'command.tpr.desc':'Teleport to a random location',
'command.validate.usage':' [args...]',
'command.validate.desc':'Check the hashing system',
'command.about.author':'%s - a Minecraft bot made by %s for Kaboom and clones',
'command.about.version':'Version %s',
'command.about.preRelease':"This is a development version - there may be errors, and features may be changed or removed at any time. Please report any errors to the bot's developer.",
'command.about.sourceCode':'Source code: %s',
'command.about.license':'This bot is free and open-source software and is available under the terms of the MIT license.',
'command.about.subcommands':"This command has subcommands to find out more about this bot - try running the commands \"servers\" for a list of Minecraft servers the bot is connected to, or \"serverinfo\" for technical specifications of the bot's server.",
'command.about.sourceCode.openInBrowser':'Click to open the source code link in your default browser',
'command.cloop.error.tooShort':'Command loops must have a rate above 20ms.',
'command.cloop.error.subcommand':'Unknown subcommand, please do %s',
'command.cloop.success.add':'Added command loop with command %s and rate %s',
'command.tpr.success':'Teleporting %s to %s, %s, %s',
'command.verify.success':'Successfully verified with permission level %s',
'command.error':'An error occured (check console for more info)',
'command.disallowed.perms.short':'You do not have permission to run this command.',
'command.disallowed.perms':'You do not have permission to run this command. If you do have permission, please make sure you put the command hash at the end, or ran the command through the hashing system of your client or proxy.',