// Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey // Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/ #ifndef TAO_PEGTL_CONTRIB_JSON_HPP #define TAO_PEGTL_CONTRIB_JSON_HPP #include "../ascii.hpp" #include "../config.hpp" #include "../rules.hpp" #include "../utf8.hpp" namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::json { // JSON grammar according to RFC 8259 // clang-format off struct ws : one< ' ', '\t', '\n', '\r' > {}; template< typename R, typename P = ws > struct padr : seq< R, star< P > > {}; struct begin_array : padr< one< '[' > > {}; struct begin_object : padr< one< '{' > > {}; struct end_array : one< ']' > {}; struct end_object : one< '}' > {}; struct name_separator : pad< one< ':' >, ws > {}; struct value_separator : padr< one< ',' > > {}; struct false_ : string< 'f', 'a', 'l', 's', 'e' > {}; // NOLINT(readability-identifier-naming) struct null : string< 'n', 'u', 'l', 'l' > {}; struct true_ : string< 't', 'r', 'u', 'e' > {}; // NOLINT(readability-identifier-naming) struct digits : plus< digit > {}; struct exp : seq< one< 'e', 'E' >, opt< one< '-', '+'> >, digits > {}; struct frac : seq< one< '.' >, digits > {}; struct int_ : sor< one< '0' >, plus< digit > > {}; // NOLINT(readability-identifier-naming) struct number : seq< opt< one< '-' > >, int_, opt< frac >, opt< exp > > {}; struct xdigit : pegtl::xdigit {}; struct unicode : list< seq< one< 'u' >, rep< 4, xdigit > >, one< '\\' > > {}; struct escaped_char : one< '"', '\\', '/', 'b', 'f', 'n', 'r', 't' > {}; struct escaped : sor< escaped_char, unicode > {}; struct unescaped : utf8::range< 0x20, 0x10FFFF > {}; struct char_ : if_then_else< one< '\\' >, escaped, unescaped > {}; // NOLINT(readability-identifier-naming) struct string_content : until< at< one< '"' > >, char_ > {}; struct string : seq< one< '"' >, string_content, any > { using content = string_content; }; struct key_content : until< at< one< '"' > >, char_ > {}; struct key : seq< one< '"' >, key_content, any > { using content = key_content; }; struct value; struct array_element; struct next_array_element : seq< array_element > {}; struct array_content : opt< array_element, star< value_separator, next_array_element > > {}; struct array : seq< begin_array, array_content, end_array > { using begin = begin_array; using end = end_array; using element = array_element; using content = array_content; }; struct member_value : padr< value > {}; struct member : seq< key, name_separator, member_value > {}; struct next_member : seq< member > {}; struct object_content : opt< member, star< value_separator, next_member > > {}; struct object : seq< begin_object, object_content, end_object > { using begin = begin_object; using end = end_object; using element = member; using content = object_content; }; struct value : sor< string, number, object, array, false_, true_, null > {}; struct array_element : padr< value > {}; struct text : pad< value, ws > {}; // clang-format on } // namespace TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::json #endif