#include #include #define XINPUT_PATH "\\\\.\\GLOBALROOT\\SystemRoot\\System32\\XInput1_4.dll" // https://github.com/mrexodia/perfect-dll-proxy #define PROXY_EXPORT(sym) \ "/export:" #sym "=" XINPUT_PATH "." #sym #pragma comment(linker, PROXY_EXPORT(XInputSetState)) #pragma comment(linker, PROXY_EXPORT(XInputGetCapabilities)) #pragma comment(linker, PROXY_EXPORT(XInputEnable)) #pragma comment(linker, PROXY_EXPORT(XInputGetBatteryInformation)) #pragma comment(linker, PROXY_EXPORT(XInputGetKeystroke)) #pragma comment(linker, PROXY_EXPORT(XInputGetAudioDeviceIds)) struct XINPUT_STATE; // libcocos2d.dll requires for this function to have ordinal 2. #pragma comment(linker, "/export:XInputGetState,@2") extern "C" DWORD XInputGetState(DWORD dwUserIndex, XINPUT_STATE *pState) { auto xinput = GetModuleHandleA(XINPUT_PATH); if (!xinput) xinput = LoadLibraryA(XINPUT_PATH); if (xinput) { auto fp = GetProcAddress(xinput, "XInputGetState"); if (fp) { using FPType = decltype(&XInputGetState); return reinterpret_cast(fp)(dwUserIndex, pState); } } return ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED; } static std::wstring getErrorString() { return L"Could not load Geode. Error code: " + std::to_wstring(GetLastError()); } __declspec(dllexport) BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE module, DWORD reason, LPVOID _) { if (reason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) { DisableThreadLibraryCalls(module); // This is UB. if (LoadLibraryW(L"Geode.dll") == NULL) MessageBoxW(NULL, getErrorString().c_str(), L"Load failed" , MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING); } return TRUE; }