set(GEODE_CLI_MINIMUM_VERSION 1.0.5) # Find Geode CLI if (NOT DEFINED GEODE_CLI OR GEODE_CLI STREQUAL "GEODE_CLI-NOTFOUND") find_program(GEODE_CLI NAMES geode.exe geode-cli.exe geode geode-cli PATHS ${CLI_PATH}) endif() # Check if CLI was found if (GEODE_CLI STREQUAL "GEODE_CLI-NOTFOUND") message(WARNING "Unable to find Geode CLI") else() # `geode --version` returns `geode x.x.x\n` so gotta do some wacky shit execute_process( COMMAND ${GEODE_CLI} --version OUTPUT_VARIABLE GEODE_CLI_VERSION ) # Remove trailing newline string(STRIP ${GEODE_CLI_VERSION} GEODE_CLI_VERSION) # Remove program name string(REPLACE "geode " "" GEODE_CLI_VERSION ${GEODE_CLI_VERSION}) # Need at least v1.0.5 (--shut-up arg in geode package resources) if (${GEODE_CLI_VERSION} VERSION_LESS ${GEODE_CLI_MINIMUM_VERSION}) message(FATAL_ERROR "Found Geode CLI: ${GEODE_CLI}, however it is version ${GEODE_CLI_VERSION} " "while minimum required is version ${GEODE_CLI_MINIMUM_VERSION}. Please update: " "" ) endif() # Cache version so it's available to other functions set(GEODE_CLI_VERSION "${GEODE_CLI_VERSION}" CACHE INTERNAL "GEODE_CLI_VERSION") message(STATUS "Found Geode CLI: ${GEODE_CLI} (version ${GEODE_CLI_VERSION})") endif() # Clear cache of mods being built so mods from earlier # configures dont appear on the list set(GEODE_MODS_BEING_BUILT "" CACHE INTERNAL "GEODE_MODS_BEING_BUILT") # todo: add EXTERNAL argument that takes a list of external mod ids # current workaround is to manually append to GEODE_MODS_BEING_BUILT before # calling setup_geode_mod if the mod depends on external dependencies that # aren't being built function(setup_geode_mod proname) # Get DONT_INSTALL argument set(options DONT_INSTALL) set(multiValueArgs EXTERNALS) cmake_parse_arguments(SETUP_GEODE_MOD "${options}" "" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN}) # Link Geode to the mod target_link_libraries(${proname} geode-sdk) if (GEODE_DISABLE_CLI_CALLS) message("Skipping setting up geode mod ${proname}") return() endif() if(GEODE_CLI STREQUAL "GEODE_CLI-NOTFOUND") message(FATAL_ERROR "setup_geode_mod called, but Geode CLI was not found - " "Please install CLI:" ) return() endif() # what is this for configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/mod.json ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/what.txt) set_target_properties(${proname} PROPERTIES CMAKE_CONFIGURE_DEPENDS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/mod.json) message(STATUS "Setting up ${proname}") # Read mod.json file(READ "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/mod.json" MOD_JSON) string(JSON MOD_ID GET "${MOD_JSON}" "id") string(JSON MOD_VERSION GET "${MOD_JSON}" "version") string(JSON MOD_HAS_API ERROR_VARIABLE MOD_DOESNT_HAVE_API GET "${MOD_JSON}" "api") string(JSON MOD_HAS_DEPS ERROR_VARIABLE MOD_DOESNT_HAVE_DEPS GET "${MOD_JSON}" "dependencies") # Add this mod to the list of known externals mods list(APPEND GEODE_MODS_BEING_BUILT "${MOD_ID}:${MOD_VERSION}") # Ensure that the list of mods being built is global (persists between setup_geode_mod calls) set(GEODE_MODS_BEING_BUILT ${GEODE_MODS_BEING_BUILT} CACHE INTERNAL "GEODE_MODS_BEING_BUILT") # Add function arg externals to the list but don't cache that if (SETUP_GEODE_MOD_EXTERNALS) list(APPEND GEODE_MODS_BEING_BUILT ${SETUP_GEODE_MOD_EXTERNALS}) endif() # For CLI >=v2.4.0, there's an option to disable updating index because # Github Actions on Mac just returns 403 for no reason if (GEODE_DONT_UPDATE_INDEX AND (${GEODE_CLI_VERSION} VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL "2.4.0")) set(DONT_UPDATE_INDEX_ARG "--dont-update-index") else() set(DONT_UPDATE_INDEX_ARG "") endif() # Check dependencies using CLI if (${GEODE_CLI_VERSION} VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL "2.0.0") execute_process( COMMAND ${GEODE_CLI} project check ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} --externals ${GEODE_MODS_BEING_BUILT} ${DONT_UPDATE_INDEX_ARG} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ) elseif (${GEODE_CLI_VERSION} VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL "1.4.0") execute_process( COMMAND ${GEODE_CLI} package setup ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} --externals ${GEODE_MODS_BEING_BUILT} ) elseif (MOD_HAS_DEPS) message(FATAL_ERROR "CLI is version ${GEODE_CLI_VERSION}, but using dependencies " "requires at least 1.4.0 - please update your CLI" ) endif() # Check if --install should be passed if (SETUP_GEODE_MOD_DONT_INSTALL OR GEODE_DONT_INSTALL_MODS) message(STATUS "Skipping installing ${proname}") set(INSTALL_ARG "") else() set(INSTALL_ARG "--install") endif() # The lib binary should be passed only if some headers were provided if (MOD_HAS_API) message(STATUS "Including library & headers with ${proname}") set(HAS_HEADERS On) else() set(HAS_HEADERS Off) endif() # todo: figure out how to either not make cmake shit itself and print out --binary path/to/dll "" or # make cli not shit itself when it sees that if (HAS_HEADERS) add_custom_target(${proname}_PACKAGE ALL DEPENDS ${proname} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/mod.json COMMAND ${GEODE_CLI} package new ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} --binary $ $ --output ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${MOD_ID}.geode ${INSTALL_ARG} VERBATIM USES_TERMINAL ) else() add_custom_target(${proname}_PACKAGE ALL DEPENDS ${proname} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/mod.json COMMAND ${GEODE_CLI} package new ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} --binary $ --output ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${MOD_ID}.geode ${INSTALL_ARG} VERBATIM USES_TERMINAL ) endif() # Add dependency dir to include path if (EXISTS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/geode-deps") file(GLOB dirs ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/geode-deps/*) set(libs_to_link "") # Iterate dependency directories foreach(dir ${dirs}) if (IS_DIRECTORY ${dir}) # v1.4.1 fixes optional dependencies if (${GEODE_CLI_VERSION} VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL "1.4.1") # Read dep info file(READ "${dir}/geode-dep-options.json" DEP_JSON) string(JSON required GET "${DEP_JSON}" "required") # If this is not a required dependency, don't link it if (NOT ${required}) continue() endif() else() message(WARNING "You are using CLI v1.4.0, which has a bug with optional " "dependencies - update to v1.4.1 if you want to use " "optional dependencies!" ) endif() # Otherwise add all .libs or whatever the platform's library type is if (WIN32) file(GLOB libs ${dir}/*.lib) list(APPEND libs_to_link ${libs}) elseif (APPLE) file(GLOB libs ${dir}/*.dylib) list(APPEND libs_to_link ${libs}) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Library extension not defined on this platform") endif() endif() endforeach() # Link libs target_include_directories(${proname} PUBLIC "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/geode-deps") target_link_libraries(${proname} ${libs_to_link}) endif() # Add package target + make output name the mod id set_target_properties(${proname} PROPERTIES PREFIX "") set_target_properties(${proname} PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME ${MOD_ID}) endfunction() function(create_geode_file proname) # todo: deprecate at some point ig # message(DEPRECATION # "create_geode_file has been replaced with setup_geode_mod - " # "please replace the function call" # ) # forward all args setup_geode_mod(${proname} ${ARGN}) endfunction() function(package_geode_resources proname src dest) if (GEODE_DISABLE_CLI_CALLS) message("Skipping packaging resources from ${src} into ${dest}") return() endif() message(STATUS "Packaging resources from ${src} into ${dest}") if(GEODE_CLI STREQUAL "GEODE_CLI-NOTFOUND") message(WARNING "package_geode_resources called, but Geode CLI was " "not found - You will need to manually package the resources" ) else() add_custom_target(${proname}_PACKAGE ALL DEPENDS ${proname} COMMAND ${GEODE_CLI} package resources ${src} ${dest} VERBATIM USES_TERMINAL ) endif() endfunction() function(package_geode_resources_now proname src dest header_dest) if (GEODE_DISABLE_CLI_CALLS) message(WARNING "package_geode_resources_now called, but GEODE_DISABLE_CLI_CALLS is set to true - Faking output result in case you only wish to analyze the project statically, do not expect built project to function properly" ) set(HEADER_FILE "#include \n\n" "static const std::unordered_map " "LOADER_RESOURCE_HASHES {}\;\n" ) file(WRITE ${header_dest} ${HEADER_FILE}) message(STATUS "Wrote fake resource hashes to ${header_dest}") return() endif() if(GEODE_CLI STREQUAL "GEODE_CLI-NOTFOUND") message(FATAL_ERROR "package_geode_resources_now called, but Geode CLI " "was not found - Please install Geode CLI from " "" ) return() endif() message(STATUS "Packaging resources now from ${src} into ${dest}") execute_process( COMMAND ${GEODE_CLI} package resources ${src} ${dest} --shut-up RESULT_VARIABLE GEODE_PACKAGE_RES ) if (NOT GEODE_PACKAGE_RES EQUAL "0") message(FATAL_ERROR "Command \"${GEODE_CLI} package resources ${src} ${dest}\" returned " "${GEODE_PACKAGE_RES} - Expected 0" ) endif() file(GLOB RESOURCE_FILES "${dest}/*.*") set(HEADER_FILE "#include \n\n" "static const std::unordered_map " "LOADER_RESOURCE_HASHES {\n" # "#include \n\n" # "static const std::vector " # "LOADER_RESOURCE_FILES {\n" ) list(APPEND HASHED_EXTENSIONS ".png") list(APPEND HASHED_EXTENSIONS ".mp3") list(APPEND HASHED_EXTENSIONS ".ogg") list(APPEND HASHED_EXTENSIONS ".md") foreach(file ${RESOURCE_FILES}) cmake_path(GET file FILENAME FILE_NAME) get_filename_component(FILE_EXTENSION ${file} EXT) list(FIND HASHED_EXTENSIONS "${FILE_EXTENSION}" FILE_SHOULD_HASH) if (NOT FILE_NAME STREQUAL ".geode_cache" AND NOT FILE_SHOULD_HASH EQUAL -1) file(SHA256 ${file} COMPUTED_HASH) file(SIZE ${file} FILE_SIZE) message(STATUS "Hashed ${file} to ${COMPUTED_HASH} (${FILE_SIZE} bytes)") list(APPEND HEADER_FILE "\t{ \"${FILE_NAME}\", \"${COMPUTED_HASH}\" },\n") # list(APPEND HEADER_FILE "\t\"${FILE_NAME}\",\n") endif() endforeach() list(APPEND HEADER_FILE "}\;\n") file(WRITE ${header_dest} ${HEADER_FILE}) message(STATUS "Wrote resource hashes to ${header_dest}") endfunction()