkDouble1; cocos2d::CCArray* m_delayedSpawnArray1; bool m_removingObjects; } class LevelInfoLayer : cocos2d::CCLayer, LevelDownloadDelegate, LevelUpdateDelegate, RateLevelDelegate, LikeItemDelegate, FLAlertLayerProtocol, LevelDeleteDelegate, NumberInputDelegate, SetIDPopupDelegate { static LevelInfoLayer* create(GJGameLevel* level) = mac 0x15f290, win 0x175d50; bool init(GJGameLevel* level) = win 0x175df0, mac 0x15f520; void onGarage(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = win 0x177c10; void onViewProfile(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = win 0x17ac90; void onLevelInfo(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = win 0x17acf0; void setupProgressBars() = win 0x177fc0; void downloadLevel() = win 0x177d90; PAD = win 0x4; cocos2d::CCMenu* m_playBtnMenu; GJGameLevel* m_level; cocos2d::CCArray* m_unknown; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_likeBtn; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_starRateBtn; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_demonRateBtn; PAD = win 0x4; CCMenuItemToggler* m_toggler; cocos2d::CCLabelBMFont* m_label0; cocos2d::CCLabelBMFont* m_label1; cocos2d::CCLabelBMFont* m_label2; cocos2d::CCLabelBMFont* m_label3; cocos2d::CCLabelBMFont* m_label4; cocos2d::CCLabelBMFont* m_label5; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_cloneBtn; PAD = win 0x4; } class LevelLeaderboard : FLAlertLayer { void onChangeType(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = win 0x17d090; void onGarage(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = win 0x17d1b0; bool init(GJGameLevel* level, int type) = win 0x17c4f0; static LevelLeaderboard* create(GJGameLevel* level, LevelLeaderboardType leaderboardType) = win 0x17c440; } class LevelManagerDelegate {} class LevelPage { PAD = win 0x124; GJGameLevel* m_level; } class LevelSearchLayer : cocos2d::CCLayer { static LevelSearchLayer* create() = win 0x17d9c0; virtual bool init() = mac 0x384770, win 0x17da60; GJSearchObject* getSearchObject(SearchType, gd::string) = mac 0x388a50, win 0x1805f0; void onMoreOptions(cocos2d::CCObject*) = win 0x17f500; void onSearch(cocos2d::CCObject*) = win 0x180fc0; PAD = mac 0x18, win 0xC; CCTextInputNode* m_searchInput; } class LevelSelectLayer : cocos2d::CCLayer { static LevelSelectLayer* create(int lvl) = win 0x185500; PAD = win 0x10; BoomScrollLayer* m_scrollLayer; } class LevelSettingsDelegate { virtual void levelSettingsUpdated() {} } class SelectArtDelegate { virtual void selectArtClosed(SelectArtLayer*) {} } class CustomSongLayerDelegate { virtual void customSongLayerClosed() {} } class LevelSettingsLayer : FLAlertLayer, ColorSelectDelegate, SelectArtDelegate, FLAlertLayerProtocol, CustomSongLayerDelegate { static LevelSettingsLayer* create(LevelSettingsObject* levelSettings, LevelEditorLayer* editor) = win 0x170d90; bool init(LevelSettingsObject* levelSettings, LevelEditorLayer* editor) = mac 0xa7e00, win 0x170e50; PAD = mac 0x50; LevelSettingsObject* m_settingsObject; } class LevelSettingsObject : cocos2d::CCNode { virtual ~LevelSettingsObject() = mac 0xa5650, win 0x16e800; virtual bool init() = mac 0xa5690, win 0x16e940; static LevelSettingsObject* create() = mac 0x92760, win 0x16e8a0; static LevelSettingsObject* objectFromDict(cocos2d::CCDictionary*) = mac 0xa5810, win 0x16f4d0; static LevelSettingsObject* objectFromString(gd::string) = mac 0x945a0, win 0x16f440; void setupColorsFromLegacyMode(cocos2d::CCDictionary*) = mac 0xa6a30, win 0x170050; static LevelSettingsObject* get() { auto baseLayer = GJBaseGameLayer::get(); if (baseLayer) return baseLayer->m_levelSettings; return nullptr; } gd::string getSaveString() = mac 0x979c0, win 0x16ebf0; GJEffectManager* m_effectManager; // TODO: make enums for these int m_startMode; int m_startSpeed; bool m_startMini; bool m_startDual; bool m_twoPlayerMode; float m_songOffset; bool m_fadeIn; bool m_fadeOut; int m_backgroundIndex; int m_groundIndex; int m_fontIndex; bool m_startsWithStartPos; bool m_isFlipped; GJGameLevel* m_level; gd::string m_guidelineString; int m_unknown; int m_colorPage; int m_groundLineIndex; } class LevelUploadDelegate {} class LevelUpdateDelegate { virtual void levelUpdateFinished(GJGameLevel*, UpdateResponse) {} virtual void levelUpdateFailed(int) {} } class LikeItemDelegate { virtual void likedItem(LikeItemType, int, bool) {} } class LikeItemLayer : FLAlertLayer { LikeItemType m_itemType; int m_itemID; int m_commentSourceID; LikeItemDelegate* m_likeDelegate; static LikeItemLayer* create(LikeItemType type, int itemID, int commentSourceID) = mac 0x35f760; bool init(LikeItemType type, int itemID, int commentSourceID) = mac 0x35f900; } class ListButtonBar : cocos2d::CCNode { BoomScrollLayer* m_scrollLayer; } class ListButtonBarDelegate {} class LoadingCircle : cocos2d::CCLayerColor { void setParentLayer(cocos2d::CCLayer* layer) { m_parentLayer = layer; } void setFade(bool fade) { m_fade = fade; } static LoadingCircle* create() = mac 0x277d50, win 0x2a0d0; void show() = mac 0x277fd0, win 0x2a290; void fadeAndRemove() = mac 0x2780d0, win 0x2a370; cocos2d::CCSprite* m_sprite; cocos2d::CCLayer* m_parentLayer; bool m_fade; } class LoadingLayer : cocos2d::CCLayer { void setFromRefresh(bool value) { m_fromRefresh = value; } LoadingLayer() {} static LoadingLayer* create(bool fromReload) = mac 0x1df1f0, win 0x18bfe0, ios 0x130278; bool init(bool fromReload) = mac 0x1df2f0, win 0x18c080; const char* getLoadingString() = win 0x18cf40; void loadAssets() = mac 0x1dfb20, win 0x18c8e0, ios 0x130278; void loadingFinished() = win 0x18c790; static cocos2d::CCScene* scene(bool fromReload) { auto scene = cocos2d::CCScene::create(); scene->addChild(LoadingLayer::create(fromReload)); return scene; } bool m_unknown; bool m_unknown2; int m_loadStep; cocos2d::CCLabelBMFont* m_caption; TextArea* m_textArea; cocos2d::CCSprite* m_sliderBar; float m_sliderGrooveXPos; float m_sliderGrooveHeight; bool m_fromRefresh; } class LocalLevelManager : cocos2d::CCNode { static LocalLevelManager* sharedState() = mac 0x35dd60, win 0x18d260; inline static LocalLevelManager* get() { return LocalLevelManager::sharedState(); } PAD = mac 0x10, win 0x1C; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_loadData; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_levelData; cocos2d::CCArray* m_localLevels; } class MapPackCell : TableViewCell { void updateBGColor(unsigned int index) = win 0x5c6b0; void loadFromMapPack(GJMapPack *) = win 0x5cac0; } class MenuGameLayer { void resetPlayer() = mac 0x28fdc0, win 0x18f4b0; void destroyPlayer() = win 0x190100; virtual void update(float) = mac 0x28fa70, win 0x18f190; virtual bool init() = win 0x18e770; void updateColors() = win 0x18edd0; } class MenuLayer : cocos2d::CCLayer, FLAlertLayerProtocol, GooglePlayDelegate { inline MenuLayer() {} virtual ~MenuLayer() = mac 0x1d1230, win 0x190620; virtual bool init() = mac 0x1d14b0, win 0x1907b0; virtual void keyBackClicked() = mac 0x1d3160, win 0x191f90; virtual void keyDown(cocos2d::enumKeyCodes) = mac 0x1d33d0, win 0x1922c0; virtual void googlePlaySignedIn() = mac 0x1d2f30, win 0x191b20; virtual void FLAlert_Clicked(FLAlertLayer*, bool) = mac 0x1d3190, win 0x192150; void onMoreGames(cocos2d::CCObject*) = mac 0x1d2ad0, win 0x1919c0, ios 0x19fbb4; void onGarage(cocos2d::CCObject*) = win 0x191dc0; void onQuit(cocos2d::CCObject*) = mac 0x1d2b40, win 0x191fa0; void onMyProfile(cocos2d::CCObject*) = mac 0x1d2c20, win 0x1e0950; void onPlay(cocos2d::CCObject*) = win 0x191b50; void onCreator(cocos2d::CCObject*) = win 0x191cd0; void onRobTop(cocos2d::CCObject*) = win 0x191940; void onNewgrounds(cocos2d::CCObject*) = win 0x191e90; void onDaily(cocos2d::CCObject*) = win 0x1916e0; void onOptions(cocos2d::CCObject*) = win 0x191c30; void onAchievements(cocos2d::CCObject*) = win 0x191af0; void onStats(cocos2d::CCObject*) = win 0x191ca0; void onFacebook(cocos2d::CCObject*) = win 0x191960; void onTwitter(cocos2d::CCObject*) = win 0x191980; void onYouTube(cocos2d::CCObject*) = win 0x1919A0; static cocos2d::CCScene* scene(bool) = mac 0x1d12d0, win 0x190720, ios 0x19e57c; static MenuLayer* node() = win 0x190550; inline static MenuLayer* create() { return MenuLayer::node(); } cocos2d::CCSprite* m_googlePlaySprite; cocos2d::CCSprite* m_viewProfileInfoText; cocos2d::CCLabelBMFont* m_playerNameLabel; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_profileBtn; } class MessageListDelegate {} class MoreSearchLayer : FLAlertLayer { static MoreSearchLayer* create() = win 0x182520; virtual bool init() = win 0x1825c0; } class MoreOptionsLayer { static MoreOptionsLayer* create() = win 0x1de850; virtual bool init() = mac 0x43f470, win 0x1DE8F0; void addToggle(const char* name, const char* key, const char* info) = mac 0x440430, win 0x1df6b0; void onKeybindings(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = win 0x749d0; void onToggle(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = mac 0x441370; } class MoreVideoOptionsLayer : FLAlertLayer { static MoreVideoOptionsLayer* create() = mac 0x443c10, win 0x1e24f0; virtual bool init() = mac 0x444150, win 0x1e2590; void onClose(cocos2d::CCObject*) = mac 0x444aa0; } class MultilineBitmapFont : cocos2d::CCSprite {} class MusicDownloadDelegate { virtual void downloadSongFailed(int, GJSongError) {} virtual void downloadSongFinished(SongInfoObject*) {} virtual void loadSongInfoFailed(int, GJSongError) {} virtual void loadSongInfoFinished(SongInfoObject*) {} virtual void songStateChanged() {} } class MusicDownloadManager : cocos2d::CCNode, PlatformDownloadDelegate { void incrementPriorityForSong(int) = mac 0x2ef750; static MusicDownloadManager* sharedState() = mac 0x2ee4c0, win 0x1945b0; gd::string pathForSong(int id) = mac 0x2f1140, win 0x1960e0; cocos2d::CCArray* getDownloadedSongs() = win 0x195640; void songStateChanged() = win 0x194d90; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_unknownDict; cocos2d::CCArray* m_handlers; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_songsDict; int m_priority; } class NumberInputDelegate { virtual void numberInputClosed(NumberInputLayer*) {} } class NumberInputLayer {} class OBB2D : cocos2d::CCNode { void calculateWithCenter(cocos2d::CCPoint, float, float, float) = mac 0x35a9c0, win 0x2bc10; static OBB2D* create(cocos2d::CCPoint, float, float, float) = mac 0x35a890, win 0x2ba80; cocos2d::CCRect getBoundingRect() = mac 0x35b2b0, win 0x2c140; void overlaps(OBB2D*) = mac 0x35b0a0; void overlaps1Way(OBB2D*) = mac 0x35b0d0, win 0x2c020; cocos2d::CCPoint m_p1_1; cocos2d::CCPoint m_p1_2; cocos2d::CCPoint m_p1_3; cocos2d::CCPoint m_p1_4; cocos2d::CCPoint m_p2_1; cocos2d::CCPoint m_p2_2; cocos2d::CCPoint m_p2_3; cocos2d::CCPoint m_p2_4; cocos2d::CCPoint m_p3_1; cocos2d::CCPoint m_p3_2; cocos2d::CCPoint m_p3_3; cocos2d::CCPoint m_p3_4; double m_rot1; double m_rot2; cocos2d::CCPoint m_center; } class ObjectManager : cocos2d::CCNode { static ObjectManager* instance() = win 0x2c2c0; void setup() = win 0x2c3b0; } class KeysLayer : cocos2d::CCLayer { virtual bool init() = win 0x154560; } class ObjectToolbox : cocos2d::CCNode { cocos2d::CCArray* allKeys() { return m_frameToKeyDict->allKeys(); } const char* frameToKey(const char* frame) { return static_cast(m_frameToKeyDict->objectForKey(frame))->getCString(); } const char* intKeyToFrame(int key) { return static_cast(m_keyToFrameDict->objectForKey(key))->getCString(); } const char* keyToFrame(const char* key) { return intKeyToFrame(atoi(key)); } void addObject(int id, const char* frame) { m_frameToKeyDict->setObject(cocos2d::CCString::createWithFormat("%i", id), frame); m_keyToFrameDict->setObject(cocos2d::CCString::create(frame), id); } virtual bool init() = mac 0x3b2d80, win 0x198b20; static ObjectToolbox* sharedState() = mac 0x3b2bc0, win 0x198a80; float gridNodeSizeForKey(int key) = win 0x1dc920; const char* perspectiveBlockFrame(int key) = win 0x1dcd00; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_frameToKeyDict; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_keyToFrameDict; } class OpacityEffectAction : cocos2d::CCNode { static OpacityEffectAction* create(float, float, float, int) = mac 0x1789f0; static OpacityEffectAction* createFromString(gd::string) = mac 0x178c10; bool init(float, float, float, int) = mac 0x178b00; void step(float) = mac 0x178b90; float m_time; float m_beginOpacity; float m_endOpacity; bool m_finished; float m_elapsed; int m_group; float m_opacity; int m_uuid; float m_delta; } class OnlineListDelegate { virtual void loadListFinished(cocos2d::CCArray*, const char*) {} virtual void loadListFailed(const char*) {} virtual void setupPageInfo(gd::string, const char*) {} } class OptionsLayer : GJDropDownLayer, FLAlertLayerProtocol { static OptionsLayer* addToCurrentScene(bool noTransition) { auto layer = OptionsLayer::create(); cocos2d::CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getRunningScene()->addChild(layer); layer->showLayer(noTransition); return layer; } static OptionsLayer* create() = mac 0x43db60, win 0x1dd310, ios 0x86314; virtual void customSetup() = mac 0x43dc70, win 0x1dd420; virtual void layerHidden() = mac 0x43f200, win 0x1de6d0; cocos2d::CCMenu* m_optionsMenu; } class PauseLayer : CCBlockLayer { static PauseLayer* create(bool) = mac 0x20b1e0, win 0x1e4570; void onEdit(cocos2d::CCObject*) = mac 0x20c630, win 0x1e60e0; void goEdit() = mac 0x20cc10, win 0x1e62f0; void onQuit(cocos2d::CCObject*) = mac 0x20c790, win 0x1e63d0; void createToggleButton(gd::string caption, cocos2d::SEL_MenuHandler callback, bool on, cocos2d::CCMenu* menu, cocos2d::CCPoint pos) = mac 0x20c890, win 0x1e5570; virtual void customSetup() = mac 0x20b300, win 0x1e4620; void onRestart(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = win 0x1e6040; virtual void keyDown(cocos2d::enumKeyCodes) = mac 0x20cc80, win 0x1E6580; bool m_unknown; bool m_unknown2; } class PlatformDownloadDelegate { virtual void downloadFinished(char const*) {} virtual void downloadFailed(char const*) {} } class PlatformToolbox { static void hideCursor() = mac 0x27c340; static void showCursor() = mac 0x27c360; static bool isControllerConnected() { #ifdef GEODE_IS_WINDOWS return cocos2d::CCApplication::sharedApplication()->getControllerConnected(); #elif defined(GEODE_IS_MACOS) // this is just gd.h return reinterpret_cast(geode::base::get() + 0x27d1b0)(); #else return false; #endif } } class PlayLayer : GJBaseGameLayer, CCCircleWaveDelegate, CurrencyRewardDelegate, DialogDelegate { static PlayLayer* get() { return GameManager::sharedState()->getPlayLayer(); } PlayLayer() = mac 0x80e20, win 0x1faa90; void addCircle(CCCircleWave*) = mac 0x7e0f0; void addObject(GameObject*) = mac 0x70e50, win 0x2017e0; void addToGroupOld(GameObject*) = mac 0x77680; void addToSpeedObjects(GameObject*) = mac 0x7cfc0, win 0x208730; void animateInDualGround(GameObject*, float, bool) = mac 0x7d710, win 0x208b10; void animateInGround(bool) = mac 0x7d9d0, win 0x209b20; void animateOutGround(bool) = mac 0x6f350, win 0x209e60; void animateOutGroundFinished() = mac 0x7de80; void applyEnterEffect(GameObject*) = mac 0x7c310, win 0x206880; virtual void calculateColorValues(EffectGameObject*, EffectGameObject*, int, float, ColorActionSprite*, GJEffectManager*) = mac 0x7aa10, win 0x203940; void cameraMoveX(float, float, float) = mac 0x7cbe0; void cameraMoveY(float, float, float) = mac 0x7cc60, win 0x207c80; void checkCollisions(PlayerObject*, float) = mac 0x78c90, win 0x203CD0; void circleWaveWillBeRemoved(CCCircleWave*) = mac 0x7e110, win 0x20aa90; void claimParticle(gd::string) = mac 0x76ba0, win 0x200fb0; void clearPickedUpItems() = mac 0x7cfa0; void colorObject(int, cocos2d::_ccColor3B) = mac 0x77810; void commitJumps() = mac 0x737e0; static PlayLayer* create(GJGameLevel*) = mac 0x6b590, win 0x1fb6d0; CheckpointObject* createCheckpoint() = mac 0x7e470, win 0x20b050; void createObjectsFromSetup(gd::string) = mac 0x6d130, win 0x201310; void createParticle(int, char const*, int, cocos2d::tCCPositionType) = mac 0x76800; void currencyWillExit(CurrencyRewardLayer*) = mac 0x7e070, win 0x20a8d0; void delayedResetLevel() = mac 0x7e050; void destroyPlayer(PlayerObject*, GameObject*) = mac 0x7ab80, win 0x20a1a0; void dialogClosed(DialogLayer*) = mac 0x7e0b0, win 0x20a8f0; virtual void draw() = mac 0x7d160, win 0x208870; void enterDualMode(GameObject*, bool) = mac 0x7d6a0; void exitAirMode() = mac 0x7dd40; void exitBirdMode(PlayerObject*) = mac 0x7dd80; void exitDartMode(PlayerObject*) = mac 0x7ddd0; void exitFlyMode(PlayerObject*) = mac 0x7dcf0; void exitRobotMode(PlayerObject*) = mac 0x7de20; void exitRollMode(PlayerObject*) = mac 0x7de60; void exitSpiderMode(PlayerObject*) = mac 0x7de40; void flipFinished() = mac 0x7e150, win 0x20ad10; virtual void flipGravity(PlayerObject*, bool, bool) = mac 0x7cd10, win 0x207d30; void flipObjects() = mac 0x76130, win 0x2000c0; void fullReset() = mac 0x7f8e0, win 0x20bdf0; void getLastCheckpoint() = mac 0x7f840, win 0x20b800; void getMaxPortalY() = mac 0x7b4e0; void getMinPortalY() = mac 0x7b550; void getObjectsState() = mac 0x7e9d0, win 0x20b8b0; void getOtherPlayer(PlayerObject*) = mac 0x7dcc0; void getParticleKey(int, char const*, int, cocos2d::tCCPositionType) = mac 0x764d0; void getParticleKey2(gd::string) = mac 0x767b0, win 0x200a30; void getRelativeMod(cocos2d::CCPoint, float, float, float) = mac 0x7c2a0; void getTempMilliTime() = mac 0x778e0; void gravityEffectFinished() = mac 0x7cec0; void hasItem(int) = mac 0x7cee0; void hasUniqueCoin(GameObject*) = mac 0x77510, win 0x202250; void incrementJumps() = mac 0x7ff40; bool init(GJGameLevel*) = mac 0x6b5f0, win 0x1fb780; void isFlipping() = mac 0x76100; void levelComplete() = mac 0x72b80, win 0x1fd3d0; void lightningFlash(cocos2d::CCPoint, cocos2d::CCPoint, cocos2d::_ccColor3B, float, float, int, bool, float) = mac 0x75cc0, win 0x1ffe70; void lightningFlash(cocos2d::CCPoint, cocos2d::_ccColor3B) = mac 0x75bf0, win 0x1ffd80; void loadDefaultColors() = mac 0x6ef30, win 0x206e10; void loadFromCheckpoint(CheckpointObject*) = mac 0x7f000, win 0x20b4a0; void loadLastCheckpoint() = mac 0x7efc0; void loadSavedObjectsState(gd::string) = mac 0x7f3d0; void markCheckpoint() = mac 0x7ef60, win 0x20b450; void moveCameraToPos(cocos2d::CCPoint) = mac 0x7c980, win 0x207bf0; virtual void onEnterTransitionDidFinish() = mac 0x806e0, win 0x20dbd0; virtual void onExit() = mac 0x80710, win 0x20D810; void onQuit() = mac 0x72710, win 0x20d810; void optimizeColorGroups() = mac 0x6dad0, win 0x202370; void optimizeOpacityGroups() = mac 0x6dc20, win 0x202530; void optimizeSaveRequiredGroups() = mac 0x6dd70, win 0x2026f0; void pauseGame(bool) = mac 0x802d0, win 0x20d3c0; void pickupItem(GameObject*) = mac 0x7c1d0; void playAnimationCommand(int, int) = mac 0x75930, win 0x1ff2f0; void playEndAnimationToPos(cocos2d::CCPoint) = mac 0x759a0; void playExitDualEffect(PlayerObject*) = mac 0x7d1d0, win 0x208e20; void playFlashEffect(float, int, float) = mac 0x75e50; void playGravityEffect(bool) = mac 0x7b5a0, win 0x207e00; void playSpeedParticle(float) = mac 0x77030, win 0x201130; void playerWillSwitchMode(PlayerObject*, GameObject*) = mac 0x7b820, win 0x16b290; void prepareSpawnObjects() = mac 0x7fc00, win 0x20c850; void processItems() = mac 0x735c0; void processLoadedMoveActions() = mac 0x7a7c0; void recordAction(bool, PlayerObject*) = mac 0x7e190; void registerActiveObject(GameObject*) = mac 0x77620; void registerStateObject(GameObject*) = mac 0x777b0; void removeAllObjects() = mac 0x727b0, win 0x20da00; void removeFromGroupOld(GameObject*) = mac 0x77750; void removeLastCheckpoint() = mac 0x7f870, win 0x20b830; void removePlayer2() = mac 0x7d630; void resetLevel() = mac 0x71c50, win 0x20bf00; void resume() = mac 0x80480, win 0x20d5c0; void resumeAndRestart() = mac 0x80400, win 0x20d4c0; void saveRecordAction(bool, PlayerObject*) = mac 0x78750, win 0x20ad40; static cocos2d::CCScene* scene(GJGameLevel* level) { auto scene = cocos2d::CCScene::create(); scene->addChild(PlayLayer::create(level)); scene->setObjType(cocos2d::CCObjectType::PlayLayer); AppDelegate::get()->m_runningScene = scene; return scene; } void setupLevelStart(LevelSettingsObject*) = mac 0x6f560, win 0x1fb780; void setupReplay(gd::string) = mac 0x7e1e0; void shakeCamera(float, float, float) = mac 0x744a0, win 0x1ff210; void shouldBlend(int) = mac 0x771b0; void showCompleteEffect() = mac 0x738e0, win 0x1fe060; void showCompleteText() = mac 0x73be0, win 0x1fda90; void showEndLayer() = mac 0x74450; void showHint() = mac 0x7deb0; void showNewBest(bool, int, int, bool, bool, bool) = mac 0x74580, win 0x1fe3a0; void showRetryLayer() = mac 0x75ba0; void showTwoPlayerGuide() = mac 0x6df00, win 0x2003b0; void sortGroups() = mac 0x6d9e0, win 0x202890; void spawnCircle() = mac 0x73820; void spawnFirework() = mac 0x74200; void spawnParticle(char const*, int, cocos2d::tCCPositionType, cocos2d::CCPoint) = mac 0x76330; void spawnPlayer2() = mac 0x7d170, win 0x2089e0; void startGame() = mac 0x726b0; void startMusic() = mac 0x72910, win 0x20C8F0; void startRecording() = mac 0x7fec0; void startRecordingDelayed() = mac 0x7fed0; void stopCameraShake() = mac 0x75900, win 0x1ff2d0; void stopRecording() = mac 0x6d090; void storeCheckpoint(CheckpointObject*) = mac 0x7ef10, win 0x20b420; void switchToFlyMode(PlayerObject*, GameObject*, bool, int) = mac 0x7baf0; void switchToRobotMode(PlayerObject*, GameObject*, bool) = mac 0x7bc80; void switchToRollMode(PlayerObject*, GameObject*, bool) = mac 0x7bbe0; void switchToSpiderMode(PlayerObject*, GameObject*, bool) = mac 0x7bd20; void timeForXPos(float) = mac 0x7d120, win 0x2087d0; void timeForXPos2(float, bool) = mac 0x293eb0, win 0x1fd3d0; void toggleBGEffectVisibility(bool) = mac 0x7fe80; void toggleDualMode(GameObject*, bool, PlayerObject*, bool) = mac 0x7bf90, win 0x208880; void toggleFlipped(bool, bool) = mac 0x7bdc0, win 0x20ab20; void toggleGhostEffect(int) = mac 0x7fe40; void toggleGlitter(bool) = mac 0x70e00, win 0x20a0d0; void togglePracticeMode(bool) = mac 0x7f9e0, win 0x20d0d0; void toggleProgressbar() = mac 0x6eeb0, win 0x208160; void tryStartRecord() = mac 0x7fe00; void unclaimParticle(char const*, cocos2d::CCParticleSystemQuad*) = mac 0x76e00, win 0x200dd0; void unregisterActiveObject(GameObject*) = mac 0x77660; void unregisterStateObject(GameObject*) = mac 0x777f0; virtual void update(float) = mac 0x77900, win 0x2029C0, ios 0xb2f08; void updateAttempts() = mac 0x7fcd0, win 0x20ced0; void updateCamera(float) = mac 0x6e2b0, win 0x2071d0; virtual void updateColor(cocos2d::_ccColor3B, float, int, bool, float, cocos2d::_ccHSVValue, int, bool, int, EffectGameObject*) = mac 0x7c7f0, win 0x207070; void updateDualGround(PlayerObject*, int, bool) = mac 0x7caa0, win 0x209680; void updateEffectPositions() = mac 0x7a6d0, win 0x20aab0; void updateLevelColors() = mac 0x6f1e0, win 0x203a90; void updateMoveObjectsLastPosition() = mac 0x7a720; void updateProgressbar() = mac 0x6ed70, win 0x69b40; void updateReplay(float) = mac 0x78b60, win 0x20af40; void updateTimeMod(float, bool) = mac 0x786f0; virtual void updateTweenAction(float, char const*) = mac 0x7ffb0, win 0x20d1f0; void updateVisibility() = mac 0x6fb90, win 0x205460; void vfDChk() = mac 0x7fcb0, win 0x20d3a0; virtual void visit() = mac 0x75ef0, win 0x200020; void visitWithColorFlash() = mac 0x761f0, win 0x200190; void willSwitchToMode(int, PlayerObject*) = mac 0x7b9e0; void xPosForTime(float) = mac 0x7d140, win 0x208840; ~PlayLayer() = mac 0x6b090, win 0x1fafc0; float unused4c8; bool unused4cc; bool m_hasCheated; geode::SeedValueRS m_dontSave; int unknown4d8; bool m_debugPauseOff; bool m_shouldSmoothCamera; float unused_4e0; PAD = mac 0x4, win 0x4; cocos2d::CCDrawNode* unknown4e8; float m_camera4f0; int unused4f4; float m_somegroup4f8; float m_groundRestriction; float m_ceilRestriction; bool m_fullReset; bool unknown505; float unknown508; float unknown50c; float unknown510; float unknown514; float unknown518; PAD = mac 0x4, win 0x4; StartPosObject* m_startPos; CheckpointObject* m_startPosCheckpoint; EndPortalObject* m_endPortal; cocos2d::CCArray* m_checkpoints; cocos2d::CCArray* m_speedObjects; cocos2d::CCArray* unk340; cocos2d::CCArray* unk344; cocos2d::CCSprite* unk348; float m_backgroundRepeat; bool unk350; cocos2d::CCArray* unk354; cocos2d::CCArray* unk358; cocos2d::CCArray* unk35C; cocos2d::CCArray* unk360; bool m_isMute; bool unk365; bool unk366; bool unk367; bool unk368; bool unk369; bool unk36A; bool unk36B; cocos2d::CCArray* m_screenRingObjects; cocos2d::CCParticleSystemQuad* m_particleSystem; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_pickedUpItems; cocos2d::CCArray* m_circleWaves; cocos2d::CCArray* unk37C; AudioEffectsLayer* m_audioEffectsLayer; float unknown5c0; float unknown5c4; GJGroundLayer* m_bottomGround; GJGroundLayer* m_topGround; PAD = mac 0x8, win 0x8; bool m_isDead; bool m_startCameraAtCorner; bool m_cameraYLocked; bool m_cameraXLocked; bool unknown5e4; int m_ballFrameSeed; float unknown5ec; float m_lockGroundToCamera; float unknown5f4; float m_levelLength; float m_realLevelLength; cocos2d::CCLabelBMFont* m_attemptLabel; cocos2d::CCLabelBMFont* m_percentLabel; bool m_isCameraShaking; float m_currentShakeStrength; float m_currentShakeInterval; double m_lastShakeTime; cocos2d::CCPoint m_cameraShakeOffset; bool unk3E0; float m_backgroundScrollOffset; float m_cameraFlip; bool unk3EC; int unk3F0; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_particleSystemsPlist; cocos2d::CCDictionary* unk3F8; cocos2d::CCArray* m_particleSystems; cocos2d::CCNode* unk400; cocos2d::CCSprite* m_sliderGrooveSprite; cocos2d::CCSprite* m_sliderBarSprite; cocos2d::CCSize m_sliderSize; int unknown680; int m_activeGravityEffects; int m_gravityEffectStatus; // ?? PAD = mac 0x4, win 0x4; cocos2d::CCArray* m_gravitySprites; bool unk428; bool m_shouldRecordActions; bool unk42A; bool m_isPaused; bool unk42C; bool m_isPlayer2Frozen; gd::string m_previousRecords; void* unknown6a8; double m_time; int unknown6b8; int unknown6bc; bool unk460; bool m_isAudioMeteringSupported; cocos2d::CCDictionary* unk464; gd::map unk468; bool m_collisionDisabled; bool unknown701; GameObject* m_latestVehicle; GameObject* m_dualObject; bool m_isFlipped; float m_mirrorTransition; UILayer* m_UILayer; GJGameLevel* m_level; cocos2d::CCPoint m_cameraPosition; bool m_isTestMode; bool m_isPracticeMode; bool unk496; bool unk497; cocos2d::CCArray* unk498; bool m_unk49C; cocos2d::CCPoint m_playerStartPosition; int m_currentAttempt; int m_jumpCount; bool unk4B0; float m_totalTime; int m_attemptJumpCount; bool unk4BC; bool m_hasLevelCompleteMenu; bool m_hasCompletedLevel; bool m_delayedResetLevel; int m_lastDeathPercent; bool unk4C4; PAD = mac 0xb, win 0xb; bool unk4D0; bool unk4D1; cocos2d::CCArray* unk4D4; cocos2d::CCDictionary* unk4D8; double m_inlineCalculatedKickTime; double m_accumulatedKickDeltaTime; double m_unusedKickDouble; bool m_shouldTryToKick; float m_kickCheckDeltaSnapshot; int m_accumulatedKickCounter; PAD = mac 0x4, win 0x4; double unk508; PAD = mac 0x8, win 0x8; double unk518; double unk520; PAD = mac 0x4, win 0x4; bool m_hasGlitter; bool m_isBgEffectOff; bool unk52F; GameObject* m_antiCheatObject; bool m_antiCheatPassed; bool unk535; bool m_disableGravityEffect; } class PlayerCheckpoint : cocos2d::CCNode { // virtual ~PlayerCheckpoint() = mac 0x80760; inlined on windows static PlayerCheckpoint* create() = mac 0x7e8c0, win 0x20dc40; cocos2d::CCPoint m_position; float m_yAccel; bool m_isUpsideDown; bool m_isShip; bool m_isBall; bool m_isUFO; bool m_isWave; bool m_isRobot; bool m_isSpider; bool m_isOnGround; int m_hasGhostTrail; bool m_small; float m_speed; bool m_hidden; } class PlayerObject : GameObject, AnimatedSpriteDelegate { virtual ~PlayerObject() = mac 0x217220, win 0x1e6be0; virtual void update(float) = mac 0x218bf0, win 0x1e8200; virtual void setScaleX(float) = mac 0x22e7f0, win 0x1fa7a0; virtual void setScaleY(float) = mac 0x22e830, win 0x1fa7e0; virtual void setScale(float) = mac 0x22e870, win 0x1fa820; virtual void setPosition(cocos2d::CCPoint const&) = mac 0x22c8b0, win 0x1f7370; virtual void setVisible(bool) = mac 0x22e8b0, win 0x1fa860; virtual void setRotation(float) = mac 0x22e6e0, win 0x1fa650; virtual void setOpacity(unsigned char) = mac 0x22d400, win 0x1f7d40; virtual void setColor(cocos2d::_ccColor3B const&) = mac 0x22cdf0, win 0x1f77f0; virtual void setFlipX(bool) = mac 0x22e720, win 0x1fa690; virtual void setFlipY(bool) = mac 0x22e7b0, win 0x1fa740; virtual void resetObject() = mac 0x223170, win 0x1eecd0; virtual cocos2d::CCPoint getRealPosition() = mac 0x22d5f0, win 0x1f7e20; virtual void getOrientedBox() = mac 0x22dee0, win 0x1f95d0; virtual void animationFinished(char const*) = mac 0x22e9d0, win 0x1fa8a0; void activateStreak() = mac 0x21aef0, win 0x1f9080; void addAllParticles() = mac 0x2189b0, win 0x1e7d60; void addToTouchedRings(GameObject*) = mac 0x22b800; void boostPlayer(float) = mac 0x21d6b0, win 0x1f8f30; void bumpPlayer(float, int) = mac 0x22d890; void buttonDown(PlayerButton) = mac 0x22b7e0; void checkSnapJumpToObject(GameObject*) = mac 0x2217f0; bool collidedWithObject(float, GameObject*) = mac 0x21d880; bool collidedWithObject(float, GameObject*, cocos2d::CCRect) = mac 0x21f0b0; bool collidedWithSlope(float, GameObject*, bool) = mac 0x21d8d0; void convertToClosestRotation(float) = mac 0x21c860, win 0x1e9ac0; void copyAttributes(PlayerObject*) = mac 0x22dc70, win 0x1f93f0; static PlayerObject* create(int, int, cocos2d::CCLayer*) = mac 0x217260, win 0x1e6cf0; void deactivateParticle() = mac 0x21a540; void deactivateStreak(bool) = mac 0x218b30; void fadeOutStreak2(float) = mac 0x225890, win 0x1f9110; void flashPlayer(float, float, cocos2d::_ccColor3B, cocos2d::_ccColor3B) = mac 0x221c80; void flipGravity(bool, bool) = mac 0x21c090, win 0x1f59d0; void flipMod() = mac 0x21a4c0; void getActiveMode() = mac 0x22b950, win 0x1f5df0; void getModifiedSlopeYVel() = mac 0x21bff0, win 0x1ea870; void getOldPosition(float) = mac 0x21a830; void getSecondColor() = mac 0x22cee0; void gravityDown() = mac 0x22e930; void gravityUp() = mac 0x22e900; void hardFlipGravity() = mac 0x22b860; void hitGround(bool) = mac 0x220a30; void incrementJumps() = mac 0x21c050, win 0x1e9a20; bool init(int, int, cocos2d::CCLayer*) = mac 0x2172e0, win 0x1e6da0; void isBoostValid(float) = mac 0x21d650, win 0x1ea810; void isFlying() = mac 0x21a4e0, win 0x1f5dc0; void isSafeFlip(float) = mac 0x2209f0; void isSafeMode(float) = mac 0x2209b0; void isSafeSpiderFlip(float) = mac 0x221be0; void levelFlipFinished() = mac 0x21b060, win 0x1e8e70; void levelFlipping() = mac 0x21a510, win 0x1f6820; void levelWillFlip() = mac 0x21b020; void loadFromCheckpoint(PlayerCheckpoint*) = mac 0x22e420, win 0x1fa080; void lockPlayer() = mac 0x22d680; void logValues() = mac 0x221220; void modeDidChange() = mac 0x22bfd0; void placeStreakPoint() = mac 0x21af90, win 0x1f95e0; void playBurstEffect() = mac 0x21c780, win 0x1f6790; void playDeathEffect() = mac 0x225930, win 0x1efbe0; void playDynamicSpiderRun() = mac 0x222ec0, win 0x1f9d80; void playerDestroyed(bool) = mac 0x2256d0, win 0x1efaa0; bool playerIsFalling() = mac 0x21c730, win 0x1f5d60; void playerTeleported() = mac 0x22b840; void playingEndEffect() = mac 0x22d7e0; void postCollision(float) = mac 0x21cd10, win 0x1e9f50; void preCollision() = mac 0x21ccc0; void preSlopeCollision(float, GameObject*) = mac 0x21ec80; void propellPlayer(float) = mac 0x22d8e0, win 0x1f8b50; void pushButton(int) = mac 0x22aa00, win 0x1f4e40; void pushDown() = mac 0x22dbd0; void pushPlayer(float) = mac 0x22dbb0; void releaseButton(int) = mac 0x22b6f0, win 0x1f4f70; void removeAllParticles() = mac 0x218ac0; void removePendingCheckpoint() = mac 0x2237b0, win 0x1fa260; void resetAllParticles() = mac 0x21adb0, win 0x1e8ef0; void resetCollisionLog() = mac 0x21cc20; void resetPlayerIcon() = mac 0x22be00, win 0x1f65e0; void resetStateVariables() = mac 0x223760; void resetStreak() = mac 0x21ae10, win 0x1e8d50; void ringJump(GameObject*) = mac 0x22abf0, win 0x1f4ff0; void runBallRotation(float) = mac 0x21ca10, win 0x1e9d10; void runBallRotation2() = mac 0x21cb10; void runNormalRotation() = mac 0x21c960, win 0x1e9c50; void runRotateAction(bool) = mac 0x21c570, win 0x1e9bf0; void saveToCheckpoint(PlayerCheckpoint*) = mac 0x22e2f0, win 0x1f9ee0; void setSecondColor(cocos2d::_ccColor3B const&) = mac 0x219610, win 0x1f7870; void setupStreak() = mac 0x218720, win 0x1e7e90; void spawnCircle() = mac 0x225480; void spawnCircle2() = mac 0x2252a0; void spawnDualCircle() = mac 0x2255c0; void spawnFromPlayer(PlayerObject*) = mac 0x22dde0, win 0x1f9540; void spawnPortalCircle(cocos2d::_ccColor3B, float) = mac 0x225350, win 0x1ef680; void spawnScaleCircle() = mac 0x2251b0, win 0x1ef810; void specialGroundHit() = mac 0x22dbf0; void speedDown() = mac 0x22e970; void speedUp() = mac 0x22e950; void spiderTestJump(bool) = mac 0x21b160, win 0x1ed360; void startDashing(GameObject*) = mac 0x221d70; void stopBurstEffect() = mac 0x22c680, win 0x1f6810; void stopDashing() = mac 0x222990, win 0x1ee6e0; void stopRotation(bool) = mac 0x21c830, win 0x1e9aa0; void storeCollision(bool, int) = mac 0x21cc60; void switchedToMode(GameObjectType) = mac 0x22b9a0, win 0x1f6f70; void testForMoving(float, GameObject*) = mac 0x21eb70; void toggleBirdMode(bool) = mac 0x224070, win 0x1f6050; void toggleDartMode(bool) = mac 0x2243f0, win 0x1f62c0; void toggleFlyMode(bool) = mac 0x223820, win 0x1f5e40; void toggleGhostEffect(GhostType) = mac 0x225000, win 0x1f8930; void togglePlayerScale(bool) = mac 0x224bd0, win 0x1f9640; void toggleRobotMode(bool) = mac 0x223c70, win 0x1f6a10; void toggleRollMode(bool) = mac 0x223b20, win 0x1f68e0; void toggleSpiderMode(bool) = mac 0x224830, win 0x1f94d1; void toggleVisibility(bool) = mac 0x21abf0, win 0x1e8c30; void touchedObject(GameObject*) = mac 0x22e660; void tryPlaceCheckpoint() = mac 0x21a950, win 0x1fa2d0; void updateCheckpointMode(bool) = mac 0x218980; void updateCheckpointTest() = mac 0x21a890, win 0x1e8b50; void updateCollide(bool, int) = mac 0x220f10; void updateCollideBottom(float, int) = mac 0x221790; void updateCollideTop(float, int) = mac 0x221c20; void updateDashAnimation() = mac 0x21a570; void updateDashArt() = mac 0x222520, win 0x1ee3c0; void updateGlowColor() = mac 0x22cf10; void updateJump(float) = mac 0x219680, win 0x1e8f80; void updateJumpVariables() = mac 0x21a740; void updatePlayerBirdFrame(int) = mac 0x22bfe0, win 0x1f81a0; void updatePlayerDartFrame(int) = mac 0x22c260, win 0x1f8580; void updatePlayerFrame(int) = mac 0x22c470, win 0x1f7e40; void updatePlayerGlow() = mac 0x22bc50, win 0x1f9290; void updatePlayerRobotFrame(int) = mac 0x22d620, win 0x1f8550; void updatePlayerRollFrame(int) = mac 0x22c6a0, win 0x1f83a0; void updatePlayerScale() = mac 0x22b8b0, win 0x1f9200; void updatePlayerShipFrame(int) = mac 0x22ba40, win 0x1f7ff0; void updatePlayerSpiderFrame(int) = mac 0x22d650; void updatePlayerSpriteExtra(gd::string) = mac 0x218440, win 0x1f8730; void updateRobotAnimationSpeed() = mac 0x22df40, win 0x1f9b80; void updateRotation(float) = mac 0x2214b0, win 0x1ebc00; void updateRotation(float, float) = mac 0x221230, win 0x1ebce0; void updateShipRotation(float) = mac 0x221310, win 0x1eba60; void updateShipSpriteExtra(gd::string) = mac 0x218510, win 0x1f8830; void updateSlopeRotation(float) = mac 0x221030; void updateSlopeYVelocity(float) = mac 0x22e920; void updateSpecial(float) = mac 0x21a790, win 0x1e8ab0; void updateStateVariables() = mac 0x21a770; void updateTimeMod(float) = mac 0x2185e0, win 0x1f94e0; void usingWallLimitedMode() = mac 0x22df00; void yStartDown() = mac 0x22e9b0; void yStartUp() = mac 0x22e990; void runRotateAction() = win 0x1e9bf0; void runBallRotation() = win 0x1e9d10; PAD = mac 0x14, win 0x14; bool m_unk480; cocos2d::CCNode* m_unk484; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_collisionLog; cocos2d::CCDictionary* m_collisionLog1; GameObject* m_collidedSlope; PAD = mac 0x30, win 0x1c; bool m_unk4B0; cocos2d::CCSprite* m_unk4B4; PAD = mac 0x1c, win 0x1c; bool m_unk4D4; cocos2d::CCArray* m_particleSystems; bool m_unk4DC; bool m_isHidden; int m_hasGhostTrail; GhostTrailEffect* m_ghostTrail; cocos2d::CCSprite* m_unknownSprite; cocos2d::CCSprite* m_iconSprite; cocos2d::CCSprite* m_iconSpriteSecondary; cocos2d::CCSprite* m_iconSpriteWhitener; cocos2d::CCSprite* m_iconGlow; cocos2d::CCSprite* m_vehicleSprite; cocos2d::CCSprite* m_vehicleSpriteSecondary; cocos2d::CCSprite* m_unk500; cocos2d::CCSprite* m_vehicleSpriteWhitener; cocos2d::CCSprite* m_vehicleGlow; cocos2d::CCMotionStreak* m_regularTrail; HardStreak* m_waveTrail; double m_xAccel; double m_jumpAccel; double m_gravity; double m_unknown20; bool m_unk538; bool m_unk539; bool m_unk53A; bool m_unk53B; bool m_isInPlayLayer; bool m_unk53D; bool m_unk53E; bool m_unk53F; bool m_isCheckpointQueued; PAD = mac 0xf, win 0xf; double m_lastJumpTime; double m_unk558; double m_unk560; PAD = mac 0x1c, win 0x1c; float m_decelerationRate; PAD = mac 0x13, win 0x13; bool m_hasHitRing; GameObject* m_objectSnappedTo; CheckpointObject* m_checkpoint; int m_unknown6a0; GJRobotSprite* m_robotSprite; GJSpiderSprite* m_spiderSprite; bool m_unk5B0; cocos2d::CCParticleSystemQuad* m_unk5B4; cocos2d::CCParticleSystemQuad* m_unk5B8; cocos2d::CCParticleSystemQuad* m_unk5BC; cocos2d::CCParticleSystemQuad* m_unk5C0; cocos2d::CCParticleSystemQuad* m_unk5C4; cocos2d::CCParticleSystemQuad* m_unk5C8; cocos2d::CCParticleSystemQuad* m_unk5CC; void* m_unk5D0; cocos2d::CCParticleSystemQuad* m_unk5D4; cocos2d::CCParticleSystemQuad* m_unk5D8; PAD = mac 0x20, win 0x20; // int m_streakID; // float m_wellIdk; // PAD = win 0x10; bool m_unk5FC; bool m_unk5FD; bool m_hasHitPortal; PAD = mac 0xb, win 0xb; bool m_unknown73d; cocos2d::_ccColor3B m_unknown73e; cocos2d::_ccColor3B m_unknown741; bool m_isHolding; bool m_hasJustHeld; bool m_isHolding2; bool m_hasJustHeld2; int m_unk618; float m_unk61C; int m_unk620; bool m_canRobotJump; double m_yAccel; bool m_isOnSlope; bool m_wasOnSlope; float m_unk634; bool m_isShip; bool m_isBird; bool m_isBall; bool m_isDart; bool m_isRobot; bool m_isSpider; bool m_isUpsideDown; bool m_isOnGround; bool m_isDashing; float m_vehicleSize; float m_playerSpeed; cocos2d::CCPoint m_unk64C; cocos2d::CCPoint m_lastPortalPos; cocos2d::CCLayer* m_unk65C; bool m_isSliding; bool m_isRising; bool m_isLocked; cocos2d::CCPoint m_lastGroundedPos; cocos2d::CCArray* m_touchingRings; GameObject* m_lastActivatedPortal; bool m_unk674; bool m_unk675; cocos2d::ccColor3B m_playerColor1; cocos2d::ccColor3B m_playerColor2; cocos2d::CCPoint m_position; bool m_unk684; bool m_unk685; double m_unk688; PAD = win 0x8; float m_groundHeight; float m_unk69C; PAD = win 0x4; std::array m_unk6A4; PAD = win 0x1c; } class PointNode : cocos2d::CCObject { static PointNode* create(cocos2d::CCPoint point) = win 0x14ec80; cocos2d::CCPoint m_point; } class ProfilePage : FLAlertLayer, FLAlertLayerProtocol, LevelCommentDelegate, CommentUploadDelegate, UserInfoDelegate, UploadActionDelegate, UploadPopupDelegate, LeaderboardManagerDelegate { static ProfilePage* create(int accountID, bool idk) = mac 0x45eed0, win 0x20ee50; void getUserInfoFailed(int) = win 0x2133e0; bool init(int accountID, bool idk) = mac 0x45f170, win 0x20ef00; void onMyLevels(cocos2d::CCObject*) = win 0x211bb0; void onUpdate(cocos2d::CCObject*) = win 0x20fa20; void loadPageFromUserInfo(GJUserScore* score) = win 0x210040; GJUserScore* m_score; int m_accountID; PAD = win 0x38, android 0x24; cocos2d::CCArray* m_buttons; } class PulseEffectAction : cocos2d::CCNode { static PulseEffectAction* createFromString(gd::string) = mac 0x179e90, win 0x1198a0; gd::string getSaveString() = mac 0x17a850, win 0x119e70; } class RateLevelDelegate { virtual void rateLevelClosed() {} } class RateStarsLayer : FLAlertLayer, UploadPopupDelegate, UploadActionDelegate { bool m_uploadFinished; bool m_isModSuggest; bool m_selectedFeature; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_confirmBtn; cocos2d::CCArray* m_starBtns; cocos2d::CCSprite* m_difficultySprite; int m_levelID; int m_selectedRating; bool m_selectedCoin; cocos2d::CCSprite* m_featureSprite; UploadActionPopup* m_rateAction; RateLevelDelegate* m_rateDelegate; static RateStarsLayer* create(int levelID, bool isModSuggest) = mac 0x135e50; bool init(int levelID, bool isModSuggest) = mac 0x136050; } class RetryLevelLayer { static RetryLevelLayer* create() = mac 0x28dd60, win 0x216390; } class RingObject : EffectGameObject { bool create(char const*) = win 0x252220; bool init(char const*) = win 0x2522E0; void spawnCircle() = win 0x2523A0; virtual void setRotation(float) = win 0x252640; virtual void setScale(float) = win 0x252580; virtual void resetObject() = win 0x252560; virtual void customObjectSetup(gd::map&) = win 0x2526A0; virtual gd::string getSaveString() = win 0x2527F0; virtual void powerOnObject() = win 0x252360; virtual void powerOffObject() = win 0xe5d60; // same as GameObject virtual void setRScale(float) = win 0x2525D0; virtual void triggerActivated(float) = win 0x252350; } class ScrollingLayer : cocos2d::CCLayerColor { static ScrollingLayer* create(cocos2d::CCSize, cocos2d::CCPoint, float) = mac 0x41a900, win 0x2d8e0; } class SelectArtLayer { static SelectArtLayer* create(SelectArtType type) = win 0x174b00; } class SetGroupIDLayer : FLAlertLayer, TextInputDelegate { bool init(GameObject* object, cocos2d::CCArray* objects) = mac 0x1947c0, win 0x22b670; void onNextGroupID1(cocos2d::CCObject*) = mac 0x1967a0, win 0x22d790; void textChanged(CCTextInputNode*) = mac 0x197af0, win 0x22d610; void updateGroupIDLabel() = mac 0x197260, win 0x22e450; ~SetGroupIDLayer() = mac 0x194410, win 0x22b4d0; void updateEditorLayerID() = win 0x22e0b0; void updateEditorLayerID2() = win 0x22e110; void updateZOrder() = win 0x22e3d0; GameObject* m_obj; cocos2d::CCArray* m_objs; cocos2d::CCArray* m_array0; cocos2d::CCArray* m_array1; cocos2d::CCLabelBMFont* m_editorLayerText; cocos2d::CCLabelBMFont* m_editorLayer2Text; cocos2d::CCLabelBMFont* m_zOrderText; CCTextInputNode* m_groupIDInput; int m_groupIDValue; int m_editorLayerValue; int m_editorLayer2Value; int m_zOrderValue; ZLayer m_zLayerValue; bool m_unk204; bool m_unk205; bool m_highDetail; bool m_dontFade; bool m_dontEnter; void* m_somePointerProlly; bool m_groupParent; bool m_hasEditedGroups; int m_unknown; } class SetIDLayer { static SetIDLayer* create(GameObject*) = mac 0x168f20, win 0x22eb90; } class SetIDPopup : FLAlertLayer, TextInputDelegate { void valueChanged() = win 0x10a60; bool init(int, int, int, gd::string, gd::string, bool, int) = win 0x143270; static SetIDPopup *create(int, int, int, gd::string, gd::string, bool, int) = win 0x143130; } class SetIDPopupDelegate { virtual void setIDPopupClosed(SetIDPopup*, int) {} } class SetItemIDLayer { static SetItemIDLayer* create(EffectGameObject*, cocos2d::CCArray*) = mac 0x5a830; } class SetTargetIDLayer { static SetTargetIDLayer* create(EffectGameObject*, cocos2d::CCArray*, gd::string) = mac 0x159d20; void onTargetIDArrow(cocos2d::CCObject*) = mac 0x15aed0; void textChanged(CCTextInputNode*) = mac 0x15b6c0; void updateTargetID() = mac 0x15b4a0; } class SetupAnimationPopup : FLAlertLayer { static SetupAnimationPopup* create(EffectGameObject*, cocos2d::CCArray*) = mac 0x208b70; void onTargetIDArrow(cocos2d::CCObject*) = mac 0x209fc0; void textChanged(CCTextInputNode*) = mac 0x20ab30; void updateTargetID() = mac 0x20a910; } class SetupCollisionTriggerPopup : FLAlertLayer { static SetupCollisionTriggerPopup* create(EffectGameObject*, cocos2d::CCArray*) = mac 0x1d6120; void onTargetIDArrow(cocos2d::CCObject*) = mac 0x1d77b0; void textChanged(CCTextInputNode*) = mac 0x1d84d0; void updateTargetID() = mac 0x1d82b0; } class SetupCountTriggerPopup : FLAlertLayer { static SetupCountTriggerPopup* create(EffectGameObject*, cocos2d::CCArray*) = mac 0x15c6c0; void onTargetIDArrow(cocos2d::CCObject*) = mac 0x15dd40; void textChanged(CCTextInputNode*) = mac 0x15e9a0; void updateTargetID() = mac 0x15e8a0; } class SetupInstantCountPopup : FLAlertLayer { static SetupInstantCountPopup* create(EffectGameObject*, cocos2d::CCArray*) = mac 0x352c10; void onTargetIDArrow(cocos2d::CCObject*) = mac 0x354520; void textChanged(CCTextInputNode*) = mac 0x355270; void updateTargetID() = mac 0x355170; } class SetupInteractObjectPopup : FLAlertLayer { static SetupInteractObjectPopup* create(EffectGameObject*, cocos2d::CCArray*) = mac 0x29a400; void onTargetIDArrow(cocos2d::CCObject*) = mac 0x29bbc0; void textChanged(CCTextInputNode*) = mac 0x29c2b0; void updateTargetID() = mac 0x29c120; } class SetupObjectTogglePopup : FLAlertLayer { static SetupObjectTogglePopup* create(EffectGameObject*, cocos2d::CCArray*) = mac 0x1c0860; bool init(EffectGameObject*, cocos2d::CCArray*) = mac 0x1c0a40; void onTargetIDArrow(cocos2d::CCObject*) = mac 0x1c1c40; void textChanged(CCTextInputNode*) = mac 0x1c2660; void updateTargetID() = mac 0x1c2440; } class SetupOpacityPopup : FLAlertLayer { static SetupOpacityPopup* create(EffectGameObject*, cocos2d::CCArray*) = mac 0x32b70, win 0x23ba30; void onTargetIDArrow(cocos2d::CCObject*) = mac 0x340a0; void textChanged(CCTextInputNode*) = mac 0x34a60; void updateTargetID() = mac 0x34760; } class SetupPickupTriggerPopup : FLAlertLayer { static SetupPickupTriggerPopup* create(EffectGameObject*, cocos2d::CCArray*) = mac 0x35e70, win 0x23d4a0; void onItemIDArrow(cocos2d::CCObject*) = mac 0x37100; void onNextItemID(cocos2d::CCObject*) = mac 0x37260; void textChanged(CCTextInputNode*) = mac 0x37ca0; void updateItemID() = mac 0x37ab0, win 0x23e4f0; PAD = win 0xc; CCTextInputNode* m_countInput; } class SetupPulsePopup : FLAlertLayer, cocos2d::extension::ColorPickerDelegate, TextInputDelegate, GJSpecialColorSelectDelegate { virtual void colorValueChanged(cocos2d::ccColor3B color) = win 0x242660, mac 0x1ec680; SetupPulsePopup() {} bool init(EffectGameObject* triggerObj, cocos2d::CCArray* triggerObjs) = win 0x23e980, mac 0x1e7010; void updateColorValue() = win 0x2426b0; void onSelectPulseMode(cocos2d::CCObject*) = win 0x241420, mac 0x1eb020; void updatePulseMode() = win 0x242cf0; cocos2d::extension::CCControlColourPicker* m_colorPicker; PAD = win 0x30; cocos2d::CCSprite* m_currentColorSpr; cocos2d::CCSprite* m_prevColorSpr; PAD = win 0x64; int m_pulseMode; } class SetupShakePopup : FLAlertLayer { static SetupShakePopup* create(EffectGameObject*, cocos2d::CCArray*) = mac 0x3adc00; } class SetupSpawnPopup : FLAlertLayer { static SetupSpawnPopup* create(EffectGameObject*, cocos2d::CCArray*) = mac 0x139790; void createToggleButton(gd::string, cocos2d::SEL_MenuHandler, bool, cocos2d::CCMenu*, cocos2d::CCPoint, cocos2d::CCArray*) = mac 0x13b0e0; void onTargetIDArrow(cocos2d::CCObject*) = mac 0x13ad80; void textChanged(CCTextInputNode*) = mac 0x13b990; void updateTargetID() = mac 0x13b770; EffectGameObject* m_selectedObject; cocos2d::CCArray* m_selectedArray; CCTextInputNode* m_delayTextNode; Slider* m_delaySlider; float m_delay; bool m_touchTriggered; bool m_spawnTriggered; CCMenuItemToggler* m_touchTriggeredToggle; CCMenuItemToggler* m_spawnTriggeredToggle; CCTextInputNode* m_targetIDTextNode; int m_targetIDValue; bool m_textUpdateLock; // the toggle is inside the array for some obscure reason cocos2d::CCArray* m_multiTriggerToggle; bool m_multiTrigger; bool m_editorDisable; } class SetupTouchTogglePopup : FLAlertLayer { static SetupTouchTogglePopup* create(EffectGameObject*, cocos2d::CCArray*) = mac 0x1576a0; void onTargetIDArrow(cocos2d::CCObject*) = mac 0x158b60; void textChanged(CCTextInputNode*) = mac 0x1596a0; void updateTargetID() = mac 0x159480; } class SimplePlayer : cocos2d::CCSprite { SimplePlayer() {} void setSecondColor(const cocos2d::ccColor3B& color) { m_secondLayer->setColor(color); updateColors(); } bool hasGlowOutline() { return m_hasGlowOutline; } void setGlowOutline(bool value) { m_hasGlowOutline = value; updateColors(); } bool init(int iconID) = mac 0x1bc570, win 0x12be20; static SimplePlayer* create(int iconID) = mac 0x1b6140, win 0x12bd80; void updatePlayerFrame(int iconID, IconType iconType) = mac 0x1b62f0, win 0x12c650; void updateColors() = mac 0x1ba1f0, win 0x12c440, ios 0x224f2c; void setFrames(const char* firstLayer, const char* secondLayer, const char* birdDome, const char* outlineSprite, const char* detailSprite) = win 0x12c9e0; void setColor(const cocos2d::ccColor3B& color) = mac 0x1bc9b0, win 0x12c410; void setOpacity(unsigned char opacity) = win 0x12cb90; cocos2d::CCSprite* m_firstLayer; cocos2d::CCSprite* m_secondLayer; cocos2d::CCSprite* m_birdDome; cocos2d::CCSprite* m_outlineSprite; cocos2d::CCSprite* m_detailSprite; GJRobotSprite* m_robotSprite; GJSpiderSprite* m_spiderSprite; PAD = win 0x4; bool m_hasGlowOutline; } class Slider : cocos2d::CCLayer { void setValue(float val) { m_touchLogic->getThumb()->setValue(val); } void setBarVisibility(bool v) { m_sliderBar->setVisible(v); } static Slider* create(cocos2d::CCNode* target, cocos2d::SEL_MenuHandler click, float scale) { return create(target, click, "sliderBar.png", "slidergroove.png", "sliderthumb.png", "sliderthumbsel.png", scale); } float getValue() = mac 0x18e0c0, win 0x2e970; void updateBar() = mac 0x18d970, win 0x2ea10; static Slider* create(cocos2d::CCNode* target, cocos2d::SEL_MenuHandler click, const char* unused, const char* grooveSpr, const char* thumbSpr, const char* thumbSprSel, float scale) = mac 0x18dd80, win 0x2e6e0, ios 0x2113f4; SliderTouchLogic* m_touchLogic; cocos2d::CCSprite* m_sliderBar; cocos2d::CCSprite* m_groove; float m_unknown; float m_height; } class SliderThumb : cocos2d::CCMenuItemImage { void setValue(float val) = mac 0x18ce80, win 0x2e1b0, ios 0x210db4; float getValue() { return (m_fScaleX * m_length * .5f + (m_vertical ? this->getPositionY() : this->getPositionX()) ) / (m_fScaleX * m_length); } float m_length; bool m_vertical; } class SliderTouchLogic : cocos2d::CCMenu { SliderThumb* getThumb() const { return m_thumb; } float m_unknownUnused; float m_length; SliderThumb* m_thumb; Slider* m_slider; bool m_activateThumb; cocos2d::CCPoint m_position; bool m_rotated; } class SongCell : TableViewCell { void updateBGColor(unsigned int index) = win 0x5c6b0; } class SongInfoLayer : FLAlertLayer { static SongInfoLayer* create(int songID) = win 0x250520; static SongInfoLayer* create(gd::string songName, gd::string artistName, gd::string downloadLink, gd::string artistNG, gd::string artistYT, gd::string artistFB) = win 0x250830; gd::string m_downloadLink; gd::string m_artistNewgrounds; gd::string m_artistYoutube; gd::string m_artistFacebook; } class SongInfoObject : cocos2d::CCNode { virtual ~SongInfoObject() = mac 0x2f2040, win 0x196600; virtual void encodeWithCoder(DS_Dictionary*) = mac 0x2f2c70, win 0x1975c0; virtual bool canEncode() = mac 0x2f2da0, win 0x11070; // shared with tons int m_songID; gd::string m_songName; gd::string m_artistName; gd::string m_youtubeVideo; gd::string m_youtubeChannel; gd::string m_songURL; int m_artistID; float m_fileSize; bool m_isUnknownSong; int m_priority; LevelSettingsObject* m_levelSettings; } class SpawnTriggerAction : cocos2d::CCNode { static SpawnTriggerAction* createFromString(gd::string) = mac 0x17bf50; bool m_timerEnded; float m_delay; float m_timer; int m_group; int m_uuid; } class SpeedObject : cocos2d::CCNode { float m_unknown; float m_somethingToCompare; float m_idk3; float m_idk4; } class SpritePartDelegate {} class StartPosObject : EffectGameObject { static StartPosObject* create() = mac 0xda7c0, win 0x25aa40; void setSettings(LevelSettingsObject*) = mac 0xda910; LevelSettingsObject* m_levelSettings; } class StatsCell : TableViewCell { inline StatsCell() {} inline StatsCell(char const* identifier, float parentHeight, float height) : TableViewCell(identifier, parentHeight, height) {} void updateBGColor(unsigned int index) = win 0x59cf0; virtual void draw() = mac 0x11bf80, win 0x59d40; } class StatsLayer : GJDropDownLayer { static StatsLayer* create() = win 0x25BCF0; } class TableView : CCScrollLayerExt, CCScrollLayerExtDelegate { inline TableView() {} inline TableView(cocos2d::CCRect rect) : CCScrollLayerExt(rect) {} static TableView* create(TableViewDelegate*, TableViewDataSource*, cocos2d::CCRect) = mac 0x37eb30, win 0x30ed0; void reloadData() = mac 0x37f970, win 0x317e0; virtual void onEnter() { CCLayer::onEnter(); } virtual void onExit() { CCLayer::onExit(); } virtual bool ccTouchBegan(cocos2d::CCTouch*, cocos2d::CCEvent*) = mac 0x380120, ios 0x21de24, win 0x31de0; virtual void ccTouchMoved(cocos2d::CCTouch*, cocos2d::CCEvent*) = mac 0x380be0, ios 0x21e5e8, win 0x31f30; virtual void ccTouchEnded(cocos2d::CCTouch*, cocos2d::CCEvent*) = mac 0x3809a0, ios 0x21e46c, win 0x31e80; virtual void ccTouchCancelled(cocos2d::CCTouch*, cocos2d::CCEvent*) = mac 0x380b20, ios 0x21e580, win 0x31ed0; virtual void registerWithTouchDispatcher() = mac 0x37ff50, ios 0x21dcb4, win 0x12aa0; virtual void scrollWheel(float, float) = mac 0x380cd0, ios 0x21e6b4, win 0x320a0; virtual void scrllViewWillBeginDecelerating(CCScrollLayerExt*) {} virtual void scrollViewDidEndDecelerating(CCScrollLayerExt*) {} virtual void scrollViewTouchMoving(CCScrollLayerExt*) {} virtual void scrollViewDidEndMoving(CCScrollLayerExt*) {} bool m_touchOutOfBoundary; cocos2d::CCTouch* m_touchStart; cocos2d::CCPoint m_touchStartPosition2; cocos2d::CCPoint m_unknown2; cocos2d::CCPoint m_touchPosition2; void* m_idk; bool m_touchMoved; cocos2d::CCArray* m_cellArray; cocos2d::CCArray* m_array2; cocos2d::CCArray* m_array3; TableViewDelegate* m_tableDelegate; TableViewDataSource* m_dataSource; int m_unused1; int m_unused2; void* m_unused3; int m_unused4; float m_touchLastY; bool m_cancellingTouches; } [[depends(CCIndexPath)]] class TableViewCell : cocos2d::CCLayer { inline TableViewCell() {} inline ~TableViewCell() { removeAllChildrenWithCleanup(true); } inline TableViewCell(const char* p0, float p1, float p2) : m_unknownString(p0), m_width(p1), m_height(p2) { m_backgroundLayer = cocos2d::CCLayerColor::create(cocos2d::ccc4(0,0,0,0), m_width, m_height); addChild(m_backgroundLayer, -1); m_mainLayer = cocos2d::CCLayer::create(); addChild(m_mainLayer); // = mac 0x383de0, win 0x32e70; } bool m_unknown; TableView* m_tableView; CCIndexPath m_indexPath; int m_unknownThing; // don't even know if this is an int, it's always set to 0 gd::string m_unknownString; float m_width; float m_height; cocos2d::CCLayerColor* m_backgroundLayer; cocos2d::CCLayer* m_mainLayer; } class TableViewDataSource { virtual int numberOfRowsInSection(unsigned int, TableView*) { return 0; } virtual unsigned int numberOfSectionsInTableView(TableView*) { return 0; } virtual void TableViewCommitCellEditingStyleForRowAtIndexPath(TableView*, TableViewCellEditingStyle, CCIndexPath&) {} virtual TableViewCell* cellForRowAtIndexPath(CCIndexPath&, TableView*) { return nullptr; } } class TableViewDelegate { virtual void willTweenToIndexPath(CCIndexPath&, TableViewCell*, TableView*) {} virtual void didEndTweenToIndexPath(CCIndexPath&, TableView*) {} virtual void TableViewWillDisplayCellForRowAtIndexPath(CCIndexPath&, TableViewCell*, TableView*) {} virtual void TableViewDidDisplayCellForRowAtIndexPath(CCIndexPath&, TableViewCell*, TableView*) {} virtual void TableViewWillReloadCellForRowAtIndexPath(CCIndexPath&, TableViewCell*, TableView*) {} virtual float cellHeightForRowAtIndexPath(CCIndexPath&, TableView*) { return 0.0; } virtual void didSelectRowAtIndexPath(CCIndexPath&, TableView*) {} } class TeleportPortalObject : GameObject { PAD = mac 0x8, win 0x4; TeleportPortalObject* m_orangePortal; bool m_isYellowPortal; float m_teleportYOffset; bool m_teleportEase; } class TextAlertPopup : cocos2d::CCNode { static TextAlertPopup* create(gd::string const& text, float time, float scale) = win 0x1450b0; } class TextArea : cocos2d::CCSprite { // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LVW7IUyKMg TextArea() = mac 0x19fba0, win 0x33110, ios 0x92c28; inline TextArea(TextArea const&) : m_fontFile() {} inline ~TextArea() {} virtual void draw() {} virtual void setOpacity(unsigned char) = mac 0x19f760, win 0x33800; bool init(gd::string str, char const* font, float width, float height, cocos2d::CCPoint anchor, float scale, bool disableColor) = mac 0x19ec70, win 0x33370, ios 0x92444; static TextArea* create(gd::string str, char const* font, float scale, float width, cocos2d::CCPoint anchor, float height, bool disableColor) = mac 0x19eb40, win 0x33270; void colorAllCharactersTo(cocos2d::ccColor3B color) = win 0x33830; void setString(gd::string str) = mac 0x19eda0, win 0x33480; bool m_disableColor; // 0x1e4 MultilineBitmapFont* m_label; // 0x1e8 float m_width; // 0x1ec int m_unknown; // 0x1f0 gd::string m_fontFile; // 0x1f4 float m_height; // 0x20c } class TextInputDelegate { virtual void textChanged(CCTextInputNode*) {} virtual void textInputOpened(CCTextInputNode*) {} virtual void textInputClosed(CCTextInputNode*) {} virtual void textInputShouldOffset(CCTextInputNode*, float) {} virtual void textInputReturn(CCTextInputNode*) {} virtual bool allowTextInput(CCTextInputNode*) {return true;} } class ToggleTriggerAction : cocos2d::CCNode { static ToggleTriggerAction* createFromString(gd::string) = mac 0x1765e0; } class TopArtistsLayer : FLAlertLayer { static TopArtistsLayer* create() = mac 0x192a90, win 0x25d8e0; virtual ~TopArtistsLayer() = win 0x25d7c0; void setupLeaderboard(cocos2d::CCArray*) = mac 0x193420; virtual bool init() = mac 0x192c30, win 0x25d980; void loadPage(int) = mac 0x193b60; void setupPageInfo(gd::string, char const*) = mac 0x193730; } class TouchToggleAction : cocos2d::CCNode { static TouchToggleAction* createFromString(gd::string) = mac 0x177e10; } class TriggerEffectDelegate { virtual void toggleGroupTriggered(int, bool) {} virtual void spawnGroup(int) {} } class UILayer : cocos2d::CCLayerColor { static UILayer* create() = mac 0x27fd10, win 0x25f310; virtual bool init() = mac 0x27fe40, win 0x25f3b0; void disableMenu() = mac 0x280960; void enableMenu() = mac 0x280940; void pCommand(cocos2d::CCNode*) = mac 0x280830; inline void toggleCheckpointsMenu(bool toggled) { m_checkPointMenu->setVisible(toggled); } void onCheck(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = mac 0x2803e0, win 0x25fb60; void onDeleteCheck(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = mac 0x280410, win 0x25fc90; void onPause(cocos2d::CCObject* sender) = mac 0x2803c0, win 0x25fad0; virtual void keyDown(cocos2d::enumKeyCodes key) = mac 0x280470, win 0x25f890; virtual void keyUp(cocos2d::enumKeyCodes key) = mac 0x280600, win 0x25fa10; UILayer() = win 0x25f230; ~UILayer() = win 0x25fef0; PAD = mac 0x16, win 0x8, android 0x8; cocos2d::CCMenu* m_checkPointMenu; } class UndoObject : cocos2d::CCObject { ~UndoObject() = mac 0xa2fd0; static UndoObject* create(GameObject*, UndoCommand) = mac 0x94ea0, win 0x16bc20; static UndoObject* createWithArray(cocos2d::CCArray*, UndoCommand) = mac 0x96ee0, win 0x16bee0; static UndoObject* createWithTransformObjects(cocos2d::CCArray* pObjects, UndoCommand nCommand) = win 0x16bcd0; GameObject* m_gameObject; UndoCommand m_command; cocos2d::CCArray* m_objects; bool m_redo; } class UploadActionDelegate { virtual void uploadActionFinished(int, int) {} virtual void uploadActionFailed(int, int) {} } class UploadActionPopup : FLAlertLayer { UploadPopupDelegate* m_popupDelegate; TextArea* m_messageArea; LoadingCircle* m_loadingCircle; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_closeBtn; } class UploadMessageDelegate {} class UploadPopupDelegate { virtual void onClosePopup() {} } class UserInfoDelegate {} class VideoOptionsLayer : FLAlertLayer { PAD = win 0x18; cocos2d::CCArray* m_resolutions; PAD = win 0x4; int m_currentResolution; } class LevelTools { static gd::string base64EncodeString(gd::string) = win 0x18b310; static gd::string base64DecodeString(gd::string) = mac 0x294510, win 0x18b3b0; static GJGameLevel *getLevel(int, bool) = win 0x189370; static bool verifyLevelIntegrity(gd::string, int) = win 0x18b180; static float xPosForTime(float, cocos2d::CCArray*, int) = win 0x18acd0; static float timeForXPos(float, cocos2d::CCArray*, int) = win 0x18ae70; } // clang-format on