#pragma once struct TodoReturnPlaceholder; #ifdef GEODE_REVERT_TODO_RETURN using TodoReturn = void; #warning "Reverting TodoReturn to void. This behavior is deprecated and will be removed in a later update." #else #define GEODE_REVERT_TODO_RETURN 0 using TodoReturn = TodoReturnPlaceholder; #endif // thanks pie enum class SearchType { Search = 0, Downloaded = 1, MostLiked = 2, Trending = 3, Recent = 4, UsersLevels = 5, Featured = 6, Magic = 7, Sends = 8, MapPack = 9, MapPackOnClick = 10, Awarded = 11, Followed = 12, Friends = 13, Users = 14, LikedGDW = 15, HallOfFame = 16, FeaturedGDW = 17, Similar = 18, Type19 = 19, TopListsUnused = 20, DailySafe = 21, WeeklySafe = 22, EventSafe = 23, Reported = 24, LevelListsOnClick = 25, Type26 = 26, Sent = 27, MyLevels = 98, SavedLevels = 99, FavouriteLevels = 100, SmartTemplates = 101, MyLists = 102, FavouriteLists = 103 }; enum class GameObjectType { Solid = 0, Hazard = 2, InverseGravityPortal = 3, NormalGravityPortal = 4, ShipPortal = 5, CubePortal = 6, Decoration = 7, YellowJumpPad = 8, PinkJumpPad = 9, GravityPad = 10, YellowJumpRing = 11, PinkJumpRing = 12, GravityRing = 13, InverseMirrorPortal = 14, NormalMirrorPortal = 15, BallPortal = 16, RegularSizePortal = 17, MiniSizePortal = 18, UfoPortal = 19, Modifier = 20, Breakable = 21, SecretCoin = 22, DualPortal = 23, SoloPortal = 24, Slope = 25, WavePortal = 26, RobotPortal = 27, TeleportPortal = 28, GreenRing = 29, Collectible = 30, UserCoin = 31, DropRing = 32, SpiderPortal = 33, RedJumpPad = 34, RedJumpRing = 35, CustomRing = 36, DashRing = 37, GravityDashRing = 38, CollisionObject = 39, Special = 40, SwingPortal = 41, GravityTogglePortal = 42, SpiderOrb = 43, SpiderPad = 44, TeleportOrb = 46, AnimatedHazard = 47, }; enum class GJGameEvent { None = 0, TinyLanding = 1, FeatherLanding = 2, SoftLanding = 3, NormalLanding = 4, HardLanding = 5, HitHead = 6, OrbTouched = 7, OrbActivated = 8, PadActivated = 9, GravityInverted = 10, GravityRestored = 11, NormalJump = 12, RobotBoostStart = 13, RobotBoostStop = 14, UFOJump = 15, ShipBoostStart = 16, ShipBoostEnd = 17, SpiderTeleport = 18, BallSwitch = 19, SwingSwitch = 20, WavePush = 21, WaveRelease = 22, DashStart = 23, DashStop = 24, Teleported = 25, PortalNormal = 26, PortalShip = 27, PortalBall = 28, PortalUFO = 29, PortalWave = 30, PortalRobot = 31, PortalSpider = 32, PortalSwing = 33, YellowOrb = 34, PinkOrb = 35, RedOrb = 36, GravityOrb = 37, GreenOrb = 38, DropOrb = 39, CustomOrb = 40, DashOrb = 41, GravityDashOrb = 42, SpiderOrb = 43, TeleportOrb = 44, YellowPad = 45, PinkPad = 46, RedPad = 47, GravityPad = 48, SpiderPad = 49, PortalGravityFlip = 50, PortalGravityNormal = 51, PortalGravityInvert = 52, PortalFlip = 53, PortalUnFlip = 54, PortalNormalScale = 55, PortalMiniScale = 56, PortalDualOn = 57, PortalDualOff = 58, PortalTeleport = 59, Checkpoint = 60, DestroyBlock = 61, UserCoin = 62, PickupItem = 63, CheckpointRespawn = 64, FallLow = 65, FallMed = 66, FallHigh = 67, FallVHigh = 68, JumpPush = 69, JumpRelease = 70, LeftPush = 71, LeftRelease = 72, RightPush = 73, RightRelease = 74, PlayerReversed = 75, FallSpeedLow = 76, FallSpeedMed = 77, FallSpeedHigh = 78 }; enum class PulseEffectType { }; enum class TouchTriggerType { }; enum class PlayerButton { Jump = 1, Left = 2, Right = 3, }; enum class GhostType { }; enum class TableViewCellEditingStyle { }; enum class UserListType { Friends = 0, Blocked = 1, }; enum class GJErrorCode { }; enum class AccountError { }; enum class GJSongError { }; enum class LikeItemType { Unknown = 0, Level = 1, Comment = 2, AccountComment = 3, LevelList = 4 }; enum class CommentError { }; enum class BackupAccountError { }; enum class GJMusicAction {}; enum class CellAction {}; enum class GJActionCommand {}; enum class DifficultyIconType {}; enum class GauntletType {}; enum class GJMPErrorCode {}; enum class GJTimedLevelType { Daily = 0, Weekly = 1, Event = 2 }; enum class SongSelectType {}; enum class AudioTargetType {}; enum class FMODReverbPreset {}; enum class DemonDifficultyType {}; enum class PlayerCollisionDirection {}; enum class ChestSpriteState {}; enum class FormatterType {}; enum class AudioModType {}; enum class FMODQueuedMusic {}; enum class GJAreaActionType {}; enum class SFXTriggerState {}; enum class SongTriggerState {}; enum class GJSmartDirection {}; enum class SmartBlockType {}; enum class TouchTriggerControl {}; enum class SmartPrefabResult {}; enum class AudioSortType {}; enum class spriteMode {}; enum class GJAssetType {}; enum class CommentKeyType { Level = 0, User = 1, LevelList = 2 }; enum class LevelLeaderboardMode { Time = 0, Points = 1 }; enum class StatKey {}; enum class TextStyleType {}; enum class InputValueType {}; enum class GJInputStyle {}; enum class GJDifficultyName {}; enum class GJFeatureState {}; enum class GJKeyGroup {}; enum class GJKeyCommand {}; enum class SelectSettingType {}; enum class gjParticleValue {}; enum class ColorSelectType {}; enum class AudioGuidelinesType {}; enum class SmartBrowseFilter {}; enum class GJUITouchEvent {}; enum class ObjectScaleType {}; enum class SavedActiveObjectState {}; enum class SavedSpecialObjectState {}; enum class SavedObjectStateRef {}; // Thanks cocoa! #ifdef GEODE_IS_MACOS #undef CommentType #endif enum class CommentType { Level = 0, Account = 1, }; enum class BoomListType { Default = 0x0, User = 0x2, Stats = 0x3, Achievement = 0x4, Level = 0x5, Level2 = 0x6, Comment = 0x7, Comment2 = 0x8, Comment3 = 0x9, Song = 0xc, Score = 0xd, MapPack = 0xe, CustomSong = 0xf, Comment4 = 0x10, User2 = 0x11, Request = 0x12, Message = 0x13, LevelScore = 0x14, Artist = 0x15, SmartTemplate = 0x16, SFX = 0x17, SFX2 = 0x18, CustomMusic = 0x19, Options = 0x1a, LevelList = 0x1b, Level3 = 0x1c, LevelList2 = 0x1d, LevelList3 = 0x1e, Level4 = 0x1f, LocalLevelScore = 0x21, URL = 0x22, }; enum class CurrencySpriteType { // todo }; enum class CurrencyRewardType { // todo }; enum class MenuAnimationType { Scale = 0, Move = 1, }; enum class ShopType { Normal, Secret, Community }; // Geode Addition enum class ZLayer { B4 = -3, B3 = -1, B2 = 1, B1 = 3, Default = 0, T1 = 5, T2 = 7, T3 = 9, }; enum class UpdateResponse { Unknown, UpToDate, GameVerOutOfDate, UpdateSuccess, }; enum class UnlockType { Cube = 0x1, Col1 = 0x2, Col2 = 0x3, Ship = 0x4, Ball = 0x5, Bird = 0x6, Dart = 0x7, Robot = 0x8, Spider = 0x9, Streak = 0xA, Death = 0xB, GJItem = 0xC, Swing = 0xD, Jetpack = 0xE, ShipFire = 0xF }; enum class SpecialRewardItem { FireShard = 0x1, IceShard = 0x2, PoisonShard = 0x3, ShadowShard = 0x4, LavaShard = 0x5, BonusKey = 0x6, Orbs = 0x7, Diamonds = 0x8, CustomItem = 0x9, EarthShard = 0xA, BloodShard = 0xB, MetalShard = 0xC, LightShard = 0xD, SoulShard = 0xE }; enum class EditCommand { SmallLeft = 1, SmallRight = 2, SmallUp = 3, SmallDown = 4, Left = 5, Right = 6, Up = 7, Down = 8, BigLeft = 9, BigRight = 10, BigUp = 11, BigDown = 12, TinyLeft = 13, TinyRight = 14, TinyUp = 15, TinyDown = 16, HalfLeft = 17, HalfRight = 18, HalfUp = 19, HalfDown = 20, FlipX = 21, FlipY = 22, RotateCW = 23, RotateCCW = 24, RotateCW45 = 25, RotateCCW45 = 26, RotateFree = 27, RotateSnap = 28, Scale = 29, ScaleXY = 30, Skew = 31 }; // Geode Addition enum class PlaybackMode { Not = 0, Playing = 1, Paused = 2, }; enum class SelectArtType { Background = 0, Ground = 1, }; enum class UndoCommand { Delete = 1, New = 2, Paste = 3, DeleteMulti = 4, Transform = 5, Select = 6, }; enum class EasingType { None = 0, EaseInOut = 1, EaseIn = 2, EaseOut = 3, ElasticInOut = 4, ElasticIn = 5, ElasticOut = 6, BounceInOut = 7, BounceIn = 8, BounceOut = 9, ExponentialInOut = 10, ExponentialIn = 11, ExponentialOut = 12, SineInOut = 13, SineIn = 14, SineOut = 15, BackInOut = 16, BackIn = 17, BackOut = 18, }; enum class GJDifficulty { Auto = 0, Easy = 1, Normal = 2, Hard = 3, Harder = 4, Insane = 5, Demon = 6, DemonEasy = 7, DemonMedium = 8, DemonInsane = 9, DemonExtreme = 10 }; enum class GJLevelType { Local = 1, Editor = 2, Saved = 3 }; enum class GJRewardType { Unknown = 0x0, Small = 0x1, Large = 0x2, SmallTreasure = 0x3, LargeTreasure = 0x4, Key10Treasure = 0x5, Key25Treasure = 0x6, Key50Treasure = 0x7, Key100Treasure = 0x8 }; enum class IconType { Cube = 0, Ship = 1, Ball = 2, Ufo = 3, Wave = 4, Robot = 5, Spider = 6, Swing = 7, Jetpack = 8, DeathEffect = 98, Special = 99, ShipFire = 101, }; enum class GJChallengeType { Unknown = 0, Orbs = 1, UserCoins = 2, Stars = 3 }; enum class GJScoreType { Unknown = 0, Creator = 1 }; enum class LevelLeaderboardType { Friends = 0, Global = 1, Weekly = 2 }; enum class GJHttpType { }; enum class DialogChatPlacement { Center = 0, Top = 1, Bottom = 2, }; enum class DialogAnimationType { Instant = 0, FromCenter = 1, FromLeft = 2, FromRight = 3, FromTop = 4, // a 5th type is defined which acts exactly the same as FromTop }; // Geode Addition enum class ComparisonType { Equals = 0, Larger = 1, Smaller = 2, }; // Geode Addition enum class MoveTargetType { Both = 0, XOnly = 1, YOnly = 2, }; // Geode Addition enum class TouchToggleMode { Normal = 0, ToggleOn = 1, ToggleOff = 2, }; // Geode Addition enum class LeaderboardState { Default = 0, Top100 = 1, Global = 2, Creator = 3, Friends = 4, }; // Wylie Addition (https://github.com/Wyliemaster/GD-Decompiled/blob/main/GD/code/headers/Layers/LevelSettingsLayer.h) enum class Speed { Normal = 0, Slow = 1, Fast = 2, Faster = 3, Fastest = 4, };