import { createInterface, cursorTo, clearLine } from "node:readline" import { default as settings } from '../settings.json' with {type: "json"} import cmds from "../util/commands.js" import { bots } from "../index.js" import Command from '../util/Command.js' import parse2 from "../util/chatparse_console.js" import { userInfo } from "node:os" const consoleBotStub = { host: { host: "bot console ", port: 3 }, tellraw: (_unused, data) => console.log(parse2(data)) } const uuid = "4d616465-6c69-6e65-2075-7775203a3300" const user = userInfo().username // OS user the bot is running as const nick = "console" const rl = createInterface({ input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout, prompt: '\x1b[0m> ' }) rl.on('line', (l) => { try { if (cmds[l.split(' ')[0].toLowerCase()]) { if (cmds[l.split(' ')[0].toLowerCase()].consoleIndex) { const tmpcmd = l.split(' ') const index2 = tmpcmd.splice(1, 1)[0] if (index2 === '*') { for (let i = 0; i < index.bots.length; i++) { const cmd = new Command(uuid, user, nick, tmpcmd.join(' '), "console", "console", "console", "", bots[i], 2, {}) cmds[l.split(' ')[0].toLowerCase()].execute(cmd) } } else { const cmd = new Command(uuid, user, nick, tmpcmd.join(' '), "console", "console", "console", "", bots[+index2], 2, {}) cmds[l.split(' ')[0].toLowerCase()].execute(cmd) } } else { const cmd = new Command(uuid, user, nick, l, "console", "console", "console", "", consoleBotStub, 2, {}) cmds[l.split(' ')[0].toLowerCase()].execute(cmd) } } } catch (e) { console.log(e) } rl.prompt(false) }) rl.prompt() function consoleWrite (text) { cursorTo(process.stdout, 0) clearLine(process.stdout, 0) process.stdout.write(text + '\n') rl.prompt(true) } export default function load (b) { = (msg) => { consoleWrite(`[${}] [info] ${msg}`) } b.displayChat = (type, subtype, msg) => { if (settings.displaySubtypesToConsole) { consoleWrite(`[${}] [${type}] [${subtype}] ${msg}`) } else { consoleWrite(`[${}] [${type}] ${msg}`) } } }