{ "geode": "@PROJECT_VERSION@@PROJECT_VERSION_SUFFIX@", "id": "geode.loader", "version": "@PROJECT_VERSION@@PROJECT_VERSION_SUFFIX@", "name": "Geode", "developer": "Geode Team", "description": "The Geode mod loader", "repository": "https://github.com/geode-sdk/geode", "resources": { "fonts": { "mdFont": { "path": "fonts/Ubuntu-Regular.ttf", "size": 80 }, "mdFontB": { "path": "fonts/Ubuntu-Bold.ttf", "size": 80 }, "mdFontI": { "path": "fonts/Ubuntu-Italic.ttf", "size": 80 }, "mdFontBI": { "path": "fonts/Ubuntu-BoldItalic.ttf", "size": 80 }, "mdFontMono": { "path": "fonts/UbuntuMono-Regular.ttf", "size": 80 } }, "sprites": [ "images/*.png" ], "files": [ "sounds/*.ogg" ], "spritesheets": { "LogoSheet": [ "logos/*.png" ], "APISheet": [ "*.png" ], "BlankSheet": [ "blanks/*.png" ] } }, "settings": { "show-platform-console": { "type": "bool", "default": false, "name": "Show Platform Console", "description": "Show the native console (if one exists). This setting is meant for developers" }, "auto-check-updates": { "type": "bool", "default": true, "name": "Check For Updates", "description": "Automatically check for updates to Geode on startup" }, "auto-update-mods": { "type": "bool", "default": true, "name": "Auto-Update Mods", "description": "Automatically update mods on startup" } }, "issues": { "info": "Post your issues on the Geode Github Repository. Please follow the standard issue format.", "url": "https://github.com/geode-sdk/geode/issues/new" } }