From d33be521cbf4117fec45ba56a148f0dbb68b0c65 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: HJfod <>
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2024 17:36:28 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] add ListBorders UI class

 loader/include/Geode/ui/General.hpp | 27 +++++++++++
 loader/src/ui/nodes/General.cpp     | 74 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 101 insertions(+)

diff --git a/loader/include/Geode/ui/General.hpp b/loader/include/Geode/ui/General.hpp
index 3214e71b..e8b6acbc 100644
--- a/loader/include/Geode/ui/General.hpp
+++ b/loader/include/Geode/ui/General.hpp
@@ -38,10 +38,37 @@ namespace geode {
      * Add the rounded comment borders to a node
+     * @note Use the `ListBorders` class for increased control
     GEODE_DLL void addListBorders(
         cocos2d::CCNode* to,
         cocos2d::CCPoint const& center,
         cocos2d::CCSize const& size
+    class GEODE_DLL ListBorders : public cocos2d::CCNode {
+    protected:
+        cocos2d::extension::CCScale9Sprite* m_top = nullptr;
+        cocos2d::extension::CCScale9Sprite* m_bottom = nullptr;
+        cocos2d::CCSprite* m_left = nullptr;
+        cocos2d::CCSprite* m_right = nullptr;
+        float m_topPadding = 7.5f;
+        float m_bottomPadding = 7.5f;
+        bool init();
+    public:
+        static ListBorders* create();
+        void setSpriteFrames(const char* topAndBottom, const char* sides, float topPadding = 7.5f);
+        void setSprites(
+            cocos2d::extension::CCScale9Sprite* top,
+            cocos2d::extension::CCScale9Sprite* bottom,
+            cocos2d::CCSprite* left,
+            cocos2d::CCSprite* right,
+            float topPadding = 7.5f,
+            float bottomPadding = 7.5f
+        );
+        void setContentSize(cocos2d::CCSize const& size) override;
+    };
diff --git a/loader/src/ui/nodes/General.cpp b/loader/src/ui/nodes/General.cpp
index be47b48e..12d1888e 100644
--- a/loader/src/ui/nodes/General.cpp
+++ b/loader/src/ui/nodes/General.cpp
@@ -112,3 +112,77 @@ void geode::addListBorders(CCNode* to, CCPoint const& center, CCSize const& size
+bool ListBorders::init() {
+    if (!CCNode::init())
+        return false;
+    this->setAnchorPoint({ .5f, .5f });
+    this->setSpriteFrames("GJ_commentTop_001.png", "GJ_commentSide_001.png");
+    return true;
+ListBorders* ListBorders::create() {
+    auto ret = new ListBorders();
+    if (ret && ret->init()) {
+        ret->autorelease();
+        return ret;
+    }
+    CC_SAFE_DELETE(ret);
+    return nullptr;
+void ListBorders::setSpriteFrames(const char* topAndBottom, const char* side, float topPadding) {
+    this->setSprites(
+        CCScale9Sprite::createWithSpriteFrameName(topAndBottom, { 0, 0, 240, 10 }),
+        CCScale9Sprite::createWithSpriteFrameName(topAndBottom, { 0, 0, 240, 10 }),
+        CCSprite::createWithSpriteFrameName(side),
+        CCSprite::createWithSpriteFrameName(side),
+        topPadding,
+        topPadding
+    );
+    m_bottom->setScaleY(-1);
+    m_right->setFlipX(true);
+void ListBorders::setSprites(
+    CCScale9Sprite* top, CCScale9Sprite* bottom,
+    CCSprite* left, CCSprite* right,
+    float topPadding, float bottomPadding
+) {
+    if (m_top) m_top->removeFromParent();
+    if (m_bottom) m_bottom->removeFromParent();
+    if (m_left) m_left->removeFromParent();
+    if (m_right) m_right->removeFromParent();
+    m_top = top;
+    this->addChildAtPosition(m_top, Anchor::Top, ccp(0, -m_top->getScaledContentHeight() / 3));
+    m_bottom = bottom;
+    this->addChildAtPosition(m_bottom, Anchor::Bottom, ccp(0, m_bottom->getScaledContentHeight() / 3));
+    m_left = left;
+    this->addChildAtPosition(m_left, Anchor::Left, ccp(0, 0));
+    m_right = right;
+    this->addChildAtPosition(m_right, Anchor::Right, ccp(0, 0));
+    m_topPadding = topPadding;
+    m_bottomPadding = bottomPadding;
+    this->setContentSize(m_obContentSize);
+void ListBorders::setContentSize(CCSize const& size) {
+    CCNode::setContentSize(size);
+    m_top->setContentWidth(size.width + m_topPadding);
+    m_bottom->setContentWidth(size.width + m_bottomPadding);
+    m_left->setScaleY(
+        (size.height - m_top->getScaledContentHeight() - m_bottom->getScaledContentHeight()) / 
+        m_left->getScaledContentHeight()
+    );
+    m_right->setScaleY(
+        (size.height - m_top->getScaledContentHeight() - m_bottom->getScaledContentHeight()) / 
+        m_right->getScaledContentHeight()
+    );
+    this->updateLayout();