#include #include #include #include #include using namespace geode::prelude; struct CustomLoadingLayer : Modify { bool m_updatingResources; CustomLoadingLayer() : m_updatingResources(false) {} bool init(bool fromReload) { if (!fromReload) { Loader::get()->waitForModsToBeLoaded(); } CCFileUtils::get()->updatePaths(); if (!LoadingLayer::init(fromReload)) return false; if (!fromReload) { auto winSize = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getWinSize(); auto count = Loader::get()->getAllMods().size(); auto label = CCLabelBMFont::create( fmt::format("Geode: Loaded {} mods", count).c_str(), "goldFont.fnt" ); label->setPosition(winSize.width / 2, 30.f); label->setScale(.45f); label->setID("geode-loaded-info"); this->addChild(label); // fields have unpredictable destructors this->addChild(EventListenerNode::create( this, &CustomLoadingLayer::updateResourcesProgress )); // verify loader resources if (!LoaderImpl::get()->verifyLoaderResources()) { m_fields->m_updatingResources = true; this->setUpdateText("Downloading Resources"); } else { LoaderImpl::get()->updateSpecialFiles(); } } return true; } void setUpdateText(std::string const& text) { m_textArea->setString(text.c_str()); } void updateResourcesProgress(ResourceDownloadEvent* event) { std::visit(makeVisitor { [&](UpdateProgress const& progress) { this->setUpdateText(fmt::format( "Downloading Resources: {}%", progress.first )); }, [&](UpdateFinished) { this->setUpdateText("Resources Downloaded"); m_fields->m_updatingResources = false; this->loadAssets(); }, [&](UpdateFailed const& error) { LoaderImpl::get()->platformMessageBox( "Error updating resources", error + ".\n" "You will have to install resources manually by downloading resources.zip " "from the latest release on GitHub: " "https://github.com/geode-sdk/geode/releases/latest.\n" "The game will be loaded as normal, but please be aware " "that it is very likely to crash. " ); this->setUpdateText("Resource Download Failed"); m_fields->m_updatingResources = false; this->loadAssets(); } }, event->status); } void loadAssets() { if (m_fields->m_updatingResources) { return; } LoadingLayer::loadAssets(); } };