#include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace geode::prelude; using namespace geode::modifier; #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable : 4273) constexpr auto METADATA_TAG = 0xB324ABC; struct ProxyCCNode; class GeodeNodeMetadata final : public cocos2d::CCObject { private: std::unordered_map m_classFieldContainers; std::string m_id = ""; Ref m_layout = nullptr; Ref m_layoutOptions = nullptr; std::unordered_map> m_userObjects; std::unordered_set> m_eventListeners; std::unordered_map> m_idEventListeners; friend class ProxyCCNode; friend class cocos2d::CCNode; GeodeNodeMetadata() {} virtual ~GeodeNodeMetadata() { for (auto& [_, container] : m_classFieldContainers) { delete container; } } public: static GeodeNodeMetadata* set(CCNode* target) { if (!target) return nullptr; auto old = target->m_pUserObject; // faster than dynamic_cast, technically can // but extremely unlikely to fail if (old && old->getTag() == METADATA_TAG) { return static_cast(old); } auto meta = new GeodeNodeMetadata(); meta->autorelease(); meta->setTag(METADATA_TAG); // set user object target->m_pUserObject = meta; meta->retain(); if (old) { meta->m_userObjects.insert({ "", old }); // the old user object is now managed by Ref old->release(); } return meta; } FieldContainer* getFieldContainer() { return nullptr; } FieldContainer* getFieldContainer(char const* forClass) { if (!m_classFieldContainers.count(forClass)) { m_classFieldContainers[forClass] = new FieldContainer(); } return m_classFieldContainers[forClass]; } }; // proxy forwards #include struct ProxyCCNode : Modify { virtual CCObject* getUserObject() { if (auto asNode = typeinfo_cast(this)) { return asNode->getUserObject(""); } else { // apparently this function is the same as // CCDirector::getNextScene so yeah return m_pUserObject; } } virtual void setUserObject(CCObject* obj) { if (auto asNode = typeinfo_cast(this)) { asNode->setUserObject("", obj); } else { CC_SAFE_RELEASE(m_pUserObject); m_pUserObject = obj; CC_SAFE_RETAIN(m_pUserObject); } } }; static inline std::unordered_map s_nextIndex; size_t modifier::getFieldIndexForClass(char const* name) { return s_nextIndex[name]++; } // not const because might modify contents FieldContainer* CCNode::getFieldContainer() { return GeodeNodeMetadata::set(this)->getFieldContainer(); } FieldContainer* CCNode::getFieldContainer(char const* forClass) { return GeodeNodeMetadata::set(this)->getFieldContainer(forClass); } std::string CCNode::getID() { return GeodeNodeMetadata::set(this)->m_id; } void CCNode::setID(std::string const& id) { GeodeNodeMetadata::set(this)->m_id = id; } CCNode* CCNode::getChildByID(std::string const& id) { for (auto child : CCArrayExt(m_pChildren)) { if (child->getID() == id) { return child; } } return nullptr; } CCNode* CCNode::getChildByIDRecursive(std::string const& id) { if (auto child = this->getChildByID(id)) { return child; } for (auto child : CCArrayExt(m_pChildren)) { if ((child = child->getChildByIDRecursive(id))) { return child; } } return nullptr; } class BFSNodeTreeCrawler final { private: std::queue m_queue; std::unordered_set m_explored; public: BFSNodeTreeCrawler(CCNode* target) { if (auto first = getChild(target, 0)) { m_explored.insert(first); m_queue.push(first); } } CCNode* next() { if (m_queue.empty()) { return nullptr; } auto node = m_queue.front(); m_queue.pop(); for (auto sibling : CCArrayExt(node->getParent()->getChildren())) { if (!m_explored.contains(sibling)) { m_explored.insert(sibling); m_queue.push(sibling); } } for (auto child : CCArrayExt(node->getChildren())) { if (!m_explored.contains(child)) { m_explored.insert(child); m_queue.push(child); } } return node; } }; class NodeQuery final { private: enum class Op { ImmediateChild, DescendantChild, }; std::string m_targetID; Op m_nextOp; std::unique_ptr m_next = nullptr; public: static Result> parse(std::string const& query) { if (query.empty()) { return Err("Query may not be empty"); } auto result = std::make_unique(); NodeQuery* current = result.get(); size_t i = 0; std::string collectedID; std::optional nextOp = Op::DescendantChild; while (i < query.size()) { auto c = query.at(i); if (c == ' ') { if (!nextOp) { nextOp.emplace(Op::DescendantChild); } } else if (c == '>') { if (!nextOp || *nextOp == Op::DescendantChild) { nextOp.emplace(Op::ImmediateChild); } // Double >> is syntax error else { return Err("Can't have multiple child operators at once (index {})", i); } } // ID-valid characters else if (std::isalnum(c) || c == '-' || c == '_' || c == '/' || c == '.') { if (nextOp) { current->m_next = std::make_unique(); current->m_nextOp = *nextOp; current->m_targetID = collectedID; current = current->m_next.get(); collectedID = ""; nextOp = std::nullopt; } collectedID.push_back(c); } // Any other character is syntax error due to needing to reserve // stuff for possible future features else { return Err("Unexpected character '{}' at index {}", c, i); } i += 1; } if (nextOp || collectedID.empty()) { return Err("Expected node ID but got end of query"); } current->m_targetID = collectedID; return Ok(std::move(result)); } CCNode* match(CCNode* node) const { // Make sure this matches the ID being looked for if (!m_targetID.empty() && node->getID() != m_targetID) { return nullptr; } // If this is the last thing to match, return the result if (!m_next) { return node; } switch (m_nextOp) { case Op::ImmediateChild: { for (auto c : CCArrayExt(node->getChildren())) { if (auto r = m_next->match(c)) { return r; } } } break; case Op::DescendantChild: { auto crawler = BFSNodeTreeCrawler(node); while (auto c = crawler.next()) { if (auto r = m_next->match(c)) { return r; } } } break; } return nullptr; } std::string toString() const { auto str = m_targetID.empty() ? "&" : m_targetID; if (m_next) { switch (m_nextOp) { case Op::ImmediateChild: str += " > "; break; case Op::DescendantChild: str += " "; break; } str += m_next->toString(); } return str; } }; CCNode* CCNode::querySelector(std::string const& queryStr) { auto res = NodeQuery::parse(queryStr); if (!res) { log::error("Invalid CCNode::querySelector query '{}': {}", queryStr, res.unwrapErr()); return nullptr; } auto query = std::move(res.unwrap()); log::info("parsed query: {}", query->toString()); return query->match(this); } void CCNode::removeChildByID(std::string const& id) { if (auto child = this->getChildByID(id)) { this->removeChild(child); } } void CCNode::setLayout(Layout* layout, bool apply, bool respectAnchor) { if (respectAnchor && this->isIgnoreAnchorPointForPosition()) { for (auto child : CCArrayExt(m_pChildren)) { child->setPosition(child->getPosition() + this->getScaledContentSize()); } this->ignoreAnchorPointForPosition(false); } GeodeNodeMetadata::set(this)->m_layout = layout; if (apply) { this->updateLayout(); } } Layout* CCNode::getLayout() { return GeodeNodeMetadata::set(this)->m_layout.data(); } void CCNode::setLayoutOptions(LayoutOptions* options, bool apply) { GeodeNodeMetadata::set(this)->m_layoutOptions = options; if (apply && m_pParent) { m_pParent->updateLayout(); } } LayoutOptions* CCNode::getLayoutOptions() { return GeodeNodeMetadata::set(this)->m_layoutOptions.data(); } void CCNode::updateLayout(bool updateChildOrder) { if (updateChildOrder) { this->sortAllChildren(); } if (auto layout = GeodeNodeMetadata::set(this)->m_layout.data()) { layout->apply(this); } } UserObjectSetEvent::UserObjectSetEvent(CCNode* node, std::string const& id, CCObject* value) : node(node), id(id), value(value) {} ListenerResult AttributeSetFilter::handle(MiniFunction fn, UserObjectSetEvent* event) { if (event->id == m_targetID) { fn(event); } return ListenerResult::Propagate; } AttributeSetFilter::AttributeSetFilter(std::string const& id) : m_targetID(id) {} void CCNode::setUserObject(std::string const& id, CCObject* value) { auto meta = GeodeNodeMetadata::set(this); if (value) { meta->m_userObjects[id] = value; } else { meta->m_userObjects.erase(id); } UserObjectSetEvent(this, id, value).post(); } CCObject* CCNode::getUserObject(std::string const& id) { auto meta = GeodeNodeMetadata::set(this); if (meta->m_userObjects.count(id)) { return meta->m_userObjects.at(id); } return nullptr; } void CCNode::addEventListenerInternal(std::string const& id, EventListenerProtocol* listener) { auto meta = GeodeNodeMetadata::set(this); if (id.size()) { if (meta->m_idEventListeners.contains(id)) { meta->m_idEventListeners.at(id).reset(listener); } else { meta->m_idEventListeners.emplace(id, listener); } } else { std::erase_if(meta->m_eventListeners, [=](auto& l) { return l.get() == listener; }); meta->m_eventListeners.emplace(listener); } } void CCNode::removeEventListener(EventListenerProtocol* listener) { auto meta = GeodeNodeMetadata::set(this); std::erase_if(meta->m_eventListeners, [=](auto& l) { return l.get() == listener; }); std::erase_if(meta->m_idEventListeners, [=](auto& l) { return l.second.get() == listener; }); } void CCNode::removeEventListener(std::string const& id) { GeodeNodeMetadata::set(this)->m_idEventListeners.erase(id); } EventListenerProtocol* CCNode::getEventListener(std::string const& id) { auto meta = GeodeNodeMetadata::set(this); if (meta->m_idEventListeners.contains(id)) { return meta->m_idEventListeners.at(id).get(); } return nullptr; } size_t CCNode::getEventListenerCount() { return GeodeNodeMetadata::set(this)->m_idEventListeners.size() + GeodeNodeMetadata::set(this)->m_eventListeners.size(); } void CCNode::addChildAtPosition(CCNode* child, Anchor anchor, CCPoint const& offset, bool useAnchorLayout) { return this->addChildAtPosition(child, anchor, offset, child->getAnchorPoint(), useAnchorLayout); } void CCNode::addChildAtPosition(CCNode* child, Anchor anchor, CCPoint const& offset, CCPoint const& nodeAnchor, bool useAnchorLayout) { auto layout = this->getLayout(); if (!layout && useAnchorLayout) { this->setLayout(AnchorLayout::create()); } // Set the position child->setPosition(AnchorLayout::getAnchoredPosition(this, anchor, offset)); child->setAnchorPoint(nodeAnchor); // Set dynamic positioning if (useAnchorLayout) { child->setLayoutOptions(AnchorLayoutOptions::create()->setAnchor(anchor)->setOffset(offset)); } this->addChild(child); } void CCNode::updateAnchoredPosition(Anchor anchor, CCPoint const& offset) { return this->updateAnchoredPosition(anchor, offset, this->getAnchorPoint()); } void CCNode::updateAnchoredPosition(Anchor anchor, CCPoint const& offset, CCPoint const& nodeAnchor) { // Always require a parent if (!m_pParent) { return; } // Set the position this->setPosition(AnchorLayout::getAnchoredPosition(m_pParent, anchor, offset)); this->setAnchorPoint(nodeAnchor); // Update dynamic positioning if (auto opts = typeinfo_cast(this->getLayoutOptions())) { opts->setAnchor(anchor); opts->setOffset(offset); } } #ifdef GEODE_EXPORTING void CCNode::setAttribute(std::string const& attr, matjson::Value const& value) {} std::optional CCNode::getAttributeInternal(std::string const& attr) { return std::nullopt; } #endif #pragma warning(pop)