export default { terminalMode: 'blackTerminal_24bit', // Terminal mode. Most modern terminals support 24-bit color version_mc: '1.21.1', // Minecraft version to connect with defaultLang: 'en-US', // Default language colors: { // All colors the bot uses secondary: '#DD99FF', primary: '#EECCFF', tertiary: 'white', warning: '#FFAA33', error: '#FF6688', fatalError: '#BB3344' }, prefixes: [ // A list of prefixes the bot will respond to in-game 'ubotesm:', 'ubotdev:', 'es"', 'd"' ], servers: [ // Server list { host: 'kaboom.pw', // Server address port: 25565, // Server port. The default is 25565. options: { name: 'kaboom' // Server name in netmsg } }, { host: 'chipmunk.land', port: 25565, options: { name: 'chipmunk' } } ] }