#pragma once #include #include #include #include namespace geode { template class Popup : public FLAlertLayer { protected: cocos2d::CCSize m_size; cocos2d::extension::CCScale9Sprite* m_bgSprite; cocos2d::CCLabelBMFont* m_title = nullptr; CCMenuItemSpriteExtra* m_closeBtn; bool m_dynamic; ~Popup() override { cocos2d::CCTouchDispatcher::get()->unregisterForcePrio(this); } void registerWithTouchDispatcher() override { cocos2d::CCTouchDispatcher::get()->addTargetedDelegate(this, -500, true); } private: bool initBase( float width, float height, InitArgs... args, char const* bg, cocos2d::CCRect bgRect, bool dynamic ) { m_dynamic = dynamic; auto winSize = cocos2d::CCDirector::get()->getWinSize(); m_size = cocos2d::CCSize { width, height }; cocos2d::CCTouchDispatcher::get()->registerForcePrio(this, 2); if (!this->initWithColor({ 0, 0, 0, 105 })) return false; m_mainLayer = cocos2d::CCLayer::create(); this->addChild(m_mainLayer); m_bgSprite = cocos2d::extension::CCScale9Sprite::create(bg, bgRect); m_bgSprite->setContentSize(m_size); m_bgSprite->setPosition(winSize.width / 2, winSize.height / 2); m_mainLayer->addChild(m_bgSprite); m_buttonMenu = cocos2d::CCMenu::create(); m_buttonMenu->setZOrder(100); m_mainLayer->addChild(m_buttonMenu); if (dynamic) { m_mainLayer->ignoreAnchorPointForPosition(false); m_mainLayer->setPosition(winSize / 2); m_mainLayer->setContentSize(m_size); m_mainLayer->setLayout( cocos2d::CopySizeLayout::create() ->add(m_buttonMenu) ->add(m_bgSprite) ); } this->setTouchEnabled(true); auto closeSpr = cocos2d::CCSprite::createWithSpriteFrameName("GJ_closeBtn_001.png"); closeSpr->setScale(.8f); m_closeBtn = CCMenuItemSpriteExtra::create( closeSpr, this, (cocos2d::SEL_MenuHandler)(&Popup::onClose) ); if (dynamic) { m_buttonMenu->addChildAtPosition(m_closeBtn, cocos2d::Anchor::TopLeft, { 3.f, -3.f }); } else { m_closeBtn->setPosition(-m_size.width / 2 + 3.f, m_size.height / 2 - 3.f); m_buttonMenu->addChild(m_closeBtn); } if (!setup(std::forward(args)...)) { return false; } this->setKeypadEnabled(true); this->setTouchEnabled(true); return true; } protected: [[deprecated("Use Popup::initAnchored instead, as it has more reasonable menu and layer content sizes")]] bool init( float width, float height, InitArgs... args, char const* bg = "GJ_square01.png", cocos2d::CCRect bgRect = { 0, 0, 80, 80 } ) { return this->initBase(width, height, std::forward(args)..., bg, bgRect, false); } /** * Init with AnchorLayout and the content size of `m_buttonMenu` and * `m_bgSprite` being tied to the size of `m_mainLayer` (rather than * being the size of the window) */ bool initAnchored( float width, float height, InitArgs... args, char const* bg = "GJ_square01.png", cocos2d::CCRect bgRect = { 0, 0, 80, 80 } ) { return this->initBase(width, height, std::forward(args)..., bg, bgRect, true); } virtual bool setup(InitArgs... args) = 0; void keyDown(cocos2d::enumKeyCodes key) { if (key == cocos2d::enumKeyCodes::KEY_Escape) return this->onClose(nullptr); if (key == cocos2d::enumKeyCodes::KEY_Space) return; return FLAlertLayer::keyDown(key); } virtual void onClose(cocos2d::CCObject*) { this->setKeyboardEnabled(false); this->removeFromParentAndCleanup(true); } void setTitle( std::string const& title, const char* font = "goldFont.fnt", float scale = .7f, float offset = 20.f ) { if (m_title) { m_title->setString(title.c_str()); } else { m_title = cocos2d::CCLabelBMFont::create(title.c_str(), font); m_title->setZOrder(2); if (m_dynamic) { m_mainLayer->addChildAtPosition(m_title, cocos2d::Anchor::Top, ccp(0, -offset)); } else { auto winSize = cocos2d::CCDirector::get()->getWinSize(); m_title->setPosition(winSize / 2 + ccp(0, m_size.height / 2 - offset)); } } m_title->limitLabelWidth(m_size.width - 20.f, scale, .1f); } }; GEODE_DLL FLAlertLayer* createQuickPopup( char const* title, std::string const& content, char const* btn1, char const* btn2, utils::MiniFunction selected, bool doShow = true ); GEODE_DLL FLAlertLayer* createQuickPopup( char const* title, std::string const& content, char const* btn1, char const* btn2, float width, utils::MiniFunction selected, bool doShow = true ); GEODE_DLL FLAlertLayer* createQuickPopup( char const* title, std::string const& content, char const* btn1, char const* btn2, utils::MiniFunction selected, bool doShow, bool cancelledByEscape ); GEODE_DLL FLAlertLayer* createQuickPopup( char const* title, std::string const& content, char const* btn1, char const* btn2, float width, utils::MiniFunction selected, bool doShow, bool cancelledByEscape ); }