#include #include #include #include #include using namespace geode::prelude; using namespace geode::modifier; #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable : 4273) constexpr auto METADATA_TAG = 0xB324ABC; struct ProxyCCNode; class GeodeNodeMetadata final : public cocos2d::CCObject { private: FieldContainer* m_fieldContainer; Ref m_userObject; std::string m_id = ""; Ref m_layout = nullptr; std::unique_ptr m_layoutOptions = nullptr; std::unordered_map m_attributes; std::vector m_eventListeners; friend class ProxyCCNode; friend class cocos2d::CCNode; GeodeNodeMetadata() : m_fieldContainer(new FieldContainer()) {} virtual ~GeodeNodeMetadata() { delete m_fieldContainer; for (auto& listener : m_eventListeners) { delete listener; } } public: static GeodeNodeMetadata* set(CCNode* target) { if (!target) return nullptr; auto old = target->m_pUserObject; // faster than dynamic_cast, technically can // but extremely unlikely to fail if (old && old->getTag() == METADATA_TAG) { return static_cast(old); } auto meta = new GeodeNodeMetadata(); meta->autorelease(); meta->setTag(METADATA_TAG); // set user object target->m_pUserObject = meta; meta->retain(); if (old) { meta->m_userObject = old; // the old user object has been retained by CCNode old->release(); } return meta; } FieldContainer* getFieldContainer() { return m_fieldContainer; } }; // proxy forwards #include struct ProxyCCNode : Modify { virtual CCObject* getUserObject() { if (static_cast(this) == static_cast(CCDirector::get())) { // apparently this function is the same as // CCDirector::getNextScene so yeah return m_pUserObject; } return GeodeNodeMetadata::set(this)->m_userObject; } virtual void setUserObject(CCObject* obj) { GeodeNodeMetadata::set(this)->m_userObject = obj; } }; static inline std::unordered_map s_nextIndex; size_t modifier::getFieldIndexForClass(char const* name) { return s_nextIndex[name]++; } size_t modifier::getFieldIndexForClass(size_t hash) { return s_nextIndex[std::to_string(hash)]++; } // not const because might modify contents FieldContainer* CCNode::getFieldContainer() { return GeodeNodeMetadata::set(this)->getFieldContainer(); } std::string CCNode::getID() { return GeodeNodeMetadata::set(this)->m_id; } void CCNode::setID(std::string const& id) { GeodeNodeMetadata::set(this)->m_id = id; } CCNode* CCNode::getChildByID(std::string const& id) { for (auto child : CCArrayExt(m_pChildren)) { if (child->getID() == id) { return child; } } return nullptr; } CCNode* CCNode::getChildByIDRecursive(std::string const& id) { if (auto child = this->getChildByID(id)) { return child; } for (auto child : CCArrayExt(m_pChildren)) { if ((child = child->getChildByIDRecursive(id))) { return child; } } return nullptr; } void CCNode::removeChildByID(std::string const& id) { if (auto child = this->getChildByID(id)) { this->removeChild(child); } } void CCNode::setLayout(Layout* layout, bool apply, bool respectAnchor) { if (respectAnchor && this->isIgnoreAnchorPointForPosition()) { for (auto child : CCArrayExt(m_pChildren)) { child->setPosition(child->getPosition() + this->getScaledContentSize()); } this->ignoreAnchorPointForPosition(false); } GeodeNodeMetadata::set(this)->m_layout = layout; if (apply) { this->updateLayout(); } } Layout* CCNode::getLayout() { return GeodeNodeMetadata::set(this)->m_layout.data(); } void CCNode::setLayoutOptions(LayoutOptions* options, bool apply) { GeodeNodeMetadata::set(this)->m_layoutOptions.reset(options); if (apply && m_pParent) { m_pParent->updateLayout(); } } LayoutOptions* CCNode::getLayoutOptions() { return GeodeNodeMetadata::set(this)->m_layoutOptions.get(); } void CCNode::updateLayout(bool updateChildOrder) { if (updateChildOrder) { this->sortAllChildren(); } if (auto layout = GeodeNodeMetadata::set(this)->m_layout.data()) { layout->apply(this); } } void CCNode::setAttribute(std::string const& attr, std::any value) { GeodeNodeMetadata::set(this)->m_attributes[attr] = value; } std::optional CCNode::getAttributeInternal(std::string const& attr) { auto meta = GeodeNodeMetadata::set(this); if (meta->m_attributes.count(attr)) { return meta->m_attributes.at(attr); } return std::nullopt; } void CCNode::addEventListenerInternal(EventListenerProtocol* protocol) { GeodeNodeMetadata::set(this)->m_eventListeners.push_back(protocol); } #pragma warning(pop)